Wednesday, July 6, 2011

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 4 - The Case of the Missing Pudding part 3; The Bouncers' First Battle

Both sides were getting ready. This would be a tough battle.
Sherry: Are you guys sure about this? T~T I'm kinda scared ^-^;
Lillie: I just want my pudding....
Emmi: We have to do this for Lillie's sake. We either win or lose...
Justine: I forgot to tell you guys I have healing powers ^-^
Josh: You have what??
Justine: Healing powers :D
Thomas: OMG Awesome!!
Old man: You suckers ready?
Tim: Yeah!!! *FART*
Thomas: That's a good sign.. kinda... >.<
Old man: Let's do dis! Now transform!!
Then all the Bouncers transformed.
Sherry: Emmi~ You look cute ^-^
Emmi: Ty x3
Old man: Fashion doesn't matter. The pudding matters right now!!
Justine: *shivers*
Josh: Alright charge~
Thomas: *tries to hit old man with sword but misses*
Thomas: Crap!
Lillie: Oh noes! You missed!!
Emmi: *takes out magical pink wand* I shall attack you with pink hearts!
Lillie: Yay! Go sissy!
Old man: That barely scratched me.
Thomas: e.e Don't offend princess! *tries many times to attack the old man*
Josh: Thomas, no! We need a plan!
Tim: Time out or I fart in your face, old man!
Old man: No!
Old man: *holds nose* Fine...
Sherry: x.x;
Lillie: Hmm... let's all just attack at once.
Justine: Alright, you guys go ahead but I'm a healer so I can't fight ^^; Sorry~
Thomas: That's okay, at least you can heal.
Josh: Alright, time in!
Old man: You guys have 5 minutes to defeat me or else.. I'll unleash my ultimate power...
                                                            Well this post turned out longer than expected ^-^; To be continued...

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