Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 77- Day 4 of the War!
The Bouncers have gained advantage of the war. The only problem is Skullista, but they're not worrying about her right now.
Emmi: Okay, everyone's left. We managed to capture a huge majority of their team. All we have to do is team up on each of the Scarred Skulls since Skullista's always staying inside her base.
Chef: Here's your food!
The Bouncers say thank you and eat up.
Starz: It's cloudy today... I won't be able to concentrate in battle because I need the stars to help me.
Akuma: That pesky cloud guy...
Elora: We should go after the cloud guy first so that Starz can battle.
Justin: They know that we'll go after the cloud guy. The star shield that Starz made is slowly disappearing.
Midori: So their plan's started...
Joy: We should sabotage the plans by having Emmi, Anthony, and Lillie be the defense unit for now.
Lillie: Good enough o3o
Emmi: That's a good plan. Since they're overwhelmed, it'll be hard for them to break through the offense unit.
Anthony: As long as I get to be with Emmi.
Emmi: -slaps- After we finish eating, let's go! Lillie, study your anime hard.
Lillie: Okay -turns on iPad and watches Princess Pocky-
Lillie: -turns into Princess Pocky and replaces Starz's dead shield with a huge Pocky shield-
After they finished eating... they set off to continue the war.
Midori: Thomas, Tim, and Elora. Can you guys come with me to get the cloud guy?
Thomas: Sure o.o
Elora: I will ^ ^
Tim: -takes popcorn- I'm ready for anything.
Midori: I need as much power and defense as I can get, since if we're not careful Skullista's going to come after us.
Elora: *turns into the shield fairy*
Midori: -uses the invisible cloak on all four of them- Follow me to the hole.
When they get to the hole...
Thomas: You camped with a bed that comfortable?
Midori: I used my Ameba Gold to buy a royal bed summoner from sensei. It's basically luxury underground.
Tim: Sure is o_o
Midori: -quickly eats a bowl of ramen-
Elora: We just had breakfast...
Midori: This is special ramen that only ninjas can eat. It can make their team mates be as quick as them after the consumer touches them. -touches Thomas, Tim, and Elora- We'll be able to escape more easily now.
Thomas: Let's kill that cloud dude and capture him now.
Midori: We have to climb up here to the dungeon. We have to travel farther into the castle than we ever have.
Tim: Hm, while we capture the cloud guy we should sabotage him.
Elora: I have a bag that you can put an unlimited amount of things in. It might get heavy when we take in everything so Thomas should carry it.
Midori: -summons Justin- Justin, be our GPS.
Justin: o_o;; Okay.
Midori: Oh, and here's the ramen ninja touch :3 -touches Justin-
Justin: -comes in under the invisible cloak-
Elora: I think everything's good now. Let's go.
They climbed up to the dungeon.
Midori: Where's Skullista at the moment?
Justin: Skullista's in her room at the moment, pacing.
Midori: -uses sound concealer- They can't catch us now :) Where's the cloud guy?
Justin: He's in the kitchen.
Tim: We should capture the chef and also take in everything else. Take in all the food and stuff.
Elora: Let's go :3
They went to the kitchen.
Elora: -goes next to the Scarred Skulls chef and puts poison in the cloud guy's soup-
The 5 Bouncers waited for the soup to finish getting cooked. When the soup was done...
Cloud Guy: -eats soup but then goes unconscious-
Evil Chef: Do you like the sou- Oh my! What happened?
Tim: -takes chef, kills as a capture, then puts in the bag- Luckily chefs have special powers too.
Thomas: -takes cloud guy and puts in the bag-
Justin: Looks like the weather out there's clearing out. Starz will be able to fight in a few minutes.
Midori: Let's steal all of the stuff they have that helps with the war.
The 5 bouncers stole all the cooking items, food, and war gear.
Justin: The weather's cleared out. Starz should be fighting right now.
Thomas: Let's get the hell out now.
They went down to the dungeon, fell into the hole, then climbed out to freedom.
Elora: We're back with two captures and their important things that'll help them with the war.
Thomas: -empties the bag-
Lily: -takes the two captures downstairs-
Emmi: Perfect. When you knocked out the cloud guy, Starz went out right away.
Tim: That's good. So how are the bouncers out there doing? It should be easy to team up on each Scarred Skull.
Emmi: The thing is, the other bouncers can't see the Scarred Skulls...
Justin: -concentrates for a little bit- The Scarred Skulls went back to the base...
Neko: We should invade the base through Midori's hole.
Lydia: The sun's coming down...
Midori: I'll camp inside the hole and spy on them.
The Bouncers said good luck to Midori, and supplied her with food.
Midori: Thank you all. -puts on invisible cloak and sound concealer, then takes the notebook and pencil she uses with her-
Midori: Oh, Elora, can I take your bag with me just in case?
Elora: Sure ^ ^ -hands Midori the bag- I can always make another one if you lose it.
When Midori got to the hole...
Midori: -goes upstairs in the Scarred Skulls castle because she knew she was perfectly safe-
Midori: -takes out notebook and pencil-
Troop 1: I'm terribly sorry, princess!
Troop 2: Yes, yes, terribly sorry, ma'am...
Troop 1: Yes.. it's true... I'm sorry...
Troop 2: We're terribly sorry...
Skullista: -grins-
Troop 1: What's so funny, princess? We're losing the war...
Skullista: All of that shit doesn't matter now. I was only using everyone to buy time.
Midori: -starts writing-
Troop 2: What?
Skullista: It's been 4 days. My ultimate power has been charged! Tomorrow will be my victory!
Troop 1: Glad we could serve you... my princess... -forces a smile-
Troop 2: Yes, yes... -forces a smile-
Skullista: I never needed you guys! Ha! How ridiculous, I should have just scheduled the war to be 4 days later than this, then I could have won the war all by myself!
Skullista: But that doesn't matter now. Even though I've made so many sacrifices, those idiots, I'm already done. I don't need you guys anymore! -kills Troop 1 and Troop 2, then proceeds to cackle-
Skullista: -takes out ball of huge energy- I just need to take out this power. After that I'm done! The world's mine! Ha! Silly Bouncers. Their tactics were quite clever, I hate to admit, but they did all of that for NOTHING! Victory is mine! Tomorrow, at least. -puts the ball of energy down and goes to her bedroom-
Midori: ... -takes ball of energy and puts in bag- Cruel bitch. -goes back to the base-
When Midori got back...
Emmi: It's night time... I hope Midori's doing- Oh, Midori! You're not camping?
Midori: I collected all of the information I need. I recorded everything that happened.
Everyone takes a look at the notes.
Akuma: That's cruel... and I'm her daughter, so that's amazing coming from me.
Elora: She kills her team when she's done?
Midori: I got the captures... and her energy ball.
Sherry: Such energy...
Justine: Ruby learned dark magic, she should use her powers on it to convert it to energy all of us can use since Ruby has knowledge power and dark magic, and Akuma's evil power is in her blood :3
Joy: Wouldn't that feed the energy ball evil power?
Justine: Think of it as math. Or vocabulary. Two multiplied or divided negatives equal a positive. As vocabulary, a double negative equals a positive. In this case, two wrongs make a right.
Akuma: I see... shouldn't I help too?
Sherry: It'd make the process quicker.
Ruby: Thanks Akuma :3
Elora: But what about getting sleep?
Akuma: Don't worry, with two people it's quicker. We'll sleep when we're done.
Justin: Normally it'd take one hour with one person. With two people it'd take 30 minutes. With three people it'd take 20 minutes. With four it'd take 15 minutes. With five it'd take 12 minutes. With six it'd take 10 minutes. And so on.
Lillie: I'll turn into someone that can use dark magic. I know of someone from Fairy Tail that uses dark magic.
Josh: So it'd take 20 minutes now.
Emmi: Good luck!
All the bouncers except for Akuma, Lillie, and Ruby went to sleep. Akuma, Lillie, and Ruby had some work to do.
Akuma: I'll handle the most dangerous part. Evil is in my blood so I'd make it most effective.
Ruby: I have more experience than Lillie in evilness so I'll handle this part.
Lillie: o3o I'll handle this part then.
They got to work to prepare for a dangerous day tomorrow.
Emmi: Okay, everyone's left. We managed to capture a huge majority of their team. All we have to do is team up on each of the Scarred Skulls since Skullista's always staying inside her base.
Chef: Here's your food!
The Bouncers say thank you and eat up.
Starz: It's cloudy today... I won't be able to concentrate in battle because I need the stars to help me.
Akuma: That pesky cloud guy...
Elora: We should go after the cloud guy first so that Starz can battle.
Justin: They know that we'll go after the cloud guy. The star shield that Starz made is slowly disappearing.
Midori: So their plan's started...
Joy: We should sabotage the plans by having Emmi, Anthony, and Lillie be the defense unit for now.
Lillie: Good enough o3o
Emmi: That's a good plan. Since they're overwhelmed, it'll be hard for them to break through the offense unit.
Anthony: As long as I get to be with Emmi.
Emmi: -slaps- After we finish eating, let's go! Lillie, study your anime hard.
Lillie: Okay -turns on iPad and watches Princess Pocky-
Lillie: -turns into Princess Pocky and replaces Starz's dead shield with a huge Pocky shield-
After they finished eating... they set off to continue the war.
Midori: Thomas, Tim, and Elora. Can you guys come with me to get the cloud guy?
Thomas: Sure o.o
Elora: I will ^ ^
Tim: -takes popcorn- I'm ready for anything.
Midori: I need as much power and defense as I can get, since if we're not careful Skullista's going to come after us.
Elora: *turns into the shield fairy*
Midori: -uses the invisible cloak on all four of them- Follow me to the hole.
When they get to the hole...
Thomas: You camped with a bed that comfortable?
Midori: I used my Ameba Gold to buy a royal bed summoner from sensei. It's basically luxury underground.
Tim: Sure is o_o
Midori: -quickly eats a bowl of ramen-
Elora: We just had breakfast...
Midori: This is special ramen that only ninjas can eat. It can make their team mates be as quick as them after the consumer touches them. -touches Thomas, Tim, and Elora- We'll be able to escape more easily now.
Thomas: Let's kill that cloud dude and capture him now.
Midori: We have to climb up here to the dungeon. We have to travel farther into the castle than we ever have.
Tim: Hm, while we capture the cloud guy we should sabotage him.
Elora: I have a bag that you can put an unlimited amount of things in. It might get heavy when we take in everything so Thomas should carry it.
Midori: -summons Justin- Justin, be our GPS.
Justin: o_o;; Okay.
Midori: Oh, and here's the ramen ninja touch :3 -touches Justin-
Justin: -comes in under the invisible cloak-
Elora: I think everything's good now. Let's go.
They climbed up to the dungeon.
Midori: Where's Skullista at the moment?
Justin: Skullista's in her room at the moment, pacing.
Midori: -uses sound concealer- They can't catch us now :) Where's the cloud guy?
Justin: He's in the kitchen.
Tim: We should capture the chef and also take in everything else. Take in all the food and stuff.
Elora: Let's go :3
They went to the kitchen.
Elora: -goes next to the Scarred Skulls chef and puts poison in the cloud guy's soup-
The 5 Bouncers waited for the soup to finish getting cooked. When the soup was done...
Cloud Guy: -eats soup but then goes unconscious-
Evil Chef: Do you like the sou- Oh my! What happened?
Tim: -takes chef, kills as a capture, then puts in the bag- Luckily chefs have special powers too.
Thomas: -takes cloud guy and puts in the bag-
Justin: Looks like the weather out there's clearing out. Starz will be able to fight in a few minutes.
Midori: Let's steal all of the stuff they have that helps with the war.
The 5 bouncers stole all the cooking items, food, and war gear.
Justin: The weather's cleared out. Starz should be fighting right now.
Thomas: Let's get the hell out now.
They went down to the dungeon, fell into the hole, then climbed out to freedom.
