Ugh I haven't put up a chronicle for so long T^T Lillie was supposed to make the next episode but never finished it.
So I'm gonna entertain you guys by.... well, I have a play that I'd like to share with you. Give full credit to my friend, because he's the one who made it. We even acted it out during school ;3 Apparently I lost my copy but... I memorized most of the play, so I'm gonna put in the parts that I remember xD
It's pretty funny when acted out, and some things are just silly. You might not laugh at it but I'd still like to share it x3 Enjoy~
Btw my parts will be in green. Also, I don't wanna give out personal names because of stalkers and stuff... So I'm gonna just give out fake names. I was the only girl in the group so I had to be Medusa x_x
The Quest for Medusa's Head
Characters: Fisherman, Danae, Zeus, Narrator (teacher), Medusa, The Grey Sister, Athena, Hermes, Evil King 1, Evil King 2, Perseus
Authors: Afro Ninja, Princess, and some loser guy who not many people like...
Setting: Macy's, McDonald's, Fisherman's house, Really Ancient Grease
Scene 1 of the Epic Play
Narrator: One day, in ancient Greece, there was an evil, selfish king. He finds out his grandson will kill him in a very accidental accident, so he locks his daughter in a tower.
Evil King 1: MUAHAHA!
Narrator: Apparently Zeus saw Princess Danae and fell in love with her.
Zeus: Oh my! That princess is so beautiful! I love her so much, I'll give her a magical baby!
Narrator: And thus, Danae receives the baby and names him Perseus.
Narrator: When the king hears about the birth of Perseus, he gets scared. So, he locks Danae and Perseus into a box and throws the box out into the ocean.
Narrator: And then, the box washed up to shore.
Fisherman: Oh my! I found a box with two people in it! What should I do?
Danae: HELP US YOU DOLT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
End of Scene 1
Scene 2 of the Epic Play
Narrator: One day, there was another evil king. He sees Danae and wants to marry her.
Evil King 2: Beautiful Danae! I shall marry you!
Danae: (swirling finger in a girly manner) Oh no you won't!
Evil King 2: Oh yes you will, BECAUSE I'M KING!!!!
Danae: O-okay..
Perseus: Please don't marry my mother! I'll do anything for you not to!
Evil King 2: Will you go on a quest to slay Medusa?
Perseus: Okiedokie!
Narrator: And he waddled away.
End of Scene 2
Scene 3 of the Epic Play
Narrator: Perseus was waddling along when he saw two figures blocking his path. He realized it was Athena, goddess of wisdom, and Hermes...(I forgot what he does Dx)
Perseus: OMG You guys are like sooo awesome! What can I do for you?
Athena: We come baring gifts for your daring quest.
Hermes: Here are a pair of winged shoes. They're Nikes.
Athena: And here is a shield that you can use as a mirror.
Athena: Oh, by the way, go to the Grey sisters for a GPS. We would give you one but we are very lazy. By the way, you will probably perish.
Hermes: Have fun!
Narrator: So Perseus went to McDonald's where the Grey Sisters lived.
Perseus: Grey Sisters, stop eating that Big Mac and tell me where Medusa lives! Oh, and by the way, I got your eye.
Grey Sister: Hey!! Give it back!!
Perseus: Nope, only if you tell me where Medusa lives.
Grey Sister: Ughh fine -hands Perseus the GPS-
End of Scene 3.
Scene 4 of the Epic Play
Narrator: Perseus went to Macy's where Medusa lives, with the help of the GPS.
Perseus: Medusa! I have come to cut your head off! No hard feelings.
Medusa: -jumps out roaring- Bleh, bleh, be my statue!
Perseus: -slices Medusa's head off and starts beating Medusa up-
Perseus: Yay! I win!
Aren't you glad scene 4 is finally over?
Scene 5 of the Epic Play
Narrator: Just as the Evil King 2 was about to marry Danae, Perseus broke into the castle.
Perseus: -takes out Medusa's head and the king turns into stone-
Narrator: The next day everyone decided to play Frisbee, and Perseus accidentally throws the Frisbee too hard and it hits and kills Evil King 1.
Perseus: -does all that, and king dies-
Orange you glad this play is finally over?