Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Hey guys, it's Emmi again. As you guys can probably see I'm constantly making more ~Psych0tic Chronicles~ If you wanna read all of them you're gonna have to use the Blog Archive. I keep making more and they keep replacing each blog post, because they're really long. Hopefully no one is starting with the 15th one. That person isn't reading each chronicle in order and therefore spoiling it for him or herself. It's sad, so I hope it's not happening.
These tales are not happening for real, just so you guys know. Heart power is impossible unless you're typing /heart in pico. :3
So anyways readers of the ~Psych0tic Chronicles~, try not to spoil yourselves. And if you're bored right now and wanna try passing the time, start by using the blog archive or some links.
Episode 0 is one of my most favorite episodes just because of the ending. And I kinda wonder why I'm favoriting my own stories..
Well anyways, that is all ^_^
                                                                                    -Princess Emmi

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