Elora: We're back with two captures and their important things that'll help them with the war.
Thomas: -empties the bag-
Lily: -takes the two captures downstairs-
Emmi: Perfect. When you knocked out the cloud guy, Starz went out right away.
Tim: That's good. So how are the bouncers out there doing? It should be easy to team up on each Scarred Skull.
Emmi: The thing is, the other bouncers can't see the Scarred Skulls...
Justin: -concentrates for a little bit- The Scarred Skulls went back to the base...
Neko: We should invade the base through Midori's hole.
Lydia: The sun's coming down...
Midori: I'll camp inside the hole and spy on them.
The Bouncers said good luck to Midori, and supplied her with food.
Midori: Thank you all. -puts on invisible cloak and sound concealer, then takes the notebook and pencil she uses with her-
Midori: Oh, Elora, can I take your bag with me just in case?
Elora: Sure ^ ^ -hands Midori the bag- I can always make another one if you lose it.
When Midori got to the hole...
Midori: -goes upstairs in the Scarred Skulls castle because she knew she was perfectly safe-
Midori: -takes out notebook and pencil-
Troop 1: I'm terribly sorry, princess!
Troop 2: Yes, yes, terribly sorry, ma'am...
Troop 1: Yes.. it's true... I'm sorry...
Troop 2: We're terribly sorry...
Skullista: -grins-
Troop 1: What's so funny, princess? We're losing the war...
Skullista: All of that shit doesn't matter now. I was only using everyone to buy time.
Midori: -starts writing-
Troop 2: What?
Skullista: It's been 4 days. My ultimate power has been charged! Tomorrow will be my victory!
Troop 1: Glad we could serve you... my princess... -forces a smile-
Troop 2: Yes, yes... -forces a smile-
Skullista: I never needed you guys! Ha! How ridiculous, I should have just scheduled the war to be 4 days later than this, then I could have won the war all by myself!
Skullista: But that doesn't matter now. Even though I've made so many sacrifices, those idiots, I'm already done. I don't need you guys anymore! -kills Troop 1 and Troop 2, then proceeds to cackle-
Skullista: -takes out ball of huge energy- I just need to take out this power. After that I'm done! The world's mine! Ha! Silly Bouncers. Their tactics were quite clever, I hate to admit, but they did all of that for NOTHING! Victory is mine! Tomorrow, at least. -puts the ball of energy down and goes to her bedroom-
Midori: ... -takes ball of energy and puts in bag- Cruel bitch. -goes back to the base-
When Midori got back...
Emmi: It's night time... I hope Midori's doing- Oh, Midori! You're not camping?
Midori: I collected all of the information I need. I recorded everything that happened.
Everyone takes a look at the notes.
Akuma: That's cruel... and I'm her daughter, so that's amazing coming from me.
Elora: She kills her team when she's done?
Midori: I got the captures... and her energy ball.
Sherry: Such energy...
Justine: Ruby learned dark magic, she should use her powers on it to convert it to energy all of us can use since Ruby has knowledge power and dark magic, and Akuma's evil power is in her blood :3
Joy: Wouldn't that feed the energy ball evil power?
Justine: Think of it as math. Or vocabulary. Two multiplied or divided negatives equal a positive. As vocabulary, a double negative equals a positive. In this case, two wrongs make a right.
Akuma: I see... shouldn't I help too?
Sherry: It'd make the process quicker.
Ruby: Thanks Akuma :3
Elora: But what about getting sleep?
Akuma: Don't worry, with two people it's quicker. We'll sleep when we're done.
Justin: Normally it'd take one hour with one person. With two people it'd take 30 minutes. With three people it'd take 20 minutes. With four it'd take 15 minutes. With five it'd take 12 minutes. With six it'd take 10 minutes. And so on.
Lillie: I'll turn into someone that can use dark magic. I know of someone from Fairy Tail that uses dark magic.
Josh: So it'd take 20 minutes now.
Emmi: Good luck!
All the bouncers except for Akuma, Lillie, and Ruby went to sleep. Akuma, Lillie, and Ruby had some work to do.
Akuma: I'll handle the most dangerous part. Evil is in my blood so I'd make it most effective.
Ruby: I have more experience than Lillie in evilness so I'll handle this part.
Lillie: o3o I'll handle this part then.
They got to work to prepare for a dangerous day tomorrow.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 76- Day 3 of The War!
-Please note that Lillie was supposed to do this chronicle, but she was too lazy and had me finish it. Enjoy~
It was not an easy war, let alone Midori's seperate missions... war on!
Midori: I'm fatigued. I'll need someone's help. Making clones will take too much energy...
Emmi: We can send someone if they volunteer. But we will have to have another person substitute the other, and still do the same job.
Thomas: I'll volunteer!
Emmi: No, your intelligence is too low. You might screw something up.
Thomas: Psh fine. How about Starz?
Midori: She needs to stay above ground.
Thomas: Then Juice?
Midori: There are no liquids underground. Even if she did bring juice, she would run out pretty quickly.
Elora: I can...I mean I don't have that much to do...
Midori: You do realize you are risking your life, right? Think about Tim! Your boyfriend! Do you want to lose him?
Elora: I don't want to lose him, or any of you guys. But, I won't die! I just know it...
Lillie: I believe in you, Elora.
Elora: Really?
Lillie: Yeah, just be careful.
Emmi: Well, if Lillie is letting you go, I guess I will too.
Elora: You have my honor.
Joy: I'll give you some of my tofu. It's my special tofu.
Elora: Thank you...
Elora: I'll be off now.
Emmi: Be careful, Elora!
Tim: -sniff sniff snuffle- DON'T DIE ELORA -sniff sniff sniff SNORF fart-
*Image is from Google
Elora: -hugs Tim and sets off for her mission-
Midori: Here's where my underground hole is. Just follow the walking kanji sign.
Elora: What does the thing say?
Midori: It just says War.
Elora: Thank you ^ ^
Elora gets to Midori's secret cave.
Elora: Hopefully I can get used to these underground conditions... -uses her fairy wand to light it up-
Noise comes from the hole.
Enemy: Y-yes ma'am!!
Enemy: Yes ma'am.
Skullista: Here are the coordinates to her hole.
Elora: -turns into a ninja fairy and conceals herself-
Ninja fairies aren't as fast as ninjas, but they have a lot of abilities that normal ninjas do and can also fly.☺
Enemy: Huh... that darn Midori... Hiding again..
Elora: -sneezes-
Apparently... it was dusty down here.
Enemy: -shoots dust flower at where Elora was-
Elora: -dodges and puts nose-plugs on-
Enemy: -tackles Elora while she's dodging-
Enemy: I got- huh? Not Midori?
Elora: No. I took over her job for her. Temporarily. -sprinkles poison fairy dust on the person and flies out with her notebook of information-
Enemy: -chases Elora-
Elora: -flies up so high that the person can't catch her-
Enemy: -gets the effect of the poison dust and faints-
Elora: -takes person back to the castle-
At the castle...
Emmi: Elora! How'd it go?
Elora: I collected some information. Apparently we're winning the war. Also, I got a capture.
Emmi: Nice job Elora ^ ^ -briefly reads Elora's notes and then goes to take the capture downstairs-
Out in the battlefield...
Akuma: -in a tree collecting information from there-
A voice: P-princess?
Akuma: Butler?!?
Butler: Yes. Why would you join the side you're on? You're the princess of hell! You should be on the Scarred Skulls! Plus your mom's on this side!
Akuma: Ailward.
Ailward: Y-yes?
-source of name: Google
Akuma: Remember how you said to me when I was little:
"Love is power?" When I was looking for a prince?
Ailward: I do remember that.
Akuma: Love is why I joined the side I'm on. ♡~Thomas is the reason why I joined~♡
Ailward: Ridiculous! What about your family?
Akuma: -transforms into her devil princess form. Akuma-hime- Ailward. Do you think I'm screwing around with you?
Ailward: -transforms as well- Of course not.
Akuma: -takes out devil stick and charges-
Ailward: -dodges and takes out sword-
Akuma: -lunges-
Ailward: -dodges and counters-
Akuma: -blocks-
Ailward: -kicks Akuma-
Akuma: -dodges-
Ailward: -lunges-
Akuma: -blocks-
Ailward: -kicks Akuma down, takes her devil stick away, and has his sword at Akuma's throat-
Akuma: You wouldn't do this. Would you?
Ailward: I must. My Queen ordered it.
Akuma: Why don't you listen to me?
Ailward: My Queen is of higher status than you.
Akuma: Ailward!
Ailward: Yes? Is it your last words, princess?
Akuma: Probably. But don't you remember how badly mother treated you?
Ailward: Nonsense!
Akuma: It's true. Deep down inside you knew how bad she treated you.
Ailward: I guess...
Akuma: But I saved you from her. I treated you nicely. Can't you do that back to me? Can't you help... in some way? Why do you want to help her so bad if she never treated you good? The right way?
Ailward: Very well then.
Ailward: But I can't try to kill the Queen, so I only have one solution.
Akuma: What is that?
Ailward: To kill none of you. -stabs self and runs out of energy-
Akuma: Ailward... -takes him as a capture and takes her devil stick back to the castle-
At the castle...
Emmi: So he was your butler? Sad that you had to kill him...
Akuma: No, I lost the fight. Easily. He killed himself, though I wanted him to join our side...
Emmi: I see...
Kyra: The war's going quite nicely. We're slowly taking them down and pissing off Skullista.
Akuma: I really don't care since I never liked my mom ☺
~Hope you enjoyed... a rushed back-up chronicle >.<~
It was not an easy war, let alone Midori's seperate missions... war on!
Midori: I'm fatigued. I'll need someone's help. Making clones will take too much energy...
Emmi: We can send someone if they volunteer. But we will have to have another person substitute the other, and still do the same job.
Thomas: I'll volunteer!
Emmi: No, your intelligence is too low. You might screw something up.
Thomas: Psh fine. How about Starz?
Midori: She needs to stay above ground.
Thomas: Then Juice?
Midori: There are no liquids underground. Even if she did bring juice, she would run out pretty quickly.
Elora: I can...I mean I don't have that much to do...
Midori: You do realize you are risking your life, right? Think about Tim! Your boyfriend! Do you want to lose him?
Elora: I don't want to lose him, or any of you guys. But, I won't die! I just know it...
Lillie: I believe in you, Elora.
Elora: Really?
Lillie: Yeah, just be careful.
Emmi: Well, if Lillie is letting you go, I guess I will too.
Elora: You have my honor.
Joy: I'll give you some of my tofu. It's my special tofu.
Elora: Thank you...
Elora: I'll be off now.
Emmi: Be careful, Elora!
Tim: -sniff sniff snuffle- DON'T DIE ELORA -sniff sniff sniff SNORF fart-
*Image is from Google
Elora: -hugs Tim and sets off for her mission-
Midori: Here's where my underground hole is. Just follow the walking kanji sign.
Elora: What does the thing say?
Midori: It just says War.
Elora: Thank you ^ ^
Elora gets to Midori's secret cave.
Elora: Hopefully I can get used to these underground conditions... -uses her fairy wand to light it up-
Noise comes from the hole.
Enemy: Y-yes ma'am!!
Enemy: Yes ma'am.
Skullista: Here are the coordinates to her hole.
Elora: -turns into a ninja fairy and conceals herself-
Ninja fairies aren't as fast as ninjas, but they have a lot of abilities that normal ninjas do and can also fly.☺
Enemy: Huh... that darn Midori... Hiding again..
Elora: -sneezes-
Apparently... it was dusty down here.
Enemy: -shoots dust flower at where Elora was-
Elora: -dodges and puts nose-plugs on-
Enemy: -tackles Elora while she's dodging-
Enemy: I got- huh? Not Midori?
Elora: No. I took over her job for her. Temporarily. -sprinkles poison fairy dust on the person and flies out with her notebook of information-
Enemy: -chases Elora-
Elora: -flies up so high that the person can't catch her-
Enemy: -gets the effect of the poison dust and faints-
Elora: -takes person back to the castle-
At the castle...
Emmi: Elora! How'd it go?
Elora: I collected some information. Apparently we're winning the war. Also, I got a capture.
Emmi: Nice job Elora ^ ^ -briefly reads Elora's notes and then goes to take the capture downstairs-
Out in the battlefield...
Akuma: -in a tree collecting information from there-
A voice: P-princess?
Akuma: Butler?!?
Butler: Yes. Why would you join the side you're on? You're the princess of hell! You should be on the Scarred Skulls! Plus your mom's on this side!
Akuma: Ailward.
Ailward: Y-yes?
-source of name: Google
Akuma: Remember how you said to me when I was little:
"Love is power?" When I was looking for a prince?
Ailward: I do remember that.
Akuma: Love is why I joined the side I'm on. ♡~Thomas is the reason why I joined~♡
Ailward: Ridiculous! What about your family?
Akuma: -transforms into her devil princess form. Akuma-hime- Ailward. Do you think I'm screwing around with you?
Ailward: -transforms as well- Of course not.
Akuma: -takes out devil stick and charges-
Ailward: -dodges and takes out sword-
Akuma: -lunges-
Ailward: -dodges and counters-
Akuma: -blocks-
Ailward: -kicks Akuma-
Akuma: -dodges-
Ailward: -lunges-
Akuma: -blocks-
Ailward: -kicks Akuma down, takes her devil stick away, and has his sword at Akuma's throat-
Akuma: You wouldn't do this. Would you?
Ailward: I must. My Queen ordered it.
Akuma: Why don't you listen to me?
Ailward: My Queen is of higher status than you.
Akuma: Ailward!
Ailward: Yes? Is it your last words, princess?
Akuma: Probably. But don't you remember how badly mother treated you?
Ailward: Nonsense!
Akuma: It's true. Deep down inside you knew how bad she treated you.
Ailward: I guess...
Akuma: But I saved you from her. I treated you nicely. Can't you do that back to me? Can't you help... in some way? Why do you want to help her so bad if she never treated you good? The right way?
Ailward: Very well then.
Ailward: But I can't try to kill the Queen, so I only have one solution.
Akuma: What is that?
Ailward: To kill none of you. -stabs self and runs out of energy-
Akuma: Ailward... -takes him as a capture and takes her devil stick back to the castle-
At the castle...
Emmi: So he was your butler? Sad that you had to kill him...
Akuma: No, I lost the fight. Easily. He killed himself, though I wanted him to join our side...
Emmi: I see...
Kyra: The war's going quite nicely. We're slowly taking them down and pissing off Skullista.
Akuma: I really don't care since I never liked my mom ☺
Emmi: Good. So war on?
Neko: Guys!
All the other princesses turned around in unison and said "What is it?"
Neko: They captured Anthony!
Neko: Guys!
All the other princesses turned around in unison and said "What is it?"
Neko: They captured Anthony!
Elora: Oh dear!
Akuma: Crap...
Akuma: Crap...
Kyra: Oh no~
Emmi: He was a strong offensive point!
Neko: See, the remaining people other than Skullista teamed up on Anthony, even though it wasn't part of their current plan.
Emmi: He was a strong offensive point!
Neko: See, the remaining people other than Skullista teamed up on Anthony, even though it wasn't part of their current plan.
Midori: It wasn't part of the CURRENT plan, but from the data I collected, they wanted to capture Anthony and Lillie so that they couldn't defend Emmi because Emmi has her wisdom shield defending our base.
Midori: Therefore, they're also after Lillie.
Elora: When I captured the person I captured a while ago today, he had the coordinates to Midori's underground hole. That was the last copy Skullista had and I'm confident that she forgot the coordinates. Midori also captured Mika so that Skullista can't get the coordinates back. I say that someone goes back and takes Anthony back so that Justine can heal him.
Midori: I'll go. I'm confident that I've rested up enough. My clones are probably still out there fighting.
Emmi: Good luck Midori! Stay safe and remember your goal!
Midori: Thank you. -runs out-
In Midori's underground hole...
Midori: -goes to where the capture dungeon is-
Some cat girl is down there with him.
Anthony: T^T Midori~ Help me~ This girl's trying to... well I don't feel like explaining.
Midori: Whatever it is... -the cat girl and Midori pass by each other-
Midori ... then I'll be of service.
Anthony couldn't see what really happened, but the cat girl ran out of energy anyways and fainted.
Anthony: Thank you.
Midori: Let's get the hell out before Skullista comes after us.
Back at the castle.
Emmi: The 5th time Thomas has been down... oh, Midori! That was fast.
Midori: -puts Anthony down on a healing bed- Ninjas do everything quickly. -also puts down the cat girl that was trying to do a certain thing to Anthony that was bad-
Lydia: -comes in- I killed a person who defied butter :3 -puts down person-
Emmi: Hm... I wonder what our next move should be...
Makrosz: They don't have a lot of people left. They're hopelessly outnumbered.
Noodles: Let's hope tomorrow turns out well.
Kyra: Mhm...
~Hope you enjoyed... a rushed back-up chronicle >.<~
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Happy Birthday Chipow~
It's my Ameba Pico dog's birthday today~ She's one year old :3
For her birthday, I'm going to do the following:
-Princess Emmi
For her birthday, I'm going to do the following:
- Make a Props Party
- Expand Chipow's Mini-castle
- Give her a teddy bear
-Princess Emmi
Sunday, June 10, 2012
~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 75- Day 2 of the War
Midori: -almost done digging hole-
The sun's rising. All the bouncers except for Midori are at the base.
Joy: Where's Midori?
Justin: She's underground with survival items. Traps and whatnot around her.
Midori: -takes a nap-
An hour later, the birds start tweeting.
Makrosz: Should we go back out now?
Elora: We ate breakfast so I'd say so.
Midori: -finishes digging hole and sees Juice in the captives cellar-
Midori: Juice!
Juice: -wakes up- Huh?
They get surrounded by Mika's clones.
Juice: My transformation energy's really low right now...
Midori: There's a lot of clones. Mika's skill isn't too far from mine, so we're outnumbered.
Midori: Juice, do you think you could shoot some juice at them while we making a strategic retreat?
Juice: -takes out juice bomb- Sure.
Midori: Let's go!
Juice: -throws bomb-
Midori: -conceals all the evidence of digging she made and runs away carrying Juice-
Midori: -gets to the base while dodging all of the kunais, arrows, and magic that's after her-
Midori: Justine! Heal Juice!
Justine: Right away!
Midori: -runs out to battle-
Kyra: -shoots fire bullet-
Jerry: Shit! My armor!
Thomas: -stabs Jerry in the hole Kyra made in the armor- Thanks Kyra!
Kyra: -blows gun, throws in air so that it flips, and catches it on the right end- No problem.
Mika's clone: -takes Jerry-
Justin: No! The capture!
Kasumi: -goes on a shooting star and chases Mika's clone-
Mika's clone: Crap!
Kasumi: -shoots arrow-
Mika's clone: -dodges-
Kasumi: -shoots 1000 homing arrows-
Mika's clone: -while dodging all of them...-
Midori: -suddenly comes in front of Mika's clone and throws kunai-
Mika's clone: -gets hit in the knee, energy low, and drops Jerry-
Midori: -snatches Jerry and flees- Make sure to finish her!
Kasumi: -raises bow and arrow- Any last words?
Mika's clone: Just finish me. I'm unsure about this war.
Kasumi: Huh? -releases arrow-
Mika's clone disappeared.
Kasumi: Shit...I'm an idiot... Now I'll never find out what she meant.
Kasumi: Well... Looks like we did good there.
Kasumi: I might as well run back before I get defeated.
Somehow, Anthony and Andrew end up in an empty space.
Anthony: Family feud much?
Andrew: Seems so.
Anthony: -lunges-
Andrew: -blocks and counters-
Anthony: -blocks so that their swords epicly clang together-
Anthony: Why would you join the bad side?
Andrew: I want to rule the world! I don't want that stupid Emmi taking it just because her group's the most popular.
Anthony: She's not stupid. She's 10x more intelligent than you are.
Andrew: Oh really?
Anthony: You shouldn't be using your powers for evil!
Scarred Skulls archer: Hi. I'm Isaac. And right now I'll use these arrows to kick your ass.
Isaac: -shoots at Anthony-
Anthony: -gets hit- Emmi's really, really smart.
Andrew: Oh really?
Anthony: -gets hit by another arrow- Yeah, really.
Andrew: These arrows will take you out pretty soon.
Anthony: I know they will.
Andrew: Then why aren't you dodging them?
Anthony: If I dodge them, -gets hit by another arrow- then you'll take me out anyways.
Andrew: Yeah, so? Either way you'd get taken out.
Anthony: -gets hit by another arrow- I know.
Andrew: What's the difference?
Anthony: -gets hit by another arrow and almost out of energy- I don't want to be killed by an idiot brother like you!
Antony: -nearly gets hit and running out of energy but saved by a heart that knocked the arrow out-
Anthony: Huh?
Emmi: -throws wand up so that it flips and catches it on the right end, then shoots the archer with a huge heart- Sheesh, Anthony, do you think that was really smart? Don't make more work for Justine -.-
Anthony: Emmi! :D
Andrew: Emmi -_-
Emmi: -shoots heart at Andrew-
Andrew: -blocks-
Anthony: -fails to lunge-
Andrew: -dodges and lunges-
Emmi: -shoots Andrew's hand so that the sword is knocked out, then catches the sword with a heart- Confiscated ^ ^
Anthony: -pants- So Andrew, who's the idiot now? Emmi? 'course not.
Andrew: Ugh...
Anthony: And since you're unarmed...
Andrew: -steps back-
Anthony: -stabs Andrew- I get to kill you.
Andrew: Curse... you... -unconscious-
Anthony: Thanks, Emmi. -can barely stand-
Emmi: -summons royal coach- Get on.
Anthony: You can do that?
Emmi: -helps Anthony on and then takes Andrew and Isaac as two captures- We're royalty so of course. You'd be able to do it if it weren't for your condition. -makes wisdom shield and starts to study to keep it up- Don't talk too much as we get back to the base. I need to study to keep up my wisdom shield.
Anthony: Alright :3
When they get back to the base...
Emmi: Anthony has some serious injuries and these arrows are poisonous.
Justine's clone: Alright.
Justine: I finished healing Juice~ She's good as new :3
Juice: Alright! Thanks Justine.
Justine: No problem. Juice, just eat a snack and head out to battle. Make sure it includes Juice.
Juice: Thanks Justine ^ ^
Justine: No problem ^ ^ It's my job.
Emmi: Anthony, get healed by Justine. I'll take these captives into the captives cellar. -walks downstairs-
Anthony: Okay ^ ^
In the captives cellar...
Mika: Curse you...
Emmi: Thanks for filling up this room.
Midori's clone: I'll be guarding this place along with 19 other clones.
Emmi: Okay. -walks back upstairs-
Sherry: -kills someone- Another captive here~
Midori: -drops down from tree and takes person to the base-
Ruby: -goes up to dumbest person in the group that's basically the opposite of Ruby- Define the word Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
(By the way, blogger doesn't think that's a word but it really is. LOL)
Ruby: Wrong! It's the fear of long words!
Ruby: Now count the letters!
Person: -more energy taken out-
Ruby: Now define Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
Person: I CAN'T!
Ruby: Wow... It's a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the lungs.
Person: -almost finished off-
Ruby: Now count the letters!
Person: -finished-
Ruby: That's sad... his weakness was knowledge...
Emmi: Your vocabulary is quite advanced...
Midori: And that's another one! -takes captive out-
Lydia: Guys!
Other Bouncers: ?
Sandei: Tim got captured!
Lillie: Our defense is coming down x.x
Midori: I'll get him back. I have a hole dug. -puts on invisible cloak-
Emmi: -shoots heart at someone who attempted to dig a hole to the Bubble Bouncer's captives prison-
Emmi: No invisible cloak? Big mistake.
Person: Hey, it's not my fault Mika's down. -comes out of hole-
This person's a bug summoner and transformer. Bugs are something... that.. Emmi... just thinks is disgraceful.
Emmi: -screams-
Person: What's wrong little princess? Can't take the bug on? -shoots web-
Emmi: -uses wisdom shield but it breaks because of the fear-
Anthony: -stabs bug-
Lillie: -stabs bug-
Anthony and Lillie: ...
Lillie: Hey! I thought I told YOU to take the rear end!
Anthony: Well I decided: "Ew! I'm a PRINCE! I'm not risking my sword getting SPIDER pellets on it!"
Lillie: Well I'm Emmi's sister and a GIRL! I shouldn't be risking MY stuff to get SPIDER pellets on it!
Emmi: Wait, wait. Shh. Both of you saved me. Thanks ^ ^
Lillie: -pulls sword out- No problem.
Anthony: -pulls sword out- Ew, fake spider blood.
Emmi: 0.o Do you not like bugs either?
Anthony: It's not that they're scary. They're just disgusting.
Emmi: Both to me -.-
Midori: -comes to the base with Tim back, and panting-
Emmi: O.O
Lillie: That's the first time Midori panted when we met her! Ever!
Ruby: Really?
Justine: Midori, what's wrong?
Midori: Skullista... she has intense power... Could take all of us on if she wanted to...
Noodles: What IS she?
Midori: Demon Lord.
Emmi: O.O
Midori: Security's tight. We have to take on her last. She's always in the castle.
Lillie: After knocking everyone out, we have to go all-out on her.
Emmi: That's right.
Midori: Justine, could you heal me?
Midori: She didn't get me directly but it still took some energy out.
Justine: Sure ^ ^
Justine's Clone: Thomas is done healing!
Justin: The sun's coming down.
Joy: At least it's not Twilight Full Moon.
Josh: Why'd you mention Twilight again?
Joy: Dunno.
Lydia: ...Okay, now what?
Midori: I'll go spy on them. The rest of you attack if people come.
Emmi: Good luck Midori!
Justine: Midori's done healing!
Midori: I'll set off now. -puts on invisible cloak-
Midori goes into the same hole she dug earlier in the morning.
Skullista: What's wrong with all of you? We're losing this war!
Cat Person: S-sorry, my princess!
Skullista: They took our plan and enhanced it!
Skullista: You know what we should do?
Midori: -takes out notepad and pencil-
Skullista: We should look everywhere for Midori and capture her so that she can't get our plans anymore, distract Emmi's studying so that the wisdom shield is easier to break, use all of our strength to break Thomas's shield, and create clouds so that Starz can't maintain her star shield. Then we will destroy their base, get the captives back, and then since they don't have anything, destroy them and win the war!
Skullista: And make sure to get Anthony too, so that he doesn't come in and rescue Emmi. Same with Lillie. Lillie and Anthony both have good relationships with Emmi.
All of the Scarred Skulls except for Skullista: Yes ma'am! -bows-
Skullista: By the way, Midori may be spying right now. Look around for her!
Good thing Midori set up traps around her hole.
Midori: Too many traps... I'll just wait until they come and fall for them all. -eats a sandwich-
Cat Person: -comes down to the chamber of captives- -looks around-
Cat Person: Mika's clones gave me this coordinate... it's where Midori's hole is. X: 100, Y: 109.
Midori: -thinks: Shit... they're exactly true...-
Cat Person: -walks over to coordinate- -opens hole-
Midori: :)
Midori: They probably heard him. I'll have to get out.
Cat Person: CURSE YOU!!!
Midori: -tries to disarm trap-
Skullista: Ha! Midori! We found you! -leaps at Midori-
Midori: -uses trapped Cat Person as a shield while disarming the trap-
Skullista: -tries to take Cat Person back-
Midori: -pulls Cat Person towards herself-
Midori: ~I won't win this wrestling match so...~
Midori: -takes a kunai and tosses it at Skullista's stomach-
Skullista: OWW!
Midori: -disarms trap and escapes-
Skullista: -tries to run after Midori but is outran easily and shouts:-
Cat Person: -tries to break out of trap and scratch Midori-
Midori: Bad kitty. -stabs Cat Person so that he runs out of energy-
Emmi: Midori~ You made it~
Midori: And we got a new captive. By the way, I wrote down their plans.
Akuma: Let's see it then.
Scarred Skulls Plan:
Midori: After I wrote everything down, Skullista suspected that I was somewhere spying. Then the captive I got had coordinates from Mika's clones which said where my hole was. Then the captive fell into my trap. He screamed really loud which caused Skullista and I to have another head to head match.
Midori: I bet sensei could take her on though. He's Pico's ultimate ninja master.
Emmi: I heard that your sensei's voice was spread around the world because of that day you killed the Akuma before this one.
Midori: Yeah...
Justin: Anyways, it doesn't seem like they're coming out. We should rest now.
Lillie: True o3o;
The sun's rising. All the bouncers except for Midori are at the base.
Joy: Where's Midori?
Justin: She's underground with survival items. Traps and whatnot around her.
Midori: -takes a nap-
An hour later, the birds start tweeting.
Makrosz: Should we go back out now?
Elora: We ate breakfast so I'd say so.
Midori: -finishes digging hole and sees Juice in the captives cellar-
Midori: Juice!
Juice: -wakes up- Huh?
They get surrounded by Mika's clones.
Juice: My transformation energy's really low right now...
Midori: There's a lot of clones. Mika's skill isn't too far from mine, so we're outnumbered.
Midori: Juice, do you think you could shoot some juice at them while we making a strategic retreat?
Juice: -takes out juice bomb- Sure.
Midori: Let's go!
Midori: -conceals all the evidence of digging she made and runs away carrying Juice-
Midori: -gets to the base while dodging all of the kunais, arrows, and magic that's after her-
Midori: Justine! Heal Juice!
Justine: Right away!
Midori: -runs out to battle-
Kyra: -shoots fire bullet-
Jerry: Shit! My armor!
Thomas: -stabs Jerry in the hole Kyra made in the armor- Thanks Kyra!
Kyra: -blows gun, throws in air so that it flips, and catches it on the right end- No problem.
Mika's clone: -takes Jerry-
Justin: No! The capture!
Kasumi: -goes on a shooting star and chases Mika's clone-
Mika's clone: Crap!
Kasumi: -shoots arrow-
Mika's clone: -dodges-
Kasumi: -shoots 1000 homing arrows-
Mika's clone: -while dodging all of them...-
Midori: -suddenly comes in front of Mika's clone and throws kunai-
Mika's clone: -gets hit in the knee, energy low, and drops Jerry-
Midori: -snatches Jerry and flees- Make sure to finish her!
Kasumi: -raises bow and arrow- Any last words?
Mika's clone: Just finish me. I'm unsure about this war.
Kasumi: Huh? -releases arrow-
Mika's clone disappeared.
Kasumi: Shit...I'm an idiot... Now I'll never find out what she meant.
Kasumi: Well... Looks like we did good there.
Kasumi: I might as well run back before I get defeated.
Somehow, Anthony and Andrew end up in an empty space.
Anthony: Family feud much?
Andrew: Seems so.
Anthony: -lunges-
Andrew: -blocks and counters-
Anthony: -blocks so that their swords epicly clang together-
Anthony: Why would you join the bad side?
Andrew: I want to rule the world! I don't want that stupid Emmi taking it just because her group's the most popular.
Anthony: She's not stupid. She's 10x more intelligent than you are.
Andrew: Oh really?
Anthony: You shouldn't be using your powers for evil!
Scarred Skulls archer: Hi. I'm Isaac. And right now I'll use these arrows to kick your ass.
Isaac: -shoots at Anthony-
Anthony: -gets hit- Emmi's really, really smart.
Andrew: Oh really?
Anthony: -gets hit by another arrow- Yeah, really.
Andrew: These arrows will take you out pretty soon.
Anthony: I know they will.
Andrew: Then why aren't you dodging them?
Anthony: If I dodge them, -gets hit by another arrow- then you'll take me out anyways.
Andrew: Yeah, so? Either way you'd get taken out.
Anthony: -gets hit by another arrow- I know.
Andrew: What's the difference?
Anthony: -gets hit by another arrow and almost out of energy- I don't want to be killed by an idiot brother like you!
Antony: -nearly gets hit and running out of energy but saved by a heart that knocked the arrow out-
Anthony: Huh?
Emmi: -throws wand up so that it flips and catches it on the right end, then shoots the archer with a huge heart- Sheesh, Anthony, do you think that was really smart? Don't make more work for Justine -.-
Anthony: Emmi! :D
Andrew: Emmi -_-
Emmi: -shoots heart at Andrew-
Andrew: -blocks-
Anthony: -fails to lunge-
Andrew: -dodges and lunges-
Emmi: -shoots Andrew's hand so that the sword is knocked out, then catches the sword with a heart- Confiscated ^ ^
Anthony: -pants- So Andrew, who's the idiot now? Emmi? 'course not.
Andrew: Ugh...
Anthony: And since you're unarmed...
Andrew: -steps back-
Anthony: -stabs Andrew- I get to kill you.
Andrew: Curse... you... -unconscious-
Anthony: Thanks, Emmi. -can barely stand-
Emmi: -summons royal coach- Get on.
Anthony: You can do that?
Emmi: -helps Anthony on and then takes Andrew and Isaac as two captures- We're royalty so of course. You'd be able to do it if it weren't for your condition. -makes wisdom shield and starts to study to keep it up- Don't talk too much as we get back to the base. I need to study to keep up my wisdom shield.
Anthony: Alright :3
When they get back to the base...
Emmi: Anthony has some serious injuries and these arrows are poisonous.
Justine's clone: Alright.
Justine: I finished healing Juice~ She's good as new :3
Juice: Alright! Thanks Justine.
Justine: No problem. Juice, just eat a snack and head out to battle. Make sure it includes Juice.
Juice: Thanks Justine ^ ^
Justine: No problem ^ ^ It's my job.
Emmi: Anthony, get healed by Justine. I'll take these captives into the captives cellar. -walks downstairs-
Anthony: Okay ^ ^
In the captives cellar...
Mika: Curse you...
Emmi: Thanks for filling up this room.
Midori's clone: I'll be guarding this place along with 19 other clones.
Emmi: Okay. -walks back upstairs-
Sherry: -kills someone- Another captive here~
Midori: -drops down from tree and takes person to the base-
Ruby: -goes up to dumbest person in the group that's basically the opposite of Ruby- Define the word Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
(By the way, blogger doesn't think that's a word but it really is. LOL)
Ruby: Wrong! It's the fear of long words!
Ruby: Now count the letters!
Person: -more energy taken out-
Ruby: Now define Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
Person: I CAN'T!
Ruby: Wow... It's a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the lungs.
Person: -almost finished off-
Ruby: Now count the letters!
Person: -finished-
Ruby: That's sad... his weakness was knowledge...
Emmi: Your vocabulary is quite advanced...
Midori: And that's another one! -takes captive out-
Emmi: We're pushing them back~
Anthony: Justine's the best healer ever :3
Emmi: Good to hear. You're better?
Anthony: Yep, and I just ate.
Neko: How do you feel?
Anthony: Like I can throw people to Pluto.
Someone copies Kyra's and Thomas's method.
Thomas: My armor D:
And he gets stabbed through the hole with an arrow...
Josh: Midori! Take our defense unit back!
Midori: -takes Thomas out-
Justine: x.x Another one? I'm tired. -calls clone over- I'll be taking a break.
Midori: Alright.
