Note: This was made on the day before one of my fan's birthday. She's all the way on the other side of the world so it's July 6 for her, but technically it's July 5 for us Americans :3 "The fate of the Pico World settled... On her birthday."
The Bouncers awoke to the day where everything would be settled. The fate of the world. The Pico world. What would happen?
Elora: Did you guys manage to make the energy ball a positive one?
Lillie: It reacted weird at first, but now look at it!
Emmi: -compares the two pictures- Wow... with team work this is what we can accomplish. Hopefully the same results will be with Skullista.
Akuma: We can only hope.
Midori: Let's eat and head out.
When they finished eating...
Thomas: Skullista! Get the fuck out here! We're ready!
Neko: Skullista! Are you ready to settle the fate of the world?
Skullista: -comes out of the base-
Josh: She looks more evil...
Skullista: Ha! You guys stole my second energy ball! I really had two of them!
Kyra: What?
Skullista: You guys basically helped me because I probably wouldn't be able to handle the power of both energy balls! Are you ready to fail this war?!?
Skullista: Your tricks, I hate to admit, were quite clever. There was a lot of trickery in this war. But you silly, dumb Bouncers did all of that for NOTHING!
Emmi: Calling us "dumb" now, huh? Don't abuse your power.
Skullista: Why can't I? Oh, there's still more power to absorb... I'LL HAVE SO MUCH POWER! -holds energy ball up-
All of a sudden...
An angel with a double blade comes down and somehow shatters the energy ball. But the power was so immense that after she was done she was blasted off, landed painfully, and looks in not so good condition.
Sherry: Kanade? How'd you get out?
Kanade: Think of it as math. She held up the energy ball so the power went up... it basically evaporated. Multiply or divide two negatives to get a positive and I was able to come down.
Skullista: MY ENERGY BALL! Well, it doesn't matter now! I absorbed a half of that energy!
Tim: Half of that much energy?
Skullista: I only used those other members to buy time! Four days was enough for the energy ball to charge up! I just needed to absorb it!
Makrosz: That's cruel!
Sandei: Using your friends to buy time!
Skullista: Silly kitty, they weren't friends! They were merely servants that I decided to use!
Thomas: That's stupid. And that's quite amazing coming from me. Bitch. Die!
Starz: Did you just call yourself stupid?
Thomas: That was directed at her... -charges-
Skullista: Are you sure you'd like to mess with me?
Skullista: If you're planning on doing that... -uses huge amount of power to hit all of the bouncers at once-
Ella: So much energy... Took out 1/2 of all of our energy...
Skullista: That was merely 1/16 of the power I absorbed! Are you ready for another round?
Noodles: -throws noodle bowl at Skullista-
Skullista: -shatters it-
Prepre: -takes bubble, makes it into a rock shape, makes the rock bubble a real bubble and throws it at Skullista's head-
Skullista: -kicks it back at Prepre-
Prepre: -makes a bubble shield and then makes it a real shield- Gah..
Skullista: -breaks shield wipes out the bouncers-
Justine: -somehow on healer's wings and heals all of the bouncers at once-
Ruby: Justine... since when did you get the ability to fly?
Justine: I absorbed some of this. -takes out Skullista's other energy ball that became good energy because of Akuma, Lillie, and Ruby-
Justine: I just put the rest of the energy ball's power on you guys.
Emmi: Thank you Justine ^ ^
Emmi: Now, Skullista... we have the power of the Legendary Jewels AND an energy ball. All you have is an energy ball.
Skullista: Ha! I'm the lady of Hell! Basically a goddess!
*Note to Mythology Fans, if you're not one then skip this message and continue reading.
I know, there's no such Goddess as Skullista. But first of all...
This is MY story and I get to write it however I want (stuck-up much :3)
Second of all...
This is based on the Pico world, not Earth. I am fond of myths too, but yeah. This is the Pico World that these chronicles are based on. Message over. Now you can continue reading.
Kasumi: Anything else you'd like to say?
Skullista: I'm a goddess! You are all mere mortals with some super powers! Victory is mine!
Kanade: -stands up- We'll see about that.
Ruby: Um... What to do at a time like this...
