Don't read this before reading episode 8 of ~Psych0tic Chronicles~ or else you won't get this episode AT ALL.
The next day...
Thomas: Dude. It's been a day. And you're still here...
Josh: Can you just go already??
Lillie: Meh. So mean.
Emmi: ;o; You're being really rude...
Stranger: And you just said that.. >.> *smokey breath*
Sherry: *runs at stranger* RAWR! GET OUT!
So the stranger ran. But one minute later he comes back.
Justine: o_o
Joy: Lydia, back to the grocery store? I think we should buy this dude some food and give it to him so he'll be gone.
Lydia: *nod nod*
Sandei: *dancing*
Ella: If you get out of here I'll give a free heart to you :3
Stranger: Your dance moves are great.
Sandei: Ohh Thank you :3
Emmi: Why aren't you gone yet, commoner?
Stranger: WHY, AM I STILL HEREEE?? WHYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!!?!?!?!?
Sherry: Whoa. Calm down, you crazy-
Lillie: Nice finishing *clap clap*
Justine: That was weird.
Tim: Okay, okay, what's going on?
Lily (maid of the Bubble Bouncers): Would you like a cup of tea?
Stranger: Sure...
Lily gave the weirdo his tea and he talked.
Joy: We're back~
Lydia: :3
Ella: Just in time ^-^
Emmi: Tell us now..
Sandei: o.o
Stranger: Okay, so as a little boy, I was constantly bullied. My parents didn't treat me right, it was punishment after punishment everyday, 24/7 *teardrop* Nobody liked meh, NOBODY! Not even my own family, I didn't have any friends.
But the only person I could trust was my brother David...
Bouncers: :O
Stranger: BUT- One day, that all changed.
David was in an airplane to get me a gift for my birthday. All of a sudden, 4 mysterious figures in the sky (I was waving to the airplane that time) looked like they had 10 huge jewels in their backpacks. I saw it in their backpacks because they were glowing. They had an intense power, each of them. They destroyed the airplane mid-air. Everyone in there died. It was a horrible scene. It was on the news..
Now that David was gone everything was all mixed up. I couldn't trust a single person. I was depressed. So I ran away from home. I've gotten no knowledge of manners whatsoever. And btw, the guys who destroyed the airplane are dead. I can't have my revenge..
That's why I'm like this.
Bouncers: :O
Thomas: HEY! Why don't you continue with life?
Stranger: Wth do you mean?
Thomas: Dude. Start over. Erase all of that crap. Yes, your brother's dead. But go back and make some friends.
Strangers: That's what you say. You have FRIENDS.
Thomas: Then go MAKE some...
Sherry: No no no, Thomas, you're doing it all wrong!
Thomas: He's not gonna agree with any of us e.e
Emmi: Thomas, step aside, let me take show.
Lillie: *back to anime*
Joy: o.o; Lillie?
Josh: Just leave her for now ^_^;
Justine: Hmm...
Tim: *fart*
Sherry: sigh..
Sandei: *Watches*
Emmi: *activates Princess Charm*
Rest of the Bouncers whispers: -ahaha, she's using it!-
Emmi: Commoner. You want a good life like us bouncers right?
Stranger: *nod nod*
Emmi: Then follow my steps!
Stranger: Uhh, okay...
Emmi: Hold on, go take a bath first.. you're filthy!
Stranger: Sorry.. o.o
15 minutes later.
Emmi: Alright. Let's get started!
~Emmi's Steps to Awesomeness, Freedom, and Worthiness. (AFW)
Emmi: First off, get in awesome clothes.
Stranger: Uhh, okayy?
Thomas: Dude. He dun have clothes.
Emmi: He can have your old clothing!
Thomas: No no no just go shopping dammit!
Lily: I'll make him some clothes o.o
Emmi: Ah. That'd be perfect, thanks Lily!
Lily: No probs! *winks*
And den Lily made him some epic clothes.
Emmi: Change into them!
When the stranger was in the clothes...
Emmi: Step 2, return home! We have to recite it first.
Stranger: Wtf. Why? All I have to say is "Father, Mother, I'm home!"
Emmi: No no no, say it in an awesome way! Like this!
Emmi: *in a really pretty, attractive, soothing voice, and she's sparkling too* Father, Mother~ I'm home!~
Stranger: (wtf?)
Thomas: Dude, Emmi, he's a DUDE! He shouldn't say it in a pretty way like yours.
Thomas: Look. Stranger. Say it like this.
Get ready for a fail.
Thomas: Yo dawgs! I'm home!
Lillie: Wth Thomas. *back to anime*
Emmi: He needs to say it with manners too yah know. -.-
Thomas: Hm.. Then like this!
Get ready for another fail.
Thomas: Heyy guys I'm home!
Lillie: Are you gay?
Emmi: Yeah, like, seriously, what was that?
Justine: *facepalm* I'm not sure if this step will work.
Thomas: Okay, okay, like this!