Anthony: Justine's the best healer ever :3
Emmi: Good to hear. You're better?
Anthony: Yep, and I just ate.
Neko: How do you feel?
Anthony: Like I can throw people to Pluto.
Someone copies Kyra's and Thomas's method.
Thomas: My armor D:
And he gets stabbed through the hole with an arrow...
Josh: Midori! Take our defense unit back!
Midori: -takes Thomas out-
Justine: x.x Another one? I'm tired. -calls clone over- I'll be taking a break.
Midori: Alright.
Other Bouncers: ?
Sandei: Tim got captured!
Lillie: Our defense is coming down x.x
Midori: I'll get him back. I have a hole dug. -puts on invisible cloak-
Emmi: -shoots heart at someone who attempted to dig a hole to the Bubble Bouncer's captives prison-
Emmi: No invisible cloak? Big mistake.
Person: Hey, it's not my fault Mika's down. -comes out of hole-
This person's a bug summoner and transformer. Bugs are something... that.. Emmi... just thinks is disgraceful.
Emmi: -screams-
Person: What's wrong little princess? Can't take the bug on? -shoots web-
Emmi: -uses wisdom shield but it breaks because of the fear-
Anthony: -stabs bug-
Lillie: -stabs bug-
Anthony and Lillie: ...
Lillie: Hey! I thought I told YOU to take the rear end!
Anthony: Well I decided: "Ew! I'm a PRINCE! I'm not risking my sword getting SPIDER pellets on it!"
Lillie: Well I'm Emmi's sister and a GIRL! I shouldn't be risking MY stuff to get SPIDER pellets on it!
Emmi: Wait, wait. Shh. Both of you saved me. Thanks ^ ^
Lillie: -pulls sword out- No problem.
Anthony: -pulls sword out- Ew, fake spider blood.
Emmi: 0.o Do you not like bugs either?
Anthony: It's not that they're scary. They're just disgusting.
Emmi: Both to me -.-
Midori: -comes to the base with Tim back, and panting-
Emmi: O.O
Lillie: That's the first time Midori panted when we met her! Ever!
Ruby: Really?
Justine: Midori, what's wrong?
Midori: Skullista... she has intense power... Could take all of us on if she wanted to...
Noodles: What IS she?
Midori: Demon Lord.
Emmi: O.O
Midori: Security's tight. We have to take on her last. She's always in the castle.
Lillie: After knocking everyone out, we have to go all-out on her.
Emmi: That's right.
Midori: Justine, could you heal me?
Midori: She didn't get me directly but it still took some energy out.
Justine: Sure ^ ^
Justine's Clone: Thomas is done healing!
Justin: The sun's coming down.
Joy: At least it's not Twilight Full Moon.
Josh: Why'd you mention Twilight again?
Joy: Dunno.
Lydia: ...Okay, now what?
Midori: I'll go spy on them. The rest of you attack if people come.
Emmi: Good luck Midori!
Justine: Midori's done healing!
Midori: I'll set off now. -puts on invisible cloak-
Midori goes into the same hole she dug earlier in the morning.
Skullista: What's wrong with all of you? We're losing this war!
Cat Person: S-sorry, my princess!
Skullista: They took our plan and enhanced it!
Skullista: You know what we should do?
Midori: -takes out notepad and pencil-
Skullista: We should look everywhere for Midori and capture her so that she can't get our plans anymore, distract Emmi's studying so that the wisdom shield is easier to break, use all of our strength to break Thomas's shield, and create clouds so that Starz can't maintain her star shield. Then we will destroy their base, get the captives back, and then since they don't have anything, destroy them and win the war!
Skullista: And make sure to get Anthony too, so that he doesn't come in and rescue Emmi. Same with Lillie. Lillie and Anthony both have good relationships with Emmi.
All of the Scarred Skulls except for Skullista: Yes ma'am! -bows-
Skullista: By the way, Midori may be spying right now. Look around for her!
Good thing Midori set up traps around her hole.
Midori: Too many traps... I'll just wait until they come and fall for them all. -eats a sandwich-
Cat Person: -comes down to the chamber of captives- -looks around-
Cat Person: Mika's clones gave me this coordinate... it's where Midori's hole is. X: 100, Y: 109.
Midori: -thinks: Shit... they're exactly true...-
Cat Person: -walks over to coordinate- -opens hole-
Midori: :)
Midori: They probably heard him. I'll have to get out.
Cat Person: CURSE YOU!!!
Midori: -tries to disarm trap-
Skullista: Ha! Midori! We found you! -leaps at Midori-
Midori: -uses trapped Cat Person as a shield while disarming the trap-
Skullista: -tries to take Cat Person back-
Midori: -pulls Cat Person towards herself-
Midori: ~I won't win this wrestling match so...~
Midori: -takes a kunai and tosses it at Skullista's stomach-
Skullista: OWW!
Midori: -disarms trap and escapes-
Skullista: -tries to run after Midori but is outran easily and shouts:-
Cat Person: -tries to break out of trap and scratch Midori-
Midori: Bad kitty. -stabs Cat Person so that he runs out of energy-
Emmi: Midori~ You made it~
Midori: And we got a new captive. By the way, I wrote down their plans.
Akuma: Let's see it then.
Scarred Skulls Plan:
- Capture me so that I can't find out more of their plans and have the others sabotage them.
- Distract Emmi's studying so that her wisdom shield breaks.
- Use all strength to break Thomas's shield.
- Make clouds so that Starz's star shield fails on her.
- Destroy the base.
- Capture Justine.
- Destroy the rest of the Bubble Bouncers and thus, win the war.
Midori: After I wrote everything down, Skullista suspected that I was somewhere spying. Then the captive I got had coordinates from Mika's clones which said where my hole was. Then the captive fell into my trap. He screamed really loud which caused Skullista and I to have another head to head match.
Midori: I bet sensei could take her on though. He's Pico's ultimate ninja master.
Emmi: I heard that your sensei's voice was spread around the world because of that day you killed the Akuma before this one.
Midori: Yeah...
Justin: Anyways, it doesn't seem like they're coming out. We should rest now.
Lillie: True o3o;
Friday, June 8, 2012
~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 74- THE WAR! Day 1
Day after day, they trained hard. They trained the hardest they could. Until.... that day came.
Emmi: So Anthony, what's your power? I don't see why it's such a huge surprise.
Neko: I know right =.= Just show it >:O
Kyra: We want to see your god damn power >:O
Elora: It'd be nice to know what it is ^ ^
Akuma: Show the fucking power already god damn it -.-
Akuma: Show the fucking power already god damn it -.-
Ruby: -reading-
Anthony: Alright alright... I'll show it if you insist.
Anthony: -transforms into a Prince Sword fighter similar to Marth from Fire Emblem.. I guess.-
Prepre: Interesting...
Thomas: Bitch please... I could beat him up!
Anthony: Nah... speed helps as well, and I have more speed.
Anthony: Nah... speed helps as well, and I have more speed.
Thomas: You wanna go?
Emmi: Guys, it's the day of the war. We can't have Justine tired before we get there.
Emmi: Guys, it's the day of the war. We can't have Justine tired before we get there.
Ella: It's the day of the war?
Midori: HOLY SHIT!
Midori: HOLY SHIT!
Ruby: I trained well. What about the rest of you?
Emmi: Considering the defense unit is better and Lillie's clone enhanced his armor, I think we're fine.
Emmi: Considering the defense unit is better and Lillie's clone enhanced his armor, I think we're fine.
Makrosz: I still have the map. -opens map-
Justin: I also created a base for us. As long as we get there in an hour or under, I'll be able to lay it down.
Justine: That's good. We should hurry there before the base disappears.
Camy: Let's go~
And they set off to the battle area.
And they set off to the battle area.
When they get there...
Lillie: I brought a compass :3
Justin: Good. The Scarred Skull's base is just 5 miles west from here.
Justin: -lays down base-
Lydia: Cool~
Emmi: Royal chef! Help provide food for our side.
Emmi: Royal chef! Help provide food for our side.
Chef: Alright princess.
Emmi: Everyone else! Any betraying may... result in execution.
Bouncers: We wouldn't do such a thing.
Emmi: Good.
Joy: So what's the plan?
Elora: Thomas should be our defense unit. Midori should spy and capture Mika. Chef will provide food. Everyone else fight.
Elora: Thomas should be our defense unit. Midori should spy and capture Mika. Chef will provide food. Everyone else fight.
Neko: And remember what Holder Green said.
Kyra: "The fate of the world is in our hands."
Midori: -creates clones of Justine, the chef, and herself-
Midori: -creates clones of Justine, the chef, and herself-
Tim: Why'd you make clones of yourself?
Midori: Protection for myself AND when someone collapses, I can just use the clones to take them out back to our base.
Midori: Protection for myself AND when someone collapses, I can just use the clones to take them out back to our base.
Tim: Ohh.
Midori: -wraps invisible cloak around base- Now only we can see our base.
Kanade: -coming down- Guys! I can't say much because the Scarred Skull's power is keeping me from coming down to help you fight.
Emmi: Kanade!
Kyra: -about to shoot trap-
Kyra: -about to shoot trap-
Akuma: Kyra don't. That'll give us away.
Kanade: Don't worry about me! It'll just hurt me when I try to come down. But what I'm trying to say is...
Sherry: What is it?
Kanade: If you lose the war, they'll take over your castle and take the charm!
Josh: The charm?
Kanade: The charm that protects the beauty and peace of Ameba Pico!
Noodles: Where's the charm in the castle?
Kanade: It's in Anthony's room!
Joy: So if we lose, they'll take over the world by taking over our castle?
Kanade: Yes! And also, if the world gets taken over, it will turn against Heaven and- -screams in pain and is taken back up-
Kanade: If you lose the war, they'll take over your castle and take the charm!
Josh: The charm?
Kanade: The charm that protects the beauty and peace of Ameba Pico!
Noodles: Where's the charm in the castle?
Kanade: It's in Anthony's room!
Joy: So if we lose, they'll take over the world by taking over our castle?
Kanade: Yes! And also, if the world gets taken over, it will turn against Heaven and- -screams in pain and is taken back up-
Emmi: Kanade!
Lillie: o3o Turn against heaven and then what?
Justin: Even I don't know yet.
Lillie: o3o Turn against heaven and then what?
Justin: Even I don't know yet.
Thomas: Shit. Now we'll never find out.
Kasumi: We should save Kanade by winning the war, then she'll tell us.
Juice: This battlefield's all empty with only trees and shit...
Emmi: We're all set up now.
Elora: Offensive and spy unit, go!
At night time...
Midori: -she and her clones use camouflage and see through camouflage-
At night time...
Midori: -she and her clones use camouflage and see through camouflage-
Midori: -sees Mika-
Midori: -thinks "There she is..."-
Midori and Mika make eye contact.
Each of them removes their camouflage.
Midori: So you have clones too?
Mika: Yes. I guess we were thinking the same thing.
Mika: Yes. I guess we were thinking the same thing.
Midori: I'd guess so.
All the ninjas start battling.
Midori: -kills all of Mika's clones-
Mika: -kills all of Midori's clones-
Midori: -dodges attacks-
Mika: -attacking fiercely-
Midori: -steps to the side and chases Mika-
Mika: -steps to the side and throws kunai-
Midori: -barely dodges, turns around, and stabs Mika-
Mika: -screams and collapses-
Midori: Heh, that was easy. You should've trained with sensei more ^ ^
Mika: Just finish me.
Midori: -remakes clones- Why?
Mika: Well I don't have my clones to take me back.
Mika: Well I don't have my clones to take me back.
Midori: -ties Mika up in really tough rope that's hard to break out even with knights such as Thomas and takes Mika to the base-
The other knight: OI! AFTER HER!
Midori: Shit! -disappears with Mika-
The other knight: Damn... We missed her.
The-evil-version-of-Emmi: No worries. Remember our back-up plan?
Back at the base...