Ruby: -summons some girl-
Girl: Hi! I'm Ruby's cousin!
Elora: What's a young, innocent child doing here?
Ruby: -ahem-
Elora: ...Powerless.
Girl: No. I have powers too. By the way, my name's Alyana.
Emmi: :o I see. But are you strong enough to fight?
Alyana: See, Ruby took in too much power from the Legendary Jewel and the energy ball for her to handle. So she gave half of it to me ^ ^ She knew that I had powers too.
Sherry: Well Skullista's trying to wipe us out... we should kill her right away.
It starts raining.
Skullista: Silly kitty, it won't be right away. -uses the skill that made the bouncers get wiped out earlier-
Emmi: -uses wisdom shield-
Starz: -uses star shield to support Emmi's shield-
Kanade: -takes out two blades and fights-
Thomas: -fights as well-
Skullista: -blasts more power-
Kyra: -shoots mirror bullets to reflect the power back-
And so... the battle raged on and on... with Skullista taking out the bouncers, Justine healing them, and Skullista nearly dying... Meanwhile...
I bet you thought I forgot about Lily. Guess not! Here she is in action right this second.
Lily: I need to find a way to get my lily pads to wrap her up as planned... Good thing I sneaked out of bed last night and prepared that Bubble Bouncers cannon...
Lily: -puts on an invisible cloak that she borrowed from Midori and starts setting up invisible traps just some feet away from Skullista-
Lily: -takes out her plans-
Ladies and Gentlemen... Ryans and Emilies.... (read Neko's blog for more information on the Ryans and Emilies thing), Picos... I present you with...
A failed attempt to make this look more realistic.
Lily: So... in reality Skullista's over there. I'll start digging the traps through here.
Meanwhile... out there in the battlefield...
If you were spectating all you'd hear is...
*clang, clang, BLAST clang etc*
Eventually... Alyana gets blasted by Skullista into the hole that Lily was digging.
Lily: :o Are you okay?
Alyana: I am. What're you doing over here?
Lily: I'm setting up a trap to help the bouncers in. It'll work as long as I get enough time. -shows plans-
Alyana: Can I help? I can enhance your lily pad trap.
Lily: You can ^ ^
Back out in the battle field while Lily's digging...
Emmi: -blasting hearts at Skullista- Oh no! Where'd Alyana go?
Ruby: No worries, Alyana's helping out with something.
Akuma: Helping out with what?
Ruby: Lily told me only :3
Skullista and Midori passed by each other...
And Midori took less damage.
Skullista: -Somehow roars? And blasts a lot of power towards Midori-
Midori: -dodges all-
Skullista: -frustrated and fights Kanade-
Meanwhile... backstage...
Lily: We're already halfway done! I wouldn't have done this so quickly without your help.
Alyana: No problem~ I just hope the Bouncers are okay...
Lily: They should be. I've seen how strong they are.
Alyana: Really?
Lily: Yes. And they're clever too. The first battle they had was when they battled the old man that gave them their powers for pudding.... after that they looked for the legendary jewels and had to fight a long tournament for the 10th one... Then they went to look for the holders of the legendary jewels. Now here they are, fighting Skullista.
Alyana: Wow :o They're amazing.
Lily: They are. Anyways, let's continue digging.
Back out in the battlefield now~
Lillie: -turns into Ash from Pokemon :3- Go Pikachu! I choose you!
Thomas: ........................
Lillie: What
Skullista: AGH! HOW DARE YOU! -hits Pikachu-
Lillie: *turns into Nurse Jane and heals Pikachu-
Kasumi: -shoots arrow at Skullista-
Skullista: -dodges-
Camy: -jumps and throws coconuts at Skullista while she dodges Kasumi's arrow. It hits Skullista's eye-
Camy: Bull's eye~
Skullista: -hits Camy-
Camy: -uses coconut shield-
Neko: -scratches Skullista-
Skullista: -uses the same attack that wiped out the bouncers-
Joy's tofu shield sucked in all of the power!
Skullista: WHAT?
Ruby: Eh o.0 Is that some kind of sponge or something?
Joy: I dunno... -climbs up tree, jumps from it, and squeezes tofu to pour the power back on Skullista-
Skullista: AHH!... this is how strong my own POWER is..?
