Wizard: -makes stadium with Thomas and her in it, then makes a force field so that the other bouncers can't get in- Are you ready?
Thomas: Hell yeah I am!
Wizard: Very well then.
Thomas: -charges- -stab-
Wizard: -uses riddle shield and counter attacks with a question mark-
Thomas: -shields it-
Justin: Riddle shields. Basically a wisdom shield except people who are good at riddles can break out of it.
Thomas: Ugh, cheap much.
Wizard: -attacks with question marks-
Thomas: -shields all of them while running, then stabs the riddle shield hard-
Wizard: *thinks: I-it's Thomas! He seems really strong and hand-*
Thomas: -breaks shield-
Kasumi: He broke it? He's not even good at riddles...
Justin: She lost her focus and he broke it. And I know exactly why.
Justine: Why?
Justin: Not telling.
Thomas: -knocks wizard down with his sword at her throat-
Wizard: I... I LOVE YOU!
Thomas: ...Huh?
Bouncers: EH?!?!?!?!?
Wizard: I love you. -removes hat-
Thomas: ... Amy. What are you doing here?
Thomas: One of my childhood friends, Akuma. Her name is Amy.
Amy: Who's that?
Thomas: Uh... Um...
Tim: I think-
Kasumi: That's his girlfriend. Princess Akuma.
Amy: What?!?!
Thomas: Amy.
Amy: Y-yes?
Thomas: Why are you here?
Amy: Well, when I was living in the Bubble Kingdom when we were friends, I liked you. Knowing you probably wouldn't like me back, I ran away. In a wizard tower I became a riddles wizard... and they made me stay here.
Justine: -looks at Justin and they exchange grins- Well you know what Amy. We Bubble Bouncers shall give you a royal invitation back to the Bubble Kingdom.
Amy: How can I get back?
Justin: Get on aboard. After this quest is done, you're sailing back.
Justine: -quickly summons another bed downstairs, then runs back up- Plus you can sleep on a royal quality bed.
Amy: Th-thank you.
Kasumi: Wait, what about the Oracle's rules?
Justin: I hadn't realized until now... but that was the fake Oracle.
Bouncers except for Justin and Justine: EH?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Justin: Sorry.
Emmi: You've gotten this far. You can't go back now. You HAVE to finish before Neko's parents get out of control.
The 5 Bouncers on boat: Understood!
The next day...
And so they sailed on with their new temporary crew member.
Akuma: Amy! Thomas is MINE! Stay away from him!
Amy: O-okay... I mean.. NEVER!
A boom some was in the background.
Kyra: I shot her with a bullet that would make her faint temporarily.
Justine: It's for the best...
Kasumi: So what level are we on now?
Justin: Level 7. -passes each person sunglasses- A bright light will shine and then we'll get temporarily blinded. Then people will wipe us out before we can recover.
Kasumi: ...Why did you pack sunglasses?
Justin: Just in case this would happen. -snicker-
Kasumi: You do realize we're not on vacation.
Justin: Be grateful I did now. Put them on.
Kasumi =3= Fine. -puts them on-
When everyone was ready, the ship sailed right into level 7. A bright light shone as Justin said. Then the ambush came.
Assault person: WHAT? THEY HAD SUNGLASSES?!?!
And so, the Bouncers wiped them out easily.
Kasumi: We have deactivated 7 traps. After this we should set this cave free.... maybe as something to see while people are cruising.
Ruby: That's actually a good idea.
Justin: Level 8. Invisible people attack us.
Tim: Getting directions from you won't work out. Won't they be too fast?
Justin: Which is why I packed these. -takes out glasses that look like sunglasses but they can actually see invisible things- -passes the glasses to each person-
Justine: By the way... how come you have more than 5 packed?
Justin: In case Thomas lost his.
Thomas: Huh?
Justin: In fact, there's 24 of them packed up.
Thomas: Th-Thanks for being a friend. -cries in a corner-
Anthony: Where did your pride as a man go? Although we lost to the girls on that day. -sniff- We'll still have pride.
Thomas: You guys are right. -stands up-
Then they hear Josh and Anthony snickering.
Thomas: FUCK YOU!
Justin: Let's just go already.
They sailed into level 8.
Then they saw the invisible people.
One of the invisible people attacked Amy.
Thomas: -shields Amy and stabs the person- Amy, are you okay? -sparkle sparkle sparkle and stuff like that-
Amy: Y-yeah.
Kasumi: So romantic. -LOL-
Thomas: You know that's gonna piss off Akum-
Thomas: Fuck.
Justine: -spears someone but they dodge-
Amy: -shoots that person with a question mark-
Justine: -spears another person-
Tim: -throws the person who can't swim into the water-
Kasumi: -kills the remaining people with 2 arrows- 8 disarmed traps.
Justin: There's two more levels, with level 10 being the final.
Tim: What happens on level 9?
Justin: The cave roof collapses on us. Tim just has to super boost his way to level 10.
Tim: -goes to his position-
The plan worked. Now they're on their way to level 10.
Justin: On this final round, a mighty dragon awaits us.
Kasumi: -arms arrows- Let's get ready for this.
Justine: -picks up spear-
They arrived at level 10.
Kasumi: -shoots arrows at dragon-
The dragon eats the arrows and uses a flame that doesn't burn the ship but hurts all of the 6 people on the ship.
Justine: I feel so weak... and what sane dragon eats arrows?
Justin: Knight dragon. The strongest type of dragon.
Justine: Maybe I should summon one...
Emmi: Wait! No!
Lillie: Knight dragons lived in my mom's kingdom! Mom was the Queen of Dragons... Emmi, Anthony, and I talk to it.
Tim: So I understand Emmi and Lillie, but why Anthony?
Anthony: They taught me some stuff. Now hold the communicator up so the dragon can hear.
The following has been translated from Dragon Language to English.
Emmi: Brave Knight dragon, do you remember your Queen?
Dragon: Yes.
Lillie: We are the Queