Monday, September 12, 2011

What are the Bubble Bouncers?

Heya guys it's Emmi again and I kinda wanna cover the questions many people keep asking me.
The first demonly question is...
Can I join the Bubble Bouncers?
That is a no-no if you're a baby because Lillie doesn't like babies. Lillie only approves friends she knows. So don't random add her and expect that she will approve you. (That never happened but, I'm just saying..)
So anyways Lillie doesn't approve a lot of people. Only people we know.
Don't push me to approve you. That just builds anger into me. This has happened many times to me and it just really makes me mad. So don't push me... :c
Anyways, moving on!
Are you guys a Royal Family?
No.... How would you crazy people think that? Just because Kyra and I are princesses doesn't mean ALL of the bouncers are royal. Plus, the last name Bubble Bouncers would sound foolish. We don't even put it in our pico name, therefore we are not a royal family, like the Fresh Family. (I just had to use you guys XD You guys looked okay, and your blog did too.)
But just think about it, Emmi Bubble Bouncer, or Bubble Bouncer Emmi. Sounds kinda stupid, right? It wouldn't even fit. Even if I did "Emmi BB," it still would sound weird. Even if I did Emmi Bouncer, it would sound like I was a worker working in a bouncing company. Emmi Bubble wouldn't sound great either.
Moving on.
Are you guys a fighting clan?
Absolutely not! Just because we use a rekkan action doesn't mean we fight with it... now that's a pretty crazy thought.
Second of all, there are two PRINCESSES in this group! I don't fight...
Moving on.
Then what ARE the Bubble Bouncers?
We are......~- *drum roll*
Just a small group of friends who hang out in the Ooku Hallway in our daily pico lives. Nothing big. We're not a giant clan.
Unless you're from a foreign country that doesn't speak English, it kinda ticks me off when people ask what the Bubble Bouncers are. It's obviously a group, notice how in the group name, it says Bubble Bouncers. (I made the s bold, noticed it yet?)
So yeah, it's basically a group of friends with a really awesome blog.
Last question!
How come you guys hang out in the Ooku Hallway all the time?
No reason. We just like hanging out here. Could call it a habit. But we just like hanging out here. It's not like you can make us get outta there, it's like our second pico home for some reason. ^-^

So, yeah, I hope this post covered your questions. Until then, I'll be busy on the ~Psych0tic Chronicles~ to cover up 1 big plot and 1 smaller plot.
                                                                             -Princess Emmi    

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