Get ready for ANOTHER fail.
Thomas: Heeeellllllloooooooo Mom, Heeeeeellllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooo Dadddddddddd...... I'mm homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Emmi: -.-;
Josh: I know how!
Get ready for pro-ness. Josh knows his commoner times.
Josh: Hello Mother, Father, I'm home!
Thomas: That was too showy.
Emmi: I guess it was a BIT showy but it works.
Emmi: Well they WERE!
I guess you could say Josh and Thomas are a bit of rivals, but still friends. Thomas is a show-off and Josh is awesome but polite. See, Class 1 and class 2.
Lillie: AHHAHAHAHAH!! Thomas failed again!!
Tim: AHAHAHA- *farts*
Emmi: And then step 3, make some friends. Go to the park and greet some fellow commoners.
Stranger: Alright, here I go!
And then this thing started.
The bouncers were spying on him as he followed the princess's steps.
Stranger: *knock knock knock*
Stranger's mom: Who is it??
Stranger's dad: Come on in!
Stranger: *breaks down door on accident due to strength*
Stranger: Mother, Father, I am home!
Stranger's mom: *GASP*
Stranger's dad: ZOMG! IT'S TYLER!
Stranger's mom: WOOHOO! HE'S HOME!!
Tyler: I'm home thanks to my new friends!
Sherry: Friends? *suprise*
Thomas: *slips note into Tyler's pocket without the parents noticing*
Bouncers: o.O
Lillie: *whispers to other bouncers* We should get out of here. THEY'RE GONNA BE DRUNK! LEAVE THE PARTY!!
Bouncers: *nod nod*
Emmi: Well it looks like we must go now, Bye~
Other Bouncers: Bye guys, have fun :3
When they got home, the bouncers asked Thomas something... keep reading, keep reading!
Bouncers: Soo, What did that note say??
Thomas: Uhh, what note?
Bouncers: That note you slipped in Tyler's pocket...
Thomas: mm...
Thomas: *grins* The Bubble Bouncers wish you a happy future and that we will have our revenge!
Tim: But aren't the guys who destroyed the airplane dead? There's no point of revenge! Stupid!
Thomas: Ahaha *bigger grin* We're taking the Legendary Jewels! Our power will instantly transform!!
Sherry: Thomas is back.. >3<
Josh: *sigh*
Justine: Here we go again..
Sandei: Wth happened ever since Ella and I were gone? o.O
Ella: o_o
Lydia: It's very hard to explain. :3
To be continued. What will be the next crazy tale of the Bouncers?
The next day...
Thomas: Dude. It's been a day. And you're still here...
Josh: Can you just go already??
Lillie: Meh. So mean.
Emmi: ;o; You're being really rude...
Stranger: And you just said that.. >.> *smokey breath*
Sherry: *runs at stranger* RAWR! GET OUT!
So the stranger ran. But one minute later he comes back.
Justine: o_o
Joy: Lydia, back to the grocery store? I think we should buy this dude some food and give it to him so he'll be gone.
Lydia: *nod nod*
Sandei: *dancing*
Ella: If you get out of here I'll give a free heart to you :3
Stranger: Your dance moves are great.
Sandei: Ohh Thank you :3
Emmi: Why aren't you gone yet, commoner?
Stranger: WHY, AM I STILL HEREEE?? WHYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!!?!?!?!?
Sherry: Whoa. Calm down, you crazy-
Lillie: Nice finishing *clap clap*
Justine: That was weird.
Tim: Okay, okay, what's going on?
Lily (maid of the Bubble Bouncers): Would you like a cup of tea?
Stranger: Sure...
Lily gave the weirdo his tea and he talked.
Joy: We're back~
Lydia: :3
Ella: Just in time ^-^
Emmi: Tell us now..
Sandei: o.o
Stranger: Okay, so as a little boy, I was constantly bullied. My parents didn't treat me right, it was punishment after punishment everyday, 24/7 *teardrop* Nobody liked meh, NOBODY! Not even my own family, I didn't have any friends.
But the only person I could trust was my brother David...
Bouncers: :O
Stranger: BUT- One day, that all changed.
David was in an airplane to get me a gift for my birthday. All of a sudden, 4 mysterious figures in the sky (I was waving to the airplane that time) looked like they had 10 huge jewels in their backpacks. I saw it in their backpacks because they were glowing. They had an intense power, each of them. They destroyed the airplane mid-air. Everyone in there died. It was a horrible scene. It was on the news..
Now that David was gone everything was all mixed up. I couldn't trust a single person. I was depressed. So I ran away from home. I've gotten no knowledge of manners whatsoever. And btw, the guys who destroyed the airplane are dead. I can't have my revenge..
That's why I'm like this.
Bouncers: :O
Thomas: HEY! Why don't you continue with life?
Stranger: Wth do you mean?
Thomas: Dude. Start over. Erase all of that crap. Yes, your brother's dead. But go back and make some friends.
