Announcer: Now the next battle is... Under/over weight people! Sandei: Get out there, Tim! Tim: Heyy that's mean D: Midori: Well it's trueeeee. Tim: Fu- Makrosz: Nope! Midori: Pho Q! Tim: Why didn't you sensor hers? Makrosz: She didn't say the actual thing. Tim: *jumps onto stadium. It vibrates* Tim's opponent practically FLOATS down. Sam (skinny guy): Wahh I'm scared.. Tim: LOOOL I'm fighting that TWIG?? Sam: Wahh I have to fight Earth... Announcer: AND START!
Sam: *floats* Tim: GAS POWER! Sam: *dodges in midair* Lydia: What an epic back flip.. Tim: >:O Sam: Too slow. Tim: SUMO SLAM! Lillie: *munching Pocky* Wuhh... Sam: *kicks* Tim: Too weak. Sam: Wahh my foot....*cries* Tim: SUMO SLAM! Sam: Oww.. the hell was that for..? Tim: *punts* Sam: Ow... stupid butter legs.. Tim: WHAT? Sam: I can't believe it's not butter ^_^ Katie: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Emmi: ...So undignified.. Josh: Pwned. Next to Josh you see Akuma trying to crawl over Thomas. Lillie: >3>;; Joy: ......Lol Tim: FACKKKKKK YOUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sam: Ah, so fierce... Tim: *pokes~* Sam: *sent flying towards wall* Bouncers: O________O;;; Sam: *cries* Tim: So loud and annoying... YOU KNOW WHAT? I'M GONNA PWN Y- *covers ears* Audience: *covers ears* SO LOUD! Emmi: AGH! WHAT IS THIS DISGRACE?? Sherry: THAT'S THE NOISEMAKER! HE'S FLOATY, SKINNY, AND CRIES LOUDER THAN HELL!! Tim: *uses fluffiness to defend his ears* Thomas: Akuma, stop for a second. GOO TIM!!! Tim: GAS POWER! Sam: *sniff sniff* That again? *backflip* *Again, this part would be in slow motion if it were an anime Tim: *controls gas to be in front of his face* Sam: (eww that smells bad) :O Tim: *gas hits Sam* Sam: AGHHHHH!! YOU BULLY! IT SMELLS SO BAD AND IT HURTS!! *cries even louder* Katie: YOU IDIOT! Lillie: MAKE IT STOP! I WANNA WATCH MY ANIME! Emmi: AGH! STOP THIS DISGRACE! Prepre: I'M GOING TO THE RESTROOM!! Sandei: WHAAAAAT?!?!?! Prepre: I SAAAAAID.... I'M GOING TO THE FUCKING RESTROOM!!!!! Sandei: OKAYY!!! Tim: *uses gas power again* Sam: *still crying* *EXPLOSIONEXPLOSIONEXPLOSIONEXPLOSION* Joy: WADDA HELL? Justine: You can stop talking loud now. :3 Joy: Oh okay. :3 Announcer: Tim wins! Bouncers: Yay!! Justine: ANNOUNCER! CHANGE THE POINT AGAIN! BECAUSE I BEAT YOU! Announcer: =3= FINE! THE POINT IS NOW 6-0! GOOD LUCK TOMORROW, THE BOTH OF YOU! Midori: *eats rice ball* Thomas: Akuma, you can come on now. Lillie: >3> She was on you the whole time. Akuma: ^3^ Starz: Awkward...
Katie: Did you get stronger for Akuma? c: Thomas: e.e It wasn't for Ak- ahh ah..!!!! O.O Tim: What? *spots Akuma* Wow. Emmi: She looks more dignified than ever. Thomas: She changed back... Joy: Hot isn't it? Thomas: Yes. I mean. Yes. NO! Josh: Aha! Thomas: >.> Whatchu laughing at? Look at you! Sherry: .A. Emmi: Thomas! Thomas: ._. Sowwy....... Josh: >.< Announcer: Next battle will be.. swordsmen! Lydia: Get out there.. and pwn him.. and kill him.. and pwn him! Joy: Yeah, listen to Lydia! Ella: >:D Mikachu: Good luck. :3 Thomas: Sure... Announcer: And.. START!
