Thomas: Hey Tim :D
Tim: ?
Thomas: Want to play a prank on Emmi as payback for all the things she did to us?
Tim: Yeah >:D But what's the prank?
Thomas: I saw something on an anime named Clannad or Clannad After Story that the Akuma before this one was watching.
Tim: What'd they do?
Thomas: They put a fake love letter in her shoe locker, but in our case a locker. It said to meet somewhere, but in each place it would say to go somewhere else, and it went on like that.
Tim: Ooh we should do that :D
Thomas: -writes letter- There :3
Tim: Tomorrow, we put it in her locker >:D
Thomas: Yes, yes, very true.
Lillie: -watching anime, and the plot that's happening right now is somehow happening in the anime-You guys will get in trouble o3o;
Thomas: That's true... so we have to be extra careful.
Tim: Yeah. Thanks Lillie, for all the advice you gave us.
Lillie: Huh?
The next day at school...
Emmi: -opens locker- -sees letter-
Emmi: -opens letter- Eh, it's in Thomas's writing. But... he's already with Akuma... yeah... it's a trick. -tosses in trash like a boss... well she is one so... UGH IDK keep reading xD-
Emmi: I knew I shouldn't have trusted them with my locker combination even if all the other bouncers exchanged locker combinations...
Thomas: Tim. Let's try again tomorrow.
Tim: This time I'm writing it. -writes letter- Actually when she walks away let's put it in.
Thomas: Alright.
Emmi: -walks away-
All the other students bow to the bouncers, saying: Good morning sir!/good morning ma'am! Except to the princesses they say...
Good Morning Princess!
Tim: -puts letter in- Let's get to class now.
Thomas: Alright.
First period. Math.
Teacher: Today we have a math quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -passes quizzes out like a boss-
Midori: I have a feeling everyone will pass because Lillie's clone actually helped Thomas study.
Thomas: Yes, yes that's true. I WILL PASS MY FIRST TEST!!!!! HUZZAH!
Thomas: D: Meanies.
Joy: Shut the hell up xD
Teacher: AND BEGIN!
Emmi: Done!
Other students murmured "As expected.."
Teacher: -collects Emmi's test-
After math period...
Teacher: Bye bye! Hope you all passed!
Emmi: -checks locker once again- Another one? -opens-
Emmi: It's in Tim's writing... but he wouldn't cheat on Elora since she's his first girl... meh... it's a trick. -tosses in trash barrel once again like a boss-
Thomas: She's a tough one...
Tim: We should get someone else to write it.
Thomas: Lillie?
Tim: Ew no Lillie wouldn't incest with Emmi o.0 I can't imagine that.
Thomas: Damn... she goes with everything...
Tim: Josh?
Thomas: Don't you remember he's taken by Sherry?
Tim: Oh yeah.... OH I KNOW!
Thomas: What?
Tim: We should TYPE IT!
They went down to the computer room and quickly typed out their letter.
Tim: -sneaks it in Emmi's locker- After history class we hide and wait.
Thomas: Let's go.
Ew history/Social Studies/World Studies/whatever you wanna call it. EW I actually hate this subject in real life.
Emmi: T_T
Midori: たわごとの作品...
Lillie: You got that right...
Midori: I'm only good with the geography part.
Sherry: Come on guys... you'll live...
Teacher: AHEM! When did the Revolutionary War happen?
Emmi: Um... didn't we learn this in like... 5th grade?
Thomas: Yeah even I know when!
Teacher: SILENCE!
Emmi: -answers question because I don't feel like researching even though I forgot-
Teacher: Good... good...
After class...
Emmi: -goes to locker- -opens letter-
Emmi: Eh, it's typed. A real love letter should be written.
Tim: Damn... let's just use a computer generator to combine our writings.
Thomas: Alright.
So they do that.
Tim: Wow... sexy times two.
Thomas: I know right? -puts letter in- She should get taken this time!
English class.
Makrosz: Uwa~ ;w;
Mikachu: Pie...
Noodles: ^ ^; You'll live.
Teacher: By the way, you're supposed to put a comma INSIDE the quotation marks. Not outside! -writes example on board- "The greedy bitch- *erases* boy kept asking her for candy, and I didn't like it," he said.
Picos: o.0
Teacher: Do you get it now?
Picos: Yes sir.
After class...
There's an announcement for a new transfer student. That happened right this second. Prince Anthony. All the girls are after him.
Emmi: -checks locker-
Thomas: Alright, here it is!
Emmi: -pulls out letter-
Tim: Wait a second... that's not the seal we used... that looks more... royalty like...
Emmi: -opens and reads- What...?
Thomas: Our plan... it failed... she always pulls out the things that stand out more. The more "graceful" things...
Tim: Isn't that Prince Anthony's seal?
Thomas: Yeah...
At lunch break...
All the bouncers heard about it. So they walked Emmi outside too.
Emmi: I predicted this would happen.
The whole school is looking at Emmi, and Anthony, on a huge-ass throne being carried by a bunch of knights.
Anthony: I've heard a lot about you, Emmi.
Emmi: Oh really? Why'd you choose me?
Anthony: You're the most beautiful and most mannered princess I've ever seen.
All the students except Lillie because they're sisters and she expected this to happen: Aww...
Random rich person: -recording-
Emmi: Well thank you.
Anthony: Will you be my princess?
All the students except for Lillie: Aww...
Emmi: You're the only prince I've met that's not disgraceful. I'll think about it ^ ^;
All the students except for Lillie: Aw- wait, is she sweating?
Emmi: Silence!
Anthony: Great. I'll wait for your answer. ^ ^
The bell rang.
Justin: Well....
Neko: o_o Emmi didn't reject the person this time~
Emmi: We're childhood friends.
Lillie: Yeah. I met him too xD He's funny :3
Kyra: Isn't this nice Emmi?
Emmi: I guess so xD
Joy: Shush! Enough with Twilight!
Ruby: Twilight? But no one's fighting over Emmi O.o
Emmi: I think Thomas's and Tim's love story was more... weirdly interesting. Someone died...
Midori: My fault there :3
Camy: Oh he might give you like coconuts, and coconuts, and coconuts, and cococonuts-
Emmi: You added an extra "co"
Camy: ._. Oops.
Justine: Bouncers~ It's time for art.
Emmi: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~
Lillie: Bitch please, I'll draw until my fingers fall off xD
Art teacher: Emmi, please let me see your drawing.
Emmi: Oh, Kanade... -shows drawing-
Art teacher: It improved at least. Please move on to drawing a dog.
Emmi: D:
Art teacher: Lillie, please let me see your drawing.
Lillie: Here o3o
Art teacher: @$#%@!@#$!@#%#$%@%^@#$@#$^#$^%@#$%!
-almost fainted of epicness- If I see another thing like this... or almost as good as this... I'll go unconscious...
Art teacher: Anthony, please let me see your drawing.
Anthony: Here teacher :3

My cat version of Emmi :D
Art teacher: -FAINTS-
Lillie and Anthony: -high fives each other-
Lillie: Nice finishing blow.
Anthony: Nice first attack.
Sherry: You guys planned this?
Lillie and Anthony: For the sake of Emmi.
Emmi: .... I understand Lillie. She's my sister. But Anthony.. I just met you.
Anthony: Don't worry about it :3
Emmi: -.-
After school...
Emmi: .....Fine.....? -something suspicious about this cat-
Emmi: Since when did you start liking cats though?
Thomas: Yesterday Akuma showed me a kitty cat and OH MY GOD it was so cute <3
Emmi: ......Alright then...
After dinner, Emmi's studying. The cat comes into Emmi's room.
Emmi: Oh hi ^ ^ What's your name?
Cat: Anthony.
Emmi: What?
Emmi: -falls off chair-
Anthony: -catches- Wanna hear what I did?
Emmi: -.- You took advantage of Thomas's lack of knowledge didn't you?