Thomas: Midori's back!
Midori: Spy captured.
Emmi: Perfect. Now they can't spy on us.
Josh: Should we head out now?
Elora: I think you should.
Mika: -grins-
Lydia: o.0 You're held captive, why're you grinning?
Mika: -spits out red device-
Sandei: What's that?
Justin: A tracking device!
Thomas: -destroys but it's too late-
One of Mika's clones take the invisible cloak off the base.
Ella: Shoot...
Mika: Ha! Now what are you going to to? Your base is uncovered!
Joy: Well shit. I guess I'll have to use this.
Kyra: Huh?
Joy: -makes all of Mika's clones disappear- This should buy us some time.
Mika: How would that help? Buying time? Of course the ninja clones are going to come back and attack.
Joy: Wow... you're dumb... the tofu glues them to the floor for a while.
Emmi: Good Joy.
Ella: By the way, it's nearly night time.
Anthony: Well, Midori should go spy, and the rest of us battle off.
Emmi: Same method as before the base was uncovered...?
Anthony: Well yeah xD
Midori: -makes clones- A third of my clones bring back the defeated, the second third will spy with me, and the other third will fight.
Makrosz: Should we fight now?
Neko: Let's go!
It starts raining...
Lillie: Shoot! I can't learn anymore attacks!
Mikachu: Pie...
Emmi: I think you've learned a lot.
As the Bouncers set off, it rained harder and harder.
Ruby: -closes book- So...?
Evil-Version-of-Emmi: Let's introduce ourselves before we battle. I'm Skullista.
Emmi: (Seriously?) I'm Emmi.
Anthony: I'm Anthony, Princess Emmi's noble prince.
Emmi: I never agreed to that yet.
Anthony's Twin: Oh, so Anthony, you joined them?
Anthony: Something wrong with that?
Anthony's Twin: Anyways, my name's Andrew.
Neko: Is that the Andrew from before?
Kyra: No, I'm pretty sure that's a different one.
Lillie: I'm Lillie, lover of Len Kagamine, eater of Pocky, and I get my powers from anime.
Evil Version of Lillie: I'm Melissa, hater of Len Kagamine, drinker of milk, and I get my powers from cartoons.
Sherry: We've got your ninja captured.
Andrew: We know that.
Skullista: Fuck introductions, let's BATTLE!
Anthony: -takes out sword-
Lillie: -transforms into Erza-
Kyra: Starz?
Starz: -loads Kyra's gun with stars-
Juice: -gets on a star, controls it, and pours lava juice all over the enemy base-
(blogger's running out of colors D:)
Evil Version of Thomas: Hello, my fellow knight, I'm Jerry.
Thomas: -laughs-
Jerry: What's so funny?
Thomas: Bitch? Please? Tom and Jerry? I'm Thomas, which is Tom, and you're Jerry! BITCH I'LL CRUSH YOU!
Jerry: OH FUCK NO!
Lillie compared to Melissa... well since Melissa's the drinker of milk... Lillie's a lot shorter than Melissa.
Lillie: Height doesn't matter. I'll FUCKING KILL YOU!
Melissa: Huh?
Since Lillie's shorter than Melissa, it's hard for Melissa to hit Lillie.
Lillie: -stabs Melissa from behind- Bitch, please.
Melissa: Damn you! My team will get you!
Lillie: What do you me- -turns around- Ah-
Jerry: -attempts to stab Lillie but Tim saves her and sacrifices himself-
Tim: Lillie... I'll leave the rest to you...
Lillie: o3o Stop with the drama and WHAT JUST HAPPENED?
Jerry: I ran away from Thomas, hid, and tried to get you to avenge Melissa. Instead I got this guy.
Jerry: I can't believe he's still looking for me.
Lillie: -face palm- That idiot...
Midori's clone: -takes Tim away and disappears-
Midori's second clone: -takes Melissa away and disappears-
Josh: So far Tim, Mika, and Melissa have gotten defeated...
Justin: Luckily Mika's captured so she can't take out the people. Capturing is easier.
Juice's lava juice is still trying to get into effect.
Juice: Only 10 more minutes... but my Juice shield broke...
Rock person: Ha! -uses rocks on base to get the lava juice away-
Juice: Damn...
Rock: Now what will you do?
Juice: What're you allergic to?
Rock: Huh? Why're you asking?
Juice: Just answer.
Rock: I'm allergic to apples...
Juice: Well thanks.
Rock: Well sucks for you! DIE! -throws biggest rock-
It hits Juice...
Rock: MUAHAHAHAHA- Wait, what?
Juice becomes real juice... it was just a juice clone.
Juice (real person): -sprays poisonous apple juice with apple slices in it in Rock's mouth- That's what you get for being hardheaded, you stupid bitch.
Rock: Ugh... I don't feel so good... -tries to crawl back to base-
Healer of the Scarred Skulls: -runs outside and tries to get Rock-
Midori's clone: -gets to Rock first- I'll take care of her. -disappears-
Juice: Well well well... I'm against a healer now?
Healer of the Scarred Skulls: Um...
Juice: -sprays juice-
Healer of Scarred Skulls: -jumps aside-
Scarred Skull's archer: -shoots arrow at Juice-
Juice: Wha- -gets hit-
Scarred Skull's archer: Ha. Hardheaded? What about liquid headed?
Juice: Shut... up...
Scarred Skull's archer: -uses rope arrow to tie Juice up and take her to the base-
Juice: -presses Bouncer emergency button before losing consciousness-
Scarred Skull's archer: -puts Juice into captives cellar-
Neko: Juice was taken out!
Midori: I'll try to get through their team's security. -puts on invisible cloak-
At the evil base...
Midori: Looks like I can't break through. -starts digging hole then covers up the hole with fake dirt-
Scarred Skull's archer: Well, no other bouncer's coming here. I guess the team's pushing them back. I'll go out now.
Healer of Scarred Skulls: Good luck :)
Midori: -continues to dig hole-
The other knight: OI! AFTER HER!
Midori: Shit! -disappears with Mika-
The other knight: Damn... We missed her.
The-evil-version-of-Emmi: No worries. Remember our back-up plan?
Back at the base...
Thomas: Midori's back!
Midori: Spy captured.
Emmi: Perfect. Now they can't spy on us.
Josh: Should we head out now?
Elora: I think you should.
Mika: -grins-
Lydia: o.0 You're held captive, why're you grinning?
Mika: -spits out red device-
Sandei: What's that?
Justin: A tracking device!
Thomas: -destroys but it's too late-
One of Mika's clones take the invisible cloak off the base.
Ella: Shoot...
Mika: Ha! Now what are you going to to? Your base is uncovered!
Joy: Well shit. I guess I'll have to use this.
Kyra: Huh?
Joy: -makes all of Mika's clones disappear- This should buy us some time.
Mika: How would that help? Buying time? Of course the ninja clones are going to come back and attack.
Joy: Wow... you're dumb... the tofu glues them to the floor for a while.
Emmi: Good Joy.
Ella: By the way, it's nearly night time.
Anthony: Well, Midori should go spy, and the rest of us battle off.
Emmi: Same method as before the base was uncovered...?
Anthony: Well yeah xD
Midori: -makes clones- A third of my clones bring back the defeated, the second third will spy with me, and the other third will fight.
Makrosz: Should we fight now?
Neko: Let's go!
It starts raining...
Lillie: Shoot! I can't learn anymore attacks!
Mikachu: Pie...
Emmi: I think you've learned a lot.
As the Bouncers set off, it rained harder and harder.
Ruby: -closes book- So...?
Evil-Version-of-Emmi: Let's introduce ourselves before we battle. I'm Skullista.
Emmi: (Seriously?) I'm Emmi.
Anthony: I'm Anthony, Princess Emmi's noble prince.
Emmi: I never agreed to that yet.
Anthony's Twin: Oh, so Anthony, you joined them?
Anthony: Something wrong with that?
Anthony's Twin: Anyways, my name's Andrew.
Neko: Is that the Andrew from before?
Kyra: No, I'm pretty sure that's a different one.
Lillie: I'm Lillie, lover of Len Kagamine, eater of Pocky, and I get my powers from anime.
Evil Version of Lillie: I'm Melissa, hater of Len Kagamine, drinker of milk, and I get my powers from cartoons.
Sherry: We've got your ninja captured.
Andrew: We know that.
Skullista: Fuck introductions, let's BATTLE!
Anthony: -takes out sword-
Lillie: -transforms into Erza-
Kyra: Starz?
Starz: -loads Kyra's gun with stars-
Juice: -gets on a star, controls it, and pours lava juice all over the enemy base-
(blogger's running out of colors D:)
Evil Version of Thomas: Hello, my fellow knight, I'm Jerry.
Thomas: -laughs-
Jerry: What's so funny?
Thomas: Bitch? Please? Tom and Jerry? I'm Thomas, which is Tom, and you're Jerry! BITCH I'LL CRUSH YOU!
Jerry: OH FUCK NO!
Lillie compared to Melissa... well since Melissa's the drinker of milk... Lillie's a lot shorter than Melissa.
Lillie: Height doesn't matter. I'll FUCKING KILL YOU!
Melissa: Huh?
Since Lillie's shorter than Melissa, it's hard for Melissa to hit Lillie.
Lillie: -stabs Melissa from behind- Bitch, please.
Melissa: Damn you! My team will get you!
Lillie: What do you me- -turns around- Ah-
Jerry: -attempts to stab Lillie but Tim saves her and sacrifices himself-
Tim: Lillie... I'll leave the rest to you...
Lillie: o3o Stop with the drama and WHAT JUST HAPPENED?
Jerry: I ran away from Thomas, hid, and tried to get you to avenge Melissa. Instead I got this guy.
Jerry: I can't believe he's still looking for me.
Lillie: -face palm- That idiot...
Midori's clone: -takes Tim away and disappears-
Midori's second clone: -takes Melissa away and disappears-
Josh: So far Tim, Mika, and Melissa have gotten defeated...
Justin: Luckily Mika's captured so she can't take out the people. Capturing is easier.
Juice's lava juice is still trying to get into effect.
Juice: Only 10 more minutes... but my Juice shield broke...
Rock person: Ha! -uses rocks on base to get the lava juice away-
Juice: Damn...
Rock: Now what will you do?
Juice: What're you allergic to?
Rock: Huh? Why're you asking?
Juice: Just answer.
Rock: I'm allergic to apples...
Juice: Well thanks.
Rock: Well sucks for you! DIE! -throws biggest rock-
It hits Juice...
Rock: MUAHAHAHAHA- Wait, what?
Juice becomes real juice... it was just a juice clone.
Juice (real person): -sprays poisonous apple juice with apple slices in it in Rock's mouth- That's what you get for being hardheaded, you stupid bitch.
Rock: Ugh... I don't feel so good... -tries to crawl back to base-
Healer of the Scarred Skulls: -runs outside and tries to get Rock-
Midori's clone: -gets to Rock first- I'll take care of her. -disappears-
Juice: Well well well... I'm against a healer now?
Healer of the Scarred Skulls: Um...
Juice: -sprays juice-
Healer of Scarred Skulls: -jumps aside-
Scarred Skull's archer: -shoots arrow at Juice-
Juice: Wha- -gets hit-
Scarred Skull's archer: Ha. Hardheaded? What about liquid headed?
Juice: Shut... up...
Scarred Skull's archer: -uses rope arrow to tie Juice up and take her to the base-
Juice: -presses Bouncer emergency button before losing consciousness-
Scarred Skull's archer: -puts Juice into captives cellar-
Neko: Juice was taken out!
Midori: I'll try to get through their team's security. -puts on invisible cloak-
At the evil base...
Midori: Looks like I can't break through. -starts digging hole then covers up the hole with fake dirt-
Scarred Skull's archer: Well, no other bouncer's coming here. I guess the team's pushing them back. I'll go out now.