Thomas: *stab* Donald (swordsman): So.. I heard you used to like Akuma. Thomas: Well.. yeah... I guess. Donald: SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND YOU BITCH! Thomas: O.O Donald: Yeah that's right! Gasp! Thomas: Shut up! Donald: YOU! *jab* Thomas: Oww.. fu- Makrosz: *has her own microphone* Nope! Tim: Why didn't you sensor the part when Donald called Thomas a bitch? Makrsoz: I couldn't find my microphone. Thomas: DAMN YOU! *stab* Donald: DAMN IT! THOMAS THE FU- Makrosz: NOPE! Donald: -KING TRAIN! Thomas: DAMN IT! DONALD THE FU- Makrosz: NOPE! Thomas: -KING DUCK! Donald: GRR! Thomas: GRR! Donald: *hit* Thomas: *dodge and hit* Donald: *block and hit* Thomas: *block* They fought like that for a little bit. Donald: *as they're fighting* How 'bout we make a deal? Whoever wins this fight gets Akuma. Thomas: DEAL! Bouncers: :O! WHAT? Emmi: Wait.. if that happens with Thomas.. won't he become a prince? Sherry: Tch. Prince of Hell. Emmi: What will happen when he becomes king? He'll be a higher rank than me... all because I don't have a prince yet. Midori: Eww I can't imagine Thomas becoming a prince or a king.. Lillie: YOU FINALLY TALK IN THE ENGRISHES!! Thomas: *sent flying at the wall* Donald: HA! BITCH! Sandei: Why didn't you sensor that? Makrosz: I have a sore throat. Starz: Okay then ^ ^;; Thomas: BITCH! THAT DIDN'T SCRATCH ME! Donald: BITCH! YOU'RE A BITCH! Thomas: BITCH! I'M GONNA KILL YOU, YOU BITCH! Kyra: I'm not used to it unsensored.. xD Donald: BITCH! AKUMA'S MINE! Thomas: BITCH! *jab* Donald: *sent flying at the wall* Thomas: HA! BITCH! Makrosz: Why didn't YOU sensor that? Sandei: I have a sore throat.. Starz: Uh.. ^^; Lillie: Anyone notice how repetitive this fight is? Donald: BITCH! THAT DIDN'T SCRATCH ME! Thomas: BITCH! YOU'RE A BITCH! Donald: BITCH! I'M GONNA KILL YOU, YOU BITCH! Kyra: It's so weird when it's unsensored. Thomas: BITCH! AKUMA'S MINE! Donald: BITCH! *jab* Thomas: BITCH! *hit* Donald: BITCH! *hit* Thomas: BITCH! *hit* Donald: BITCH! *hit* Josh: This seems like an RPG, where people call each other bitches and hit each other. Sad, sad.. Justine: I wouldn't be surprised if they were related in a way. Thomas: BITCH! *hit* Donald: BITCH! *hit* Thomas: BIIIIIITCH!! *sends him flying across the sky* Donald: BIiitchh!!! *throws sword at Thomas* Thomas: YEAH BITCH! I WON YOU BITCH! AKUMA'S MINE, BITCH! Announcer: Thomas wins! Noodles: *clap* Katie: My plan's working.. muahahaha.. Bouncers: 0.o What plan? Katie: mm Nothing c: Later on that day.. Akuma: Thomas! Katie: (yes!) Thomas: Umm.... yeah??? D: *blush* Akuma: Wanna be mine? Thomas: Umm... Akuma: Pleeeeeeeeeeaseee I dumped Donald just for you! D: Thomas: D: Fine fine... Akuma: Yay!! Emmi: Oh no! Thomas is a prince! Katie: Aha! Joy: =______________________________= The heck...