Anthony: Bingo~
Emmi: Anyways, thank you for catching me. I guess. -gets to feet- Though you're pretty tricky. I did suspect that your cat transformation was weird...
Anthony: Really? Then you're not bad yourself. By the way, I can transform. With this symbol.
Emmi: ...You too?
Anthony: Wait, you and your groupies can?
Emmi: You didn't hear? Us Bubble Bouncers will be having a war against the Scarred Skulls.
Anthony: I see. May I join to help out?
Emmi: Sure.
Emmi: -announces- New Bubble Bouncer! Prince Anthony!
Emmi: Anthony, take whatever room you want.
Anthony: -takes the one across from Emmi's room-
Emmi: ...I should've restated that.
Emmi: ._. You get more and more disgraceful everything you do...
Anthony: Even when I joined your group to help you in the war?
Emmi: ... Except for that.
Thomas: Anthony. Step aside to my office.
Anthony: He has an office?
Josh: He means his room.
Thomas: Shut up Josh -.-
Anthony: o.o; I'm coming.
In Thomas's "office..."
Thomas: Be careful with her. She's a DEMON!
Anthony: I thought that was Akuma..
Thomas: She gave me like... 201 lectures!
Anthony: I already know her. She's only mean to you because you're an idiot.
Thomas: Hey that's mean D: I was only trying to help...
Anthony: Eh, oh well. I'll take on her my-princely-self.
Thomas: .................................................................................
Anthony: And I just made up that word just now.
Thomas: .................................................................................
Anthony: Oi! What's wrong?
Thomas: >.>
They see some little girl fake princess.
Girl: Anthony! How could you cheat on me?
Thomas: HUH?
Anthony: I never dated you in the first place. Sorry Sophia, that date was a fake.
Girl: You're so mean, Anthony! I hate you! I'll spread nasty rumors starting tomorrow because Mommy- I mean the Queen wants me to go to sleep now!
Anthony: -.-;
Girl: -sticks out tongue- If you hear anything nasty about yourself, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! -leaps back out window-
When she's gone...
Anthony: -___- Didn't you hear me talk about the fake date?
Justin: But Anthony, I just predicted that she really is going to spread rumors about you. Something about you eating raw fish eggs...
Justine: Eww :/
Thomas: Okay, what the hell do we do now?
Anthony: Gah... this may effect my chances with Emmi...
Lydia: Worry about yourself too! By the way, it's dinner time.
Joy: Shit.
Thomas: Should we tell Emmi about this?
Justin: "We?" At the dinner table, I personally think Anthony should tell her. It's rumors about him. Not saying that I'm ordering him to.
Anthony: I will.
At dinner time...
Anthony: Hey Emmi :D Replay the security cameras and then help me out after~
Emmi: Okay...? Why me?
Anthony: Because a couple must always help each other :D
Emmi: -sticks out tongue- What couple?
Prepre: Poor Anthony.
Anthony: Can you just help me?
Emmi: Okay...?
Lillie: For some reason, each day I watch an episode of Princess Pocky, the situations are related to ours :3
Neko: Cool x3 I wanna watch~
After dinner...
Emmi: -finishes watching cameras..-
Emmi: ...........................................................................
Emmi: LOL
Anthony: D: Don't laugh!
Emmi: Ahem. Anyways, the way she got in... quite strange. Climbing up castle windows, fitting uner lasers... then when she was leaving, leap out and do a quintuplet flip (if you know what that means.)
Anthony: I knew her. She's an acrobat. But tomorrow she'll be a demon.
Emmi: I absolutely don't know what I can do to help. If I'm with you, it'll just make it much worse xD
Anthony: Order her to silence. You're the princess of this country.
Emmi: But she's just a kid ._. I need to find a kind way to say it to her.
Anthony: Hm...
Emmi: Weren't you guys friends? You should reason with her.
Anthony: I guess so...
Anthony: Hm... I GOT IT :D
Emmi: What is it?
Anthony: You'll see tomorrow. All the bouncers should witness it.
Midori: Is it a bad thing?