Healer of Scarred Skulls: Good luck :)
Midori: -continues to dig hole-
Thursday, June 7, 2012
~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 73- Thomas and Tim's Little Plot... and 2 other cases.
Thomas: Hey Tim :D
Tim: ?
Thomas: Want to play a prank on Emmi as payback for all the things she did to us?
Tim: Yeah >:D But what's the prank?
Thomas: I saw something on an anime named Clannad or Clannad After Story that the Akuma before this one was watching.
Tim: What'd they do?
Thomas: They put a fake love letter in her shoe locker, but in our case a locker. It said to meet somewhere, but in each place it would say to go somewhere else, and it went on like that.
Tim: Ooh we should do that :D
Thomas: -writes letter- There :3
Tim: Tomorrow, we put it in her locker >:D
Thomas: Yes, yes, very true.
Lillie: -watching anime, and the plot that's happening right now is somehow happening in the anime-You guys will get in trouble o3o;
Thomas: That's true... so we have to be extra careful.
Tim: Yeah. Thanks Lillie, for all the advice you gave us.
Lillie: Huh?
The next day at school...
Emmi: -opens locker- -sees letter-
Emmi: -opens letter- Eh, it's in Thomas's writing. But... he's already with Akuma... yeah... it's a trick. -tosses in trash like a boss... well she is one so... UGH IDK keep reading xD-
Emmi: I knew I shouldn't have trusted them with my locker combination even if all the other bouncers exchanged locker combinations...
Thomas: Tim. Let's try again tomorrow.
Tim: This time I'm writing it. -writes letter- Actually when she walks away let's put it in.
Thomas: Alright.
Emmi: -walks away-
All the other students bow to the bouncers, saying: Good morning sir!/good morning ma'am! Except to the princesses they say...
Good Morning Princess!
Tim: -puts letter in- Let's get to class now.
Thomas: Alright.
First period. Math.
Teacher: Today we have a math quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -passes quizzes out like a boss-
Midori: I have a feeling everyone will pass because Lillie's clone actually helped Thomas study.
Thomas: Yes, yes that's true. I WILL PASS MY FIRST TEST!!!!! HUZZAH!
Thomas: D: Meanies.
Joy: Shut the hell up xD
Teacher: AND BEGIN!
Emmi: Done!
Other students murmured "As expected.."
Teacher: -collects Emmi's test-
After math period...
Teacher: Bye bye! Hope you all passed!
Emmi: -checks locker once again- Another one? -opens-
Emmi: It's in Tim's writing... but he wouldn't cheat on Elora since she's his first girl... meh... it's a trick. -tosses in trash barrel once again like a boss-
Thomas: She's a tough one...
Tim: We should get someone else to write it.
Thomas: Lillie?
Tim: Ew no Lillie wouldn't incest with Emmi o.0 I can't imagine that.
Thomas: Damn... she goes with everything...
Tim: Josh?
Thomas: Don't you remember he's taken by Sherry?
Tim: Oh yeah.... OH I KNOW!
Thomas: What?
Tim: We should TYPE IT!
They went down to the computer room and quickly typed out their letter.
Tim: -sneaks it in Emmi's locker- After history class we hide and wait.
Thomas: Let's go.
Ew history/Social Studies/World Studies/whatever you wanna call it. EW I actually hate this subject in real life.
Emmi: T_T
Midori: たわごとの作品...
Lillie: You got that right...
Midori: I'm only good with the geography part.
Sherry: Come on guys... you'll live...
Teacher: AHEM! When did the Revolutionary War happen?
Emmi: Um... didn't we learn this in like... 5th grade?
Thomas: Yeah even I know when!
Teacher: SILENCE!
Emmi: -answers question because I don't feel like researching even though I forgot-
Teacher: Good... good...
After class...
Emmi: -goes to locker- -opens letter-
Emmi: Eh, it's typed. A real love letter should be written.
Tim: Damn... let's just use a computer generator to combine our writings.
Thomas: Alright.
So they do that.
Tim: Wow... sexy times two.
Thomas: I know right? -puts letter in- She should get taken this time!
English class.
Makrosz: Uwa~ ;w;
Mikachu: Pie...
Noodles: ^ ^; You'll live.
Teacher: By the way, you're supposed to put a comma INSIDE the quotation marks. Not outside! -writes example on board- "The greedy bitch- *erases* boy kept asking her for candy, and I didn't like it," he said.
Picos: o.0
Teacher: Do you get it now?
Picos: Yes sir.
After class...
There's an announcement for a new transfer student. That happened right this second. Prince Anthony. All the girls are after him.
Emmi: -checks locker-
Thomas: Alright, here it is!
Emmi: -pulls out letter-
Tim: Wait a second... that's not the seal we used... that looks more... royalty like...
Emmi: -opens and reads- What...?
Thomas: Our plan... it failed... she always pulls out the things that stand out more. The more "graceful" things...
Tim: Isn't that Prince Anthony's seal?
Thomas: Yeah...
At lunch break...
All the bouncers heard about it. So they walked Emmi outside too.
Emmi: I predicted this would happen.
The whole school is looking at Emmi, and Anthony, on a huge-ass throne being carried by a bunch of knights.
Anthony: I've heard a lot about you, Emmi.
Emmi: Oh really? Why'd you choose me?
Anthony: You're the most beautiful and most mannered princess I've ever seen.
All the students except Lillie because they're sisters and she expected this to happen: Aww...
Random rich person: -recording-
Emmi: Well thank you.
Anthony: Will you be my princess?
All the students except for Lillie: Aww...
Emmi: You're the only prince I've met that's not disgraceful. I'll think about it ^ ^;
All the students except for Lillie: Aw- wait, is she sweating?
Emmi: Silence!
Anthony: Great. I'll wait for your answer. ^ ^
The bell rang.
Justin: Well....
Neko: o_o Emmi didn't reject the person this time~
Emmi: We're childhood friends.
Lillie: Yeah. I met him too xD He's funny :3
Kyra: Isn't this nice Emmi?
Emmi: I guess so xD
Joy: Shush! Enough with Twilight!
Ruby: Twilight? But no one's fighting over Emmi O.o
Emmi: I think Thomas's and Tim's love story was more... weirdly interesting. Someone died...
Midori: My fault there :3
Camy: Oh he might give you like coconuts, and coconuts, and coconuts, and cococonuts-
Emmi: You added an extra "co"
Camy: ._. Oops.
Justine: Bouncers~ It's time for art.
Emmi: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~
Lillie: Bitch please, I'll draw until my fingers fall off xD
Art teacher: Emmi, please let me see your drawing.
Emmi: Oh, Kanade... -shows drawing-
Art teacher: It improved at least. Please move on to drawing a dog.
Emmi: D:
Art teacher: Lillie, please let me see your drawing.
Lillie: Here o3o
Art teacher: @$#%@!@#$!@#%#$%@%^@#$@#$^#$^%@#$%!
-almost fainted of epicness- If I see another thing like this... or almost as good as this... I'll go unconscious...
Art teacher: Anthony, please let me see your drawing.
Anthony: Here teacher :3

My cat version of Emmi :D
Art teacher: -FAINTS-
Lillie and Anthony: -high fives each other-
Lillie: Nice finishing blow.
Anthony: Nice first attack.
Sherry: You guys planned this?
Lillie and Anthony: For the sake of Emmi.
Emmi: .... I understand Lillie. She's my sister. But Anthony.. I just met you.
Anthony: Don't worry about it :3
Emmi: -.-
After school...
Emmi: .....Fine.....? -something suspicious about this cat-
Emmi: Since when did you start liking cats though?
Thomas: Yesterday Akuma showed me a kitty cat and OH MY GOD it was so cute <3
Emmi: ......Alright then...
After dinner, Emmi's studying. The cat comes into Emmi's room.
Emmi: Oh hi ^ ^ What's your name?
Cat: Anthony.
Emmi: What?
Emmi: -falls off chair-
Anthony: -catches- Wanna hear what I did?
Emmi: -.- You took advantage of Thomas's lack of knowledge didn't you?
Anthony: Bingo~
Emmi: Anyways, thank you for catching me. I guess. -gets to feet- Though you're pretty tricky. I did suspect that your cat transformation was weird...
Anthony: Really? Then you're not bad yourself. By the way, I can transform. With this symbol.
Emmi: ...You too?
Anthony: Wait, you and your groupies can?
Emmi: You didn't hear? Us Bubble Bouncers will be having a war against the Scarred Skulls.
Anthony: I see. May I join to help out?
Emmi: Sure.
Emmi: -announces- New Bubble Bouncer! Prince Anthony!
Emmi: Anthony, take whatever room you want.
Anthony: -takes the one across from Emmi's room-
Emmi: ...I should've restated that.
Emmi: ._. You get more and more disgraceful everything you do...
Anthony: Even when I joined your group to help you in the war?
Emmi: ... Except for that.
Thomas: Anthony. Step aside to my office.
Anthony: He has an office?
Josh: He means his room.
Thomas: Shut up Josh -.-
Anthony: o.o; I'm coming.
In Thomas's "office..."
Thomas: Be careful with her. She's a DEMON!
Anthony: I thought that was Akuma..
Thomas: She gave me like... 201 lectures!
Anthony: I already know her. She's only mean to you because you're an idiot.
Thomas: Hey that's mean D: I was only trying to help...
Anthony: Eh, oh well. I'll take on her my-princely-self.
Thomas: .................................................................................
Anthony: And I just made up that word just now.
Thomas: .................................................................................
Anthony: Oi! What's wrong?
Thomas: >.>
They see some little girl fake princess.
Girl: Anthony! How could you cheat on me?
Thomas: HUH?
Anthony: I never dated you in the first place. Sorry Sophia, that date was a fake.
Girl: You're so mean, Anthony! I hate you! I'll spread nasty rumors starting tomorrow because Mommy- I mean the Queen wants me to go to sleep now!
Anthony: -.-;
Girl: -sticks out tongue- If you hear anything nasty about yourself, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! -leaps back out window-
When she's gone...
Anthony: -___- Didn't you hear me talk about the fake date?
Justin: But Anthony, I just predicted that she really is going to spread rumors about you. Something about you eating raw fish eggs...
Justine: Eww :/
Thomas: Okay, what the hell do we do now?
Anthony: Gah... this may effect my chances with Emmi...
Lydia: Worry about yourself too! By the way, it's dinner time.
Joy: Shit.
Thomas: Should we tell Emmi about this?
Justin: "We?" At the dinner table, I personally think Anthony should tell her. It's rumors about him. Not saying that I'm ordering him to.
Anthony: I will.
At dinner time...
Anthony: Hey Emmi :D Replay the security cameras and then help me out after~
Emmi: Okay...? Why me?
Anthony: Because a couple must always help each other :D
Emmi: -sticks out tongue- What couple?
Prepre: Poor Anthony.
Anthony: Can you just help me?
Emmi: Okay...?
Lillie: For some reason, each day I watch an episode of Princess Pocky, the situations are related to ours :3
Neko: Cool x3 I wanna watch~
After dinner...
Emmi: -finishes watching cameras..-
Emmi: ...........................................................................
Emmi: LOL
Anthony: D: Don't laugh!
Emmi: Ahem. Anyways, the way she got in... quite strange. Climbing up castle windows, fitting uner lasers... then when she was leaving, leap out and do a quintuplet flip (if you know what that means.)
Anthony: I knew her. She's an acrobat. But tomorrow she'll be a demon.
Emmi: I absolutely don't know what I can do to help. If I'm with you, it'll just make it much worse xD
Anthony: Order her to silence. You're the princess of this country.
Emmi: But she's just a kid ._. I need to find a kind way to say it to her.
Anthony: Hm...
Emmi: Weren't you guys friends? You should reason with her.
Anthony: I guess so...
Anthony: Hm... I GOT IT :D
Emmi: What is it?