Joy: Well.... I guess?
Lily: Hole dug, lily pads set up, lily pads enhanced. When I activate the lily pads, they'll come up from underground and wrap up Skullista. Then the Bouncers will go into the hidden cannon with their power activated and I'll fire it at Skullista. We can only hope this will finish her off...
Alyana: It should. I mean, when she's trapped in the lily pads, it'll reduce her oxygen so it'll reduce her power... then a finishing touch.
Lily: Hopefully...
Lily: Well, get out there to light up the cannon with your evil powers. I'll tell the bouncers to get into the cannon with their powers activated. After they get in light up the cannon.
Alyana: Okay :o -comes out of hole-
Lily: -reveals cannon, comes out of the hole, and traps Skullista-
Emmi: o.o What's she covered in?
Lily: Bouncers! Take out your full power and come into the cannon!
Bouncers: -rushing into the giant cannon with full power ready-
Alyana: -lights the fuse-
Lily: -aims the huge cannon at Skullista, who's wrapped in lily pads-
Skullista: AHH!! CAN'T... BREATHE!!!
The fuse runs out... and Lily fires.
The overload of power is basically just... a rainbow with color spasm...
And it's directed at Skullista.
Will the war finally be over?Stay tuned for the next episode of the ~Psych0tic Chronicles~ !
I know, I crossed it out. Decided to continue it from here.
Anyways... Will the war finally be over?
All the Bouncers are blasted off after they hit Skullista. The lily pads fall off to reveal... a collapsed Skullista!
Skullista: These are my last words... Curse... you... -disappears-
The rain stops. Pause the music.
Sandei: Did we... did she...
Kyra: We won the war!
And so they joyfully celebrated with a huge feast back at the castle, forgetting that there'd be more troubles up ahead of them.
Justin: Oh yeah, Anthony, the little girl's going to spread rumors about you. You know, the fake princess one.
Anthony: No worries, I've gotten that taken care of already.
In the girl's room...
Sophia, I gave you this lollipop. Please don't spread bad rumors about me.
Justin: ...I see...
They continued to enjoy their little party. What would happen next? Stay tuned for the next ~Psych0tic Chronicles~
The Bouncers awoke to the day where everything would be settled. The fate of the world. The Pico world. What would happen?
Elora: Did you guys manage to make the energy ball a positive one?
Lillie: It reacted weird at first, but now look at it!
Emmi: -compares the two pictures- Wow... with team work this is what we can accomplish. Hopefully the same results will be with Skullista.
Akuma: We can only hope.
Midori: Let's eat and head out.
When they finished eating...
Thomas: Skullista! Get the fuck out here! We're ready!
Neko: Skullista! Are you ready to settle the fate of the world?
Skullista: -comes out of the base-
Josh: She looks more evil...
Skullista: Ha! You guys stole my second energy ball! I really had two of them!
Kyra: What?
Skullista: You guys basically helped me because I probably wouldn't be able to handle the power of both energy balls! Are you ready to fail this war?!?
Skullista: Your tricks, I hate to admit, were quite clever. There was a lot of trickery in this war. But you silly, dumb Bouncers did all of that for NOTHING!
Emmi: Calling us "dumb" now, huh? Don't abuse your power.
Skullista: Why can't I? Oh, there's still more power to absorb... I'LL HAVE SO MUCH POWER! -holds energy ball up-
All of a sudden...
An angel with a double blade comes down and somehow shatters the energy ball. But the power was so immense that after she was done she was blasted off, landed painfully, and looks in not so good condition.
Sherry: Kanade? How'd you get out?
Kanade: Think of it as math. She held up the energy ball so the power went up... it basically evaporated. Multiply or divide two negatives to get a positive and I was able to come down.
Skullista: MY ENERGY BALL! Well, it doesn't matter now! I absorbed a half of that energy!
Tim: Half of that much energy?
Skullista: I only used those other members to buy time! Four days was enough for the energy ball to charge up! I just needed to absorb it!
Makrosz: That's cruel!
Sandei: Using your friends to buy time!
Skullista: Silly kitty, they weren't friends! They were merely servants that I decided to use!
