In a faraway land named Ameba Pico, 5 friends were chatting about who ever would know what....until a disaster happened....
It all started while hanging out in the Okuu Hallway. All was peaceful and quiet while waiting for the Edo Lord to come out and walk the hallway. But, when the Edo Lord came out, monsterus "picos" stood up and cried out "PROPS PLZ"
The 5 friends sat there in shock, watching as the dreaded picos screamed in everyone's faces just for "props". Lillie stood up bravely, and opened her mouth to yell "Sit down!", but no sound came out. Why? Because just as she was about to yell, a big explosion came.
Scared, Lillie sat back down and curled up into a ball. Princess Emmi bravely used her magic wand to mute all the evil picos.
" I have silenced you! If you happen to break through the silence, I SHALL KEEL YOU." she said.
Joshie and Justine laughed at that. But this was no laughing matter. The picos broke free instantly from the spell and continued screaming "PROPS"
Sherry, who was getting really p***ed, ran around screaming "RAWR SIT DOWN"
Most of the evil picos got scared and either poofed or sat down. Sherry proudly sat down, with a huge grin on her face. But now we needed to deal with the most horrid, evil, noob picos ever known to Ameba Pico.
Lillie pulled out her sythe. Princess had sat on her other weapon, the Hibiscus flower. With no other choice in mind, Lillie bounced back and forth down the hallway with sythe in hand, screaming "BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE" , and thus scareing all but one pico.
Justine decided to use her cat powers on the remaining pico, and Joshie used RenKan moves on it.....but only taking off 2HP from it. Sherry bounced on it, Princess hit it with her wand, and Lillie poked it with her sythe....HARD.
They was a sucessful groupie, defeating the horrid and evil pico. Just as they were about to explosion came again....the Edo Lord....was acctually a clone!
Find out what happens in the next episode of "Beelzebub Attacks!" Story 2
Hehehe please leave a comment of how my story was down in the comment section below.
(And also if i should continue it ^^)
You shoulda continued it :c
kool continue plz.....