Anthony: You'll see tomorrow. All the bouncers should witness it.
Midori: Is it a bad thing?
Anthony: No. It's a good thing.
Tim: ?
Thomas: Want to play a prank on Emmi as payback for all the things she did to us?
Tim: Yeah >:D But what's the prank?
Thomas: I saw something on an anime named Clannad or Clannad After Story that the Akuma before this one was watching.
Tim: What'd they do?
Thomas: They put a fake love letter in her shoe locker, but in our case a locker. It said to meet somewhere, but in each place it would say to go somewhere else, and it went on like that.
Tim: Ooh we should do that :D
Thomas: -writes letter- There :3
Tim: Tomorrow, we put it in her locker >:D
Thomas: Yes, yes, very true.
Lillie: -watching anime, and the plot that's happening right now is somehow happening in the anime-You guys will get in trouble o3o;
Thomas: That's true... so we have to be extra careful.
Tim: Yeah. Thanks Lillie, for all the advice you gave us.
Lillie: Huh?
The next day at school...
Emmi: -opens locker- -sees letter-
Emmi: -opens letter- Eh, it's in Thomas's writing. But... he's already with Akuma... yeah... it's a trick. -tosses in trash like a boss... well she is one so... UGH IDK keep reading xD-
Emmi: I knew I shouldn't have trusted them with my locker combination even if all the other bouncers exchanged locker combinations...
Thomas: Tim. Let's try again tomorrow.
Tim: This time I'm writing it. -writes letter- Actually when she walks away let's put it in.
Thomas: Alright.
Emmi: -walks away-
All the other students bow to the bouncers, saying: Good morning sir!/good morning ma'am! Except to the princesses they say...
Good Morning Princess!
Tim: -puts letter in- Let's get to class now.
Thomas: Alright.
First period. Math.
Teacher: Today we have a math quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -passes quizzes out like a boss-
Midori: I have a feeling everyone will pass because Lillie's clone actually helped Thomas study.
Thomas: Yes, yes that's true. I WILL PASS MY FIRST TEST!!!!! HUZZAH!
Thomas: D: Meanies.
Joy: Shut the hell up xD
Teacher: AND BEGIN!
Emmi: Done!
Other students murmured "As expected.."
Teacher: -collects Emmi's test-
After math period...
Teacher: Bye bye! Hope you all passed!
Emmi: -checks locker once again- Another one? -opens-
Emmi: It's in Tim's writing... but he wouldn't cheat on Elora since she's his first girl... meh... it's a trick. -tosses in trash barrel once again like a boss-
Thomas: She's a tough one...
Tim: We should get someone else to write it.
Thomas: Lillie?
Tim: Ew no Lillie wouldn't incest with Emmi o.0 I can't imagine that.
Thomas: Damn... she goes with everything...
Tim: Josh?
Thomas: Don't you remember he's taken by Sherry?
Tim: Oh yeah.... OH I KNOW!
Thomas: What?
Tim: We should TYPE IT!
They went down to the computer room and quickly typed out their letter.
Tim: -sneaks it in Emmi's locker- After history class we hide and wait.
Thomas: Let's go.
Ew history/Social Studies/World Studies/whatever you wanna call it. EW I actually hate this subject in real life.
Emmi: T_T
Midori: たわごとの作品...
Lillie: You got that right...
Midori: I'm only good with the geography part.
Sherry: Come on guys... you'll live...
Teacher: AHEM! When did the Revolutionary War happen?
Emmi: Um... didn't we learn this in like... 5th grade?
Thomas: Yeah even I know when!
Teacher: SILENCE!
Emmi: -answers question because I don't feel like researching even though I forgot-
Teacher: Good... good...
After class...
Emmi: -goes to locker- -opens letter-
Emmi: Eh, it's typed. A real love letter should be written.
Tim: Damn... let's just use a computer generator to combine our writings.
Thomas: Alright.
So they do that.
Tim: Wow... sexy times two.
Thomas: I know right? -puts letter in- She should get taken this time!
English class.
Makrosz: Uwa~ ;w;
Mikachu: Pie...
Noodles: ^ ^; You'll live.
Teacher: By the way, you're supposed to put a comma INSIDE the quotation marks. Not outside! -writes example on board- "The greedy bitch- *erases* boy kept asking her for candy, and I didn't like it," he said.
Picos: o.0
Teacher: Do you get it now?
Picos: Yes sir.
After class...
There's an announcement for a new transfer student. That happened right this second. Prince Anthony. All the girls are after him.
Emmi: -checks locker-
Thomas: Alright, here it is!
Emmi: -pulls out letter-
Tim: Wait a second... that's not the seal we used... that looks more... royalty like...
Emmi: -opens and reads- What...?
Thomas: Our plan... it failed... she always pulls out the things that stand out more. The more "graceful" things...
Tim: Isn't that Prince Anthony's seal?
Thomas: Yeah...
At lunch break...
All the bouncers heard about it. So they walked Emmi outside too.
Emmi: I predicted this would happen.
The whole school is looking at Emmi, and Anthony, on a huge-ass throne being carried by a bunch of knights.
Anthony: I've heard a lot about you, Emmi.
Emmi: Oh really? Why'd you choose me?
Anthony: You're the most beautiful and most mannered princess I've ever seen.
All the students except Lillie because they're sisters and she expected this to happen: Aww...
Random rich person: -recording-
Emmi: Well thank you.
Anthony: Will you be my princess?
All the students except for Lillie: Aww...
Emmi: You're the only prince I've met that's not disgraceful. I'll think about it ^ ^;
All the students except for Lillie: Aw- wait, is she sweating?
Emmi: Silence!
Anthony: Great. I'll wait for your answer. ^ ^
The bell rang.
Justin: Well....
Neko: o_o Emmi didn't reject the person this time~
Emmi: We're childhood friends.
Lillie: Yeah. I met him too xD He's funny :3
Kyra: Isn't this nice Emmi?
Emmi: I guess so xD
Joy: Shush! Enough with Twilight!
Ruby: Twilight? But no one's fighting over Emmi O.o
Emmi: I think Thomas's and Tim's love story was more... weirdly interesting. Someone died...
Midori: My fault there :3
Camy: Oh he might give you like coconuts, and coconuts, and coconuts, and cococonuts-
Emmi: You added an extra "co"
Camy: ._. Oops.
Justine: Bouncers~ It's time for art.
Emmi: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~
Lillie: Bitch please, I'll draw until my fingers fall off xD
Art teacher: Emmi, please let me see your drawing.
Emmi: Oh, Kanade... -shows drawing-
Art teacher: It improved at least. Please move on to drawing a dog.
Emmi: D:
Art teacher: Lillie, please let me see your drawing.
Lillie: Here o3o
Art teacher: @$#%@!@#$!@#%#$%@%^@#$@#$^#$^%@#$%!
-almost fainted of epicness- If I see another thing like this... or almost as good as this... I'll go unconscious...
Art teacher: Anthony, please let me see your drawing.
Anthony: Here teacher :3
My cat version of Emmi :D
Art teacher: -FAINTS-
Lillie and Anthony: -high fives each other-
Lillie: Nice finishing blow.
Anthony: Nice first attack.
Sherry: You guys planned this?
Lillie and Anthony: For the sake of Emmi.
Emmi: .... I understand Lillie. She's my sister. But Anthony.. I just met you.
Anthony: Don't worry about it :3
Emmi: -.-
After school...
Emmi: .....Fine.....? -something suspicious about this cat-
Emmi: Since when did you start liking cats though?
Thomas: Yesterday Akuma showed me a kitty cat and OH MY GOD it was so cute <3
Emmi: ......Alright then...
After dinner, Emmi's studying. The cat comes into Emmi's room.
Emmi: Oh hi ^ ^ What's your name?
Cat: Anthony.
Emmi: What?
Emmi: -falls off chair-
Anthony: -catches- Wanna hear what I did?
Emmi: -.- You took advantage of Thomas's lack of knowledge didn't you?
Anthony: Bingo~
Emmi: Anyways, thank you for catching me. I guess. -gets to feet- Though you're pretty tricky. I did suspect that your cat transformation was weird...
Anthony: Really? Then you're not bad yourself. By the way, I can transform. With this symbol.
Emmi: ...You too?
Anthony: Wait, you and your groupies can?
Emmi: You didn't hear? Us Bubble Bouncers will be having a war against the Scarred Skulls.
Anthony: I see. May I join to help out?
Emmi: Sure.
Emmi: -announces- New Bubble Bouncer! Prince Anthony!
Emmi: Anthony, take whatever room you want.
Anthony: -takes the one across from Emmi's room-
Emmi: ...I should've restated that.
Emmi: ._. You get more and more disgraceful everything you do...
Anthony: Even when I joined your group to help you in the war?
Emmi: ... Except for that.
Thomas: Anthony. Step aside to my office.
Anthony: He has an office?
Josh: He means his room.
Thomas: Shut up Josh -.-
Anthony: o.o; I'm coming.
In Thomas's "office..."
Thomas: Be careful with her. She's a DEMON!
Anthony: I thought that was Akuma..
Thomas: She gave me like... 201 lectures!
Anthony: I already know her. She's only mean to you because you're an idiot.
Thomas: Hey that's mean D: I was only trying to help...
Anthony: Eh, oh well. I'll take on her my-princely-self.
Thomas: .................................................................................
Anthony: And I just made up that word just now.
Thomas: .................................................................................
Anthony: Oi! What's wrong?
Thomas: >.>
They see some little girl fake princess.
Girl: Anthony! How could you cheat on me?
Thomas: HUH?
Anthony: I never dated you in the first place. Sorry Sophia, that date was a fake.
Girl: You're so mean, Anthony! I hate you! I'll spread nasty rumors starting tomorrow because Mommy- I mean the Queen wants me to go to sleep now!
Anthony: -.-;
Girl: -sticks out tongue- If you hear anything nasty about yourself, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! -leaps back out window-
When she's gone...
Anthony: -___- Didn't you hear me talk about the fake date?
Justin: But Anthony, I just predicted that she really is going to spread rumors about you. Something about you eating raw fish eggs...
Justine: Eww :/
Thomas: Okay, what the hell do we do now?
Anthony: Gah... this may effect my chances with Emmi...
Lydia: Worry about yourself too! By the way, it's dinner time.
Joy: Shit.
Thomas: Should we tell Emmi about this?
Justin: "We?" At the dinner table, I personally think Anthony should tell her. It's rumors about him. Not saying that I'm ordering him to.
Anthony: I will.
At dinner time...
Anthony: Hey Emmi :D Replay the security cameras and then help me out after~
Emmi: Okay...? Why me?
Anthony: Because a couple must always help each other :D
Emmi: -sticks out tongue- What couple?
Prepre: Poor Anthony.
Anthony: Can you just help me?
Emmi: Okay...?
Lillie: For some reason, each day I watch an episode of Princess Pocky, the situations are related to ours :3
Neko: Cool x3 I wanna watch~
After dinner...
Emmi: -finishes watching cameras..-
Emmi: ...........................................................................
Emmi: LOL
Anthony: D: Don't laugh!
Emmi: Ahem. Anyways, the way she got in... quite strange. Climbing up castle windows, fitting uner lasers... then when she was leaving, leap out and do a quintuplet flip (if you know what that means.)
Anthony: I knew her. She's an acrobat. But tomorrow she'll be a demon.
Emmi: I absolutely don't know what I can do to help. If I'm with you, it'll just make it much worse xD
Anthony: Order her to silence. You're the princess of this country.
Emmi: But she's just a kid ._. I need to find a kind way to say it to her.
Anthony: Hm...
Emmi: Weren't you guys friends? You should reason with her.
Anthony: I guess so...
Anthony: Hm... I GOT IT :D
Emmi: What is it?
Anthony: You'll see tomorrow. All the bouncers should witness it.
Midori: Is it a bad thing?
Anthony: No. It's a good thing.
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