Thomas: That's stupid. And that's quite amazing coming from me. Bitch. Die!
Starz: Did you just call yourself stupid?
Thomas: That was directed at her... -charges-
Skullista: Are you sure you'd like to mess with me?
Skullista: If you're planning on doing that... -uses huge amount of power to hit all of the bouncers at once-
Ella: So much energy... Took out 1/2 of all of our energy...
Skullista: That was merely 1/16 of the power I absorbed! Are you ready for another round?
Noodles: -throws noodle bowl at Skullista-
Skullista: -shatters it-
Prepre: -takes bubble, makes it into a rock shape, makes the rock bubble a real bubble and throws it at Skullista's head-
Skullista: -kicks it back at Prepre-
Prepre: -makes a bubble shield and then makes it a real shield- Gah..
Skullista: -breaks shield wipes out the bouncers-
Justine: -somehow on healer's wings and heals all of the bouncers at once-
Ruby: Justine... since when did you get the ability to fly?
Justine: I absorbed some of this. -takes out Skullista's other energy ball that became good energy because of Akuma, Lillie, and Ruby-
Justine: I just put the rest of the energy ball's power on you guys.
Emmi: Thank you Justine ^ ^
Emmi: Now, Skullista... we have the power of the Legendary Jewels AND an energy ball. All you have is an energy ball.
Skullista: Ha! I'm the lady of Hell! Basically a goddess!
*Note to Mythology Fans, if you're not one then skip this message and continue reading.
I know, there's no such Goddess as Skullista. But first of all...
This is MY story and I get to write it however I want (stuck-up much :3)
Second of all...
This is based on the Pico world, not Earth. I am fond of myths too, but yeah. This is the Pico World that these chronicles are based on. Message over. Now you can continue reading.
Kasumi: Anything else you'd like to say?
Skullista: I'm a goddess! You are all mere mortals with some super powers! Victory is mine!
Kanade: -stands up- We'll see about that.
Ruby: Um... What to do at a time like this...
Ruby: -summons some girl-
Girl: Hi! I'm Ruby's cousin!
Elora: What's a young, innocent child doing here?
Ruby: -ahem-
Elora: ...Powerless.
Girl: No. I have powers too. By the way, my name's Alyana.
Emmi: :o I see. But are you strong enough to fight?
Alyana: See, Ruby took in too much power from the Legendary Jewel and the energy ball for her to handle. So she gave half of it to me ^ ^ She knew that I had powers too.
Sherry: Well Skullista's trying to wipe us out... we should kill her right away.
It starts raining.
Skullista: Silly kitty, it won't be right away. -uses the skill that made the bouncers get wiped out earlier-
Emmi: -uses wisdom shield-
Starz: -uses star shield to support Emmi's shield-
Kanade: -takes out two blades and fights-
Thomas: -fights as well-
Skullista: -blasts more power-
Kyra: -shoots mirror bullets to reflect the power back-
And so... the battle raged on and on... with Skullista taking out the bouncers, Justine healing them, and Skullista nearly dying... Meanwhile...
I bet you thought I forgot about Lily. Guess not! Here she is in action right this second.
Lily: I need to find a way to get my lily pads to wrap her up as planned... Good thing I sneaked out of bed last night and prepared that Bubble Bouncers cannon...
Lily: -puts on an invisible cloak that she borrowed from Midori and starts setting up invisible traps just some feet away from Skullista-
Lily: -takes out her plans-
Ladies and Gentlemen... Ryans and Emilies.... (read Neko's blog for more information on the Ryans and Emilies thing), Picos... I present you with...
A failed attempt to make this look more realistic.
![]() |
*Note- This was created in paint |
Meanwhile... out there in the battlefield...
If you were spectating all you'd hear is...
*clang, clang, BLAST clang etc*
Eventually... Alyana gets blasted by Skullista into the hole that Lily was digging.
Lily: :o Are you okay?
Alyana: I am. What're you doing over here?
Lily: I'm setting up a trap to help the bouncers in. It'll work as long as I get enough time. -shows plans-
Alyana: Can I help? I can enhance your lily pad trap.
