Thursday, October 20, 2011

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 29 The Search for the Legendary Jewels (Jewel 8/10) Part 16

Last time they found the 7th Jewel. That is all. xD

Josh: Nice team work yesterday, guys.
Midori: そんなにありがとう.

Sherry: Hm?

Katie: What?

Lillie: That's thank you in japanese.

Midori: Fine then. I'll speak English.

Justin: *phew* .-.

Thomas: Common, Katie, where's the next jewel??

Katie: I dunno. I only knew the 7th one.


Emmi: Where, where? :D

Mikachu: PIE!

Prepre: Tell us >:O

Lillie: Ca-

Noodles: Yay!

Lillie: Calm down >:O!

Joy: That's right, everyone. Calm down *nod nod*

Ella: >.>

Sandei: <.<

Joy: What? xD

Emmi: ... Continue, please, Lillie.

Lillie: Right. The jewel is in the world of symmetry!

Justine: Whoa..

Justin: So the jewel's symmetrical too? D:<

Lillie: Yeah.


Lillie: It's neat.

Kyra: So is ur Pocky.

Tim: *farts* *farts again*

Midori: Ew. At least fart japanese style D:<

Katie: Lol xD

Bun Bun: Can we go already? o-o

They got to the world of symmetry.

Sign: Welcome to the World of Symmetry, a world where everything here is symmetrical. Ice cream, pigs, cats, everything is symmetrical!!
Lillie: Holy cow... -points at cow with 2 heads-

Midori: 私は、彼らがクナイ対称を作るわけにはいきません。

Lillie: Ikr?

Ella: o-o;;?

Sandei: OMG

Tim: It's

Joy: The

Ella: 8th

Katie: Legendary

Lydia: Jewel.

I bet you're thinking that they're just gonna snatch it away.

Let's see if you're right.
To be continued..

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