Strangers: That's what you say. You have FRIENDS.
Thomas: Then go MAKE some...
Sherry: No no no, Thomas, you're doing it all wrong!
Thomas: He's not gonna agree with any of us e.e
Emmi: Thomas, step aside, let me take show.
Lillie: *back to anime*
Joy: o.o; Lillie?
Josh: Just leave her for now ^_^;
Justine: Hmm...
Tim: *fart*
Sherry: sigh..
Sandei: *Watches*
Emmi: *activates Princess Charm*
Rest of the Bouncers whispers: -ahaha, she's using it!-
Emmi: Commoner. You want a good life like us bouncers right?
Stranger: *nod nod*
Emmi: Then follow my steps!
Stranger: Uhh, okay...
Emmi: Hold on, go take a bath first.. you're filthy!
Stranger: Sorry.. o.o
15 minutes later.
Emmi: Alright. Let's get started!
~Emmi's Steps to Awesomeness, Freedom, and Worthiness. (AFW)
Emmi: First off, get in awesome clothes.
Stranger: Uhh, okayy?
Thomas: Dude. He dun have clothes.
Emmi: He can have your old clothing!
Thomas: No no no just go shopping dammit!
Lily: I'll make him some clothes o.o
Emmi: Ah. That'd be perfect, thanks Lily!
Lily: No probs! *winks*
And den Lily made him some epic clothes.
Emmi: Change into them!
When the stranger was in the clothes...
Emmi: Step 2, return home! We have to recite it first.
Stranger: Wtf. Why? All I have to say is "Father, Mother, I'm home!"
Emmi: No no no, say it in an awesome way! Like this!
Emmi: *in a really pretty, attractive, soothing voice, and she's sparkling too* Father, Mother~ I'm home!~
Stranger: (wtf?)
Thomas: Dude, Emmi, he's a DUDE! He shouldn't say it in a pretty way like yours.
Thomas: Look. Stranger. Say it like this.
Get ready for a fail.
Thomas: Yo dawgs! I'm home!
Lillie: Wth Thomas. *back to anime*
Emmi: He needs to say it with manners too yah know. -.-
Thomas: Hm.. Then like this!
Get ready for another fail.
Thomas: Heyy guys I'm home!
Lillie: Are you gay?
Emmi: Yeah, like, seriously, what was that?
Justine: *facepalm* I'm not sure if this step will work.
Thomas: Okay, okay, like this!
Get ready for ANOTHER fail.
Thomas: Heeeellllllloooooooo Mom, Heeeeeellllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooo Dadddddddddd...... I'mm homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Emmi: -.-;
Josh: I know how!
Get ready for pro-ness. Josh knows his commoner times.
Josh: Hello Mother, Father, I'm home!
Thomas: That was too showy.
Emmi: I guess it was a BIT showy but it works.
Emmi: Well they WERE!
I guess you could say Josh and Thomas are a bit of rivals, but still friends. Thomas is a show-off and Josh is awesome but polite. See, Class 1 and class 2.
Lillie: AHHAHAHAHAH!! Thomas failed again!!
Tim: AHAHAHA- *farts*
Emmi: And then step 3, make some friends. Go to the park and greet some fellow commoners.
Stranger: Alright, here I go!
And then this thing started.
The bouncers were spying on him as he followed the princess's steps.
Stranger: *knock knock knock*
Stranger's mom: Who is it??
Stranger's dad: Come on in!
Stranger: *breaks down door on accident due to strength*
Stranger: Mother, Father, I am home!
Stranger's mom: *GASP*
Stranger's dad: ZOMG! IT'S TYLER!
Stranger's mom: WOOHOO! HE'S HOME!!
Tyler: I'm home thanks to my new friends!
Sherry: Friends? *suprise*
Thomas: *slips note into Tyler's pocket without the parents noticing*
Bouncers: o.O
Lillie: *whispers to other bouncers* We should get out of here. THEY'RE GONNA BE DRUNK! LEAVE THE PARTY!!
Bouncers: *nod nod*
Emmi: Well it looks like we must go now, Bye~
Other Bouncers: Bye guys, have fun :3
When they got home, the bouncers asked Thomas something... keep reading, keep reading!
Bouncers: Soo, What did that note say??
Thomas: Uhh, what note?
Bouncers: That note you slipped in Tyler's pocket...
Thomas: mm...
Thomas: *grins* The Bubble Bouncers wish you a happy future and that we will have our revenge!
Tim: But aren't the guys who destroyed the airplane dead? There's no point of revenge! Stupid!
Thomas: Ahaha *bigger grin* We're taking the Legendary Jewels! Our power will instantly transform!!
Sherry: Thomas is back.. >3<
Josh: *sigh*
Justine: Here we go again..
Sandei: Wth happened ever since Ella and I were gone? o.O
Ella: o_o
Lydia: It's very hard to explain. :3
To be continued. What will be the next crazy tale of the Bouncers?
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