Lily: You can ^ ^
Back out in the battle field while Lily's digging...
Emmi: -blasting hearts at Skullista- Oh no! Where'd Alyana go?
Ruby: No worries, Alyana's helping out with something.
Akuma: Helping out with what?
Ruby: Lily told me only :3
Skullista and Midori passed by each other...
And Midori took less damage.
Skullista: -Somehow roars? And blasts a lot of power towards Midori-
Midori: -dodges all-
Skullista: -frustrated and fights Kanade-
Meanwhile... backstage...
Lily: We're already halfway done! I wouldn't have done this so quickly without your help.
Alyana: No problem~ I just hope the Bouncers are okay...
Lily: They should be. I've seen how strong they are.
Alyana: Really?
Lily: Yes. And they're clever too. The first battle they had was when they battled the old man that gave them their powers for pudding.... after that they looked for the legendary jewels and had to fight a long tournament for the 10th one... Then they went to look for the holders of the legendary jewels. Now here they are, fighting Skullista.
Alyana: Wow :o They're amazing.
Lily: They are. Anyways, let's continue digging.
Back out in the battlefield now~
Lillie: -turns into Ash from Pokemon :3- Go Pikachu! I choose you!
Thomas: ........................
Lillie: What
Skullista: AGH! HOW DARE YOU! -hits Pikachu-
Lillie: *turns into Nurse Jane and heals Pikachu-
Kasumi: -shoots arrow at Skullista-
Skullista: -dodges-
Camy: -jumps and throws coconuts at Skullista while she dodges Kasumi's arrow. It hits Skullista's eye-
Camy: Bull's eye~
Skullista: -hits Camy-
Camy: -uses coconut shield-
Neko: -scratches Skullista-
Skullista: -uses the same attack that wiped out the bouncers-
Joy's tofu shield sucked in all of the power!
Skullista: WHAT?
Ruby: Eh o.0 Is that some kind of sponge or something?
Joy: I dunno... -climbs up tree, jumps from it, and squeezes tofu to pour the power back on Skullista-
Skullista: AHH!... this is how strong my own POWER is..?
Joy: Well.... I guess?
Lily: Hole dug, lily pads set up, lily pads enhanced. When I activate the lily pads, they'll come up from underground and wrap up Skullista. Then the Bouncers will go into the hidden cannon with their power activated and I'll fire it at Skullista. We can only hope this will finish her off...
Alyana: It should. I mean, when she's trapped in the lily pads, it'll reduce her oxygen so it'll reduce her power... then a finishing touch.
Lily: Hopefully...
Lily: Well, get out there to light up the cannon with your evil powers. I'll tell the bouncers to get into the cannon with their powers activated. After they get in light up the cannon.
Alyana: Okay :o -comes out of hole-
Lily: -reveals cannon, comes out of the hole, and traps Skullista-
Emmi: o.o What's she covered in?
Lily: Bouncers! Take out your full power and come into the cannon!
Bouncers: -rushing into the giant cannon with full power ready-
Alyana: -lights the fuse-
Lily: -aims the huge cannon at Skullista, who's wrapped in lily pads-
Skullista: AHH!! CAN'T... BREATHE!!!
The fuse runs out... and Lily fires.
The overload of power is basically just... a rainbow with color spasm...
And it's directed at Skullista.
Will the war finally be over?
I know, I crossed it out. Decided to continue it from here.
Anyways... Will the war finally be over?
All the Bouncers are blasted off after they hit Skullista. The lily pads fall off to reveal... a collapsed Skullista!
Skullista: These are my last words... Curse... you... -disappears-
The rain stops. Pause the music.
Sandei: Did we... did she...
Kyra: We won the war!
And so they joyfully celebrated with a huge feast back at the castle, forgetting that there'd be more troubles up ahead of them.
Justin: Oh yeah, Anthony, the little girl's going to spread rumors about you. You know, the fake princess one.
Anthony: No worries, I've gotten that taken care of already.
In the girl's room...
Sophia, I gave you this lollipop. Please don't spread bad rumors about me.
Justin: ...I see...
They continued to enjoy their little party. What would happen next? Stay tuned for the next ~Psych0tic Chronicles~
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