Wednesday, July 6, 2011

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 0

Princess Emmi (she'll be called Emmi in the stories)
Okie story starts now :3
One (normal) day in the castle of Bubble Bouncers...
Lillie: Sissy!! Buy me more pudding!
Emmi: But sis.. you already owe me $10 worth of packs of pudding >_<;
Lillie: Idc I need pudding D:<
Emmi: Alright, alright, but you'll owe me $11 worth of pudding k?
Lillie: T~T
Thomas: I'm bored o.o
Tim: *farts*
Emmi: Who farted?!? >.>;
Thomas and Lillie: *points at Tim*
Tim: >.>; 
Emmi: -.-; That's considered a disrespectful habit, especially if it's smelly and loud. ._.
Tim: Yeah yeah whatever -.-
Lillie: Tim owes me pudding now! $20 worth of pudding for farting 20 times today!!
Thomas: Lillie, you just want pudding xD
Lillie: But he really did fart 20 times today! I kept count!!
Sherry: Farting is natural o.o;
Emmi: It still smells though.
Sherry: Yeah, guess you're right Princess ^-^ Always positive and making sense.
Tim: Actually that was kinda negative. >:|
Josh: Poor Tim.
Lillie: Ima go watch anime now. 
Josh: Okay ^-^
Tim: *farts*
Emmi: *sigh*
Lillie: That's $21 worth of pudding!

                                                                             To be continued....

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