Saturday, October 22, 2011

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 33 The Epic Battle for the Final Legendary Jewel (Part 1)

Notice I've changed the title of the jewel thing.
That's because it's not a search any longer. *epic battle music*
It's a battle!
And yeah, you see now. xD This will be the first full-fight plot the Bubble Bouncers will go through, after the other group battles.
Story starts now. Sorry. .-.
Thomas: While the newbies are battling, Midori, I wanna do a little game with you.
Midori: Interesting. How do you play?
Thomas: Well each of us bets money for which clan or person will win.
Midori: I accept.
Tim: Aw sh-*fart* We're *fart*-in last! *fart*
Justin: But why?
Juice: It's because.. idk
Joy: Because we're the chosen ones.
Announcer: First group battle: ZenNoobs vs AfroNinjas!
Midori: I bet $1000 on AfroNinjas.
Thomas: $100000 on ZenNoobs.
ZenNoobs were taken down easily. The AfroNinjas were just too awesome.
Announcer: AfroNinjas advance!
Sherry: Look at all the competitors..
Josh: This tournament will take days and days... even weeks. Probably months.
Level 1 battles. Noob battle after noob battle, the AfroNinjas were to advance to level 2. But that took about a week.
Midori: Thomas. My $9000000, please.
Thomas: D:<
Emmi: Thomas, it's better to bet lower since you always bet on the wrong group.
Announcer: AfroNinjas vs 私のシジュウカラ触れないでください!      
Midori: PFFT HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA!! *spits out milkshake*
Lillie: Eww.. xD
Justine: Huh?
Lillie: The translation for their group name is: Don't touch my ti-
Makrosz: We absolutely dont need to know. .-.
Thomas: HOLY SHIT! I BET $10000 ON 私のシジュウカラ触れないでください!  
Midori: Just because they're big? Not a chance. AfroNinjas rule.
It was such a close match, though.
私のシジュウカラ触れないでください!: *boing boing boing on the AfroNinjas*
AfroNinjas: Oww D:<!!
Thomas: They're winning. Can't wait for my money back! :D
Midori: -.-
AfroNinjas: *goes on rage* HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM BLARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S OVA 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
私のシジュウカラ触れないでください!: *SHRIEEKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
Katie: I'm too scared to fight them.. kinda..
Emmi: Don't worry. The AfroNinjas are only level 2.
Annoucer: AfroNinjas go onto the next battle!
Midori: I bet $900 on the-
Thomas: $9000 on the AfroNinjas!
Midori: Shi-
Announcer: Next battle is... AfroNinjas vs The Awesomeness!
The Awesomeness had 14 members.
1: T
2: H
3: E
4: A
5: W
6: E
7: S
8: O
9: M
10: E
11: N
12: E
13: S
14: S
All 14 members together: :x BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sherry: Oh dear.. The Awesomeness should be more than level 2..
Emmi: Actually, no. A level 3 or over would be able to defend themselves with an explosive attack like that.
Makrosz: How do you know so much?
Emmi: Been reading up facts ever since we saw the tournament poster x3
Justine: I feel bad for the employees. They have to clean up the whole stadium after that.
Midori: Thomas. My $9000, please.
Thomas: T_T But... but how?!?!!?
Prepre: The Awesomeness was just too awesome.
Announcer: Well well well, since it will take a whole day for this to be cleaned up, everybody go to the tournament hotel room you were assigned to. Each hotel "room" is actually a little house for your group or clan to share. Now, please, go to your room.
Justin: What room were we assigned to again?
Katie: Room 8.
Lydia: Isn't that number symmetrical?
Lillie: That's why I like it. :3
Lydia: Well, let's get to our room then..
Ella: Meow o-o
Kyra: Those noob matches were fun to watch. What level are we in the tournament again?
Sandei: I forgot.
Emmi: According to the tournament schedules for levels 1-10, we're level 10 because we're the chosen once.
Bun Bun: Omg >.<
Katie: Wow..
To be continued..                                 

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