Anthony: No. It's a good thing.
Tim: ?
Thomas: Want to play a prank on Emmi as payback for all the things she did to us?
Tim: Yeah >:D But what's the prank?
Thomas: I saw something on an anime named Clannad or Clannad After Story that the Akuma before this one was watching.
Tim: What'd they do?
Thomas: They put a fake love letter in her shoe locker, but in our case a locker. It said to meet somewhere, but in each place it would say to go somewhere else, and it went on like that.
Tim: Ooh we should do that :D
Thomas: -writes letter- There :3
Tim: Tomorrow, we put it in her locker >:D
Thomas: Yes, yes, very true.
Lillie: -watching anime, and the plot that's happening right now is somehow happening in the anime-You guys will get in trouble o3o;
Thomas: That's true... so we have to be extra careful.
Tim: Yeah. Thanks Lillie, for all the advice you gave us.
Lillie: Huh?
The next day at school...
Emmi: -opens locker- -sees letter-
Emmi: -opens letter- Eh, it's in Thomas's writing. But... he's already with Akuma... yeah... it's a trick. -tosses in trash like a boss... well she is one so... UGH IDK keep reading xD-
Emmi: I knew I shouldn't have trusted them with my locker combination even if all the other bouncers exchanged locker combinations...
Thomas: Tim. Let's try again tomorrow.
Tim: This time I'm writing it. -writes letter- Actually when she walks away let's put it in.
Thomas: Alright.
Emmi: -walks away-
All the other students bow to the bouncers, saying: Good morning sir!/good morning ma'am! Except to the princesses they say...
Good Morning Princess!
Tim: -puts letter in- Let's get to class now.
Thomas: Alright.
First period. Math.
Teacher: Today we have a math quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -passes quizzes out like a boss-
Midori: I have a feeling everyone will pass because Lillie's clone actually helped Thomas study.
Thomas: Yes, yes that's true. I WILL PASS MY FIRST TEST!!!!! HUZZAH!
Thomas: D: Meanies.
Joy: Shut the hell up xD
Teacher: AND BEGIN!
Emmi: Done!
Other students murmured "As expected.."
Teacher: -collects Emmi's test-
After math period...
Teacher: Bye bye! Hope you all passed!
Emmi: -checks locker once again- Another one? -opens-
Emmi: It's in Tim's writing... but he wouldn't cheat on Elora since she's his first girl... meh... it's a trick. -tosses in trash barrel once again like a boss-
Thomas: She's a tough one...
Tim: We should get someone else to write it.
Thomas: Lillie?
Tim: Ew no Lillie wouldn't incest with Emmi o.0 I can't imagine that.
Thomas: Damn... she goes with everything...
Tim: Josh?
Thomas: Don't you remember he's taken by Sherry?
Tim: Oh yeah.... OH I KNOW!
Thomas: What?
Tim: We should TYPE IT!
They went down to the computer room and quickly typed out their letter.
Tim: -sneaks it in Emmi's locker- After history class we hide and wait.
Thomas: Let's go.
Ew history/Social Studies/World Studies/whatever you wanna call it. EW I actually hate this subject in real life.
Emmi: T_T
Midori: たわごとの作品...
Lillie: You got that right...
Midori: I'm only good with the geography part.
Sherry: Come on guys... you'll live...
Teacher: AHEM! When did the Revolutionary War happen?
Emmi: Um... didn't we learn this in like... 5th grade?
Thomas: Yeah even I know when!
Teacher: SILENCE!
Emmi: -answers question because I don't feel like researching even though I forgot-
Teacher: Good... good...
After class...
Emmi: -goes to locker- -opens letter-
Emmi: Eh, it's typed. A real love letter should be written.
Tim: Damn... let's just use a computer generator to combine our writings.
Thomas: Alright.
So they do that.
Tim: Wow... sexy times two.
Thomas: I know right? -puts letter in- She should get taken this time!
English class.
Makrosz: Uwa~ ;w;
Mikachu: Pie...
Noodles: ^ ^; You'll live.
Teacher: By the way, you're supposed to put a comma INSIDE the quotation marks. Not outside! -writes example on board- "The greedy bitch- *erases* boy kept asking her for candy, and I didn't like it," he said.
Picos: o.0
Teacher: Do you get it now?
Picos: Yes sir.
After class...
There's an announcement for a new transfer student. That happened right this second. Prince Anthony. All the girls are after him.
Emmi: -checks locker-
Thomas: Alright, here it is!
Emmi: -pulls out letter-
Tim: Wait a second... that's not the seal we used... that looks more... royalty like...
Emmi: -opens and reads- What...?
Thomas: Our plan... it failed... she always pulls out the things that stand out more. The more "graceful" things...
Tim: Isn't that Prince Anthony's seal?
Thomas: Yeah...
At lunch break...
All the bouncers heard about it. So they walked Emmi outside too.
Emmi: I predicted this would happen.
The whole school is looking at Emmi, and Anthony, on a huge-ass throne being carried by a bunch of knights.
Anthony: I've heard a lot about you, Emmi.
Emmi: Oh really? Why'd you choose me?
Anthony: You're the most beautiful and most mannered princess I've ever seen.
All the students except Lillie because they're sisters and she expected this to happen: Aww...
Random rich person: -recording-
Emmi: Well thank you.
Anthony: Will you be my princess?
All the students except for Lillie: Aww...
Emmi: You're the only prince I've met that's not disgraceful. I'll think about it ^ ^;
All the students except for Lillie: Aw- wait, is she sweating?
Emmi: Silence!
Anthony: Great. I'll wait for your answer. ^ ^
The bell rang.
Justin: Well....
Neko: o_o Emmi didn't reject the person this time~
Emmi: We're childhood friends.
Lillie: Yeah. I met him too xD He's funny :3
Kyra: Isn't this nice Emmi?
Emmi: I guess so xD
Joy: Shush! Enough with Twilight!
Ruby: Twilight? But no one's fighting over Emmi O.o
Emmi: I think Thomas's and Tim's love story was more... weirdly interesting. Someone died...
Midori: My fault there :3
Camy: Oh he might give you like coconuts, and coconuts, and coconuts, and cococonuts-
Emmi: You added an extra "co"
Camy: ._. Oops.
Justine: Bouncers~ It's time for art.
Emmi: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~
Lillie: Bitch please, I'll draw until my fingers fall off xD
Art teacher: Emmi, please let me see your drawing.
Emmi: Oh, Kanade... -shows drawing-
Art teacher: It improved at least. Please move on to drawing a dog.
Emmi: D:
Art teacher: Lillie, please let me see your drawing.
Lillie: Here o3o
Art teacher: @$#%@!@#$!@#%#$%@%^@#$@#$^#$^%@#$%!
-almost fainted of epicness- If I see another thing like this... or almost as good as this... I'll go unconscious...
Art teacher: Anthony, please let me see your drawing.
Anthony: Here teacher :3
My cat version of Emmi :D
Art teacher: -FAINTS-
Lillie and Anthony: -high fives each other-
Lillie: Nice finishing blow.
Anthony: Nice first attack.
Sherry: You guys planned this?
Lillie and Anthony: For the sake of Emmi.
Emmi: .... I understand Lillie. She's my sister. But Anthony.. I just met you.
Anthony: Don't worry about it :3
Emmi: -.-
After school...
Emmi: .....Fine.....? -something suspicious about this cat-
Emmi: Since when did you start liking cats though?
Thomas: Yesterday Akuma showed me a kitty cat and OH MY GOD it was so cute <3
Emmi: ......Alright then...
After dinner, Emmi's studying. The cat comes into Emmi's room.
Emmi: Oh hi ^ ^ What's your name?
Cat: Anthony.
Emmi: What?
Emmi: -falls off chair-
Anthony: -catches- Wanna hear what I did?
Emmi: -.- You took advantage of Thomas's lack of knowledge didn't you?
Anthony: Bingo~
Emmi: Anyways, thank you for catching me. I guess. -gets to feet- Though you're pretty tricky. I did suspect that your cat transformation was weird...
Anthony: Really? Then you're not bad yourself. By the way, I can transform. With this symbol.
Emmi: ...You too?
Anthony: Wait, you and your groupies can?
Emmi: You didn't hear? Us Bubble Bouncers will be having a war against the Scarred Skulls.
Anthony: I see. May I join to help out?
Emmi: Sure.
Emmi: -announces- New Bubble Bouncer! Prince Anthony!
Emmi: Anthony, take whatever room you want.
Anthony: -takes the one across from Emmi's room-
Emmi: ...I should've restated that.
Emmi: ._. You get more and more disgraceful everything you do...
Anthony: Even when I joined your group to help you in the war?
Emmi: ... Except for that.
Thomas: Anthony. Step aside to my office.
Anthony: He has an office?
Josh: He means his room.
Thomas: Shut up Josh -.-
Anthony: o.o; I'm coming.
In Thomas's "office..."
Thomas: Be careful with her. She's a DEMON!
Anthony: I thought that was Akuma..
Thomas: She gave me like... 201 lectures!
Anthony: I already know her. She's only mean to you because you're an idiot.
Thomas: Hey that's mean D: I was only trying to help...
Anthony: Eh, oh well. I'll take on her my-princely-self.
Thomas: .................................................................................
Anthony: And I just made up that word just now.
Thomas: .................................................................................
Anthony: Oi! What's wrong?
Thomas: >.>
They see some little girl fake princess.
Girl: Anthony! How could you cheat on me?
Thomas: HUH?
Anthony: I never dated you in the first place. Sorry Sophia, that date was a fake.
Girl: You're so mean, Anthony! I hate you! I'll spread nasty rumors starting tomorrow because Mommy- I mean the Queen wants me to go to sleep now!
Anthony: -.-;
Girl: -sticks out tongue- If you hear anything nasty about yourself, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! -leaps back out window-
When she's gone...
Anthony: -___- Didn't you hear me talk about the fake date?
Justin: But Anthony, I just predicted that she really is going to spread rumors about you. Something about you eating raw fish eggs...
Justine: Eww :/
Thomas: Okay, what the hell do we do now?
Anthony: Gah... this may effect my chances with Emmi...
Lydia: Worry about yourself too! By the way, it's dinner time.
Joy: Shit.
Thomas: Should we tell Emmi about this?
Justin: "We?" At the dinner table, I personally think Anthony should tell her. It's rumors about him. Not saying that I'm ordering him to.
Anthony: I will.
At dinner time...
Anthony: Hey Emmi :D Replay the security cameras and then help me out after~
Emmi: Okay...? Why me?
Anthony: Because a couple must always help each other :D
Emmi: -sticks out tongue- What couple?
Prepre: Poor Anthony.
Anthony: Can you just help me?
Emmi: Okay...?
Lillie: For some reason, each day I watch an episode of Princess Pocky, the situations are related to ours :3
Neko: Cool x3 I wanna watch~
After dinner...
Emmi: -finishes watching cameras..-
Emmi: ...........................................................................
Emmi: LOL
Anthony: D: Don't laugh!
Emmi: Ahem. Anyways, the way she got in... quite strange. Climbing up castle windows, fitting uner lasers... then when she was leaving, leap out and do a quintuplet flip (if you know what that means.)
Anthony: I knew her. She's an acrobat. But tomorrow she'll be a demon.
Emmi: I absolutely don't know what I can do to help. If I'm with you, it'll just make it much worse xD
Anthony: Order her to silence. You're the princess of this country.
Emmi: But she's just a kid ._. I need to find a kind way to say it to her.
Anthony: Hm...
Emmi: Weren't you guys friends? You should reason with her.
Anthony: I guess so...
Anthony: Hm... I GOT IT :D
Emmi: What is it?
Anthony: You'll see tomorrow. All the bouncers should witness it.
Midori: Is it a bad thing?
Anthony: No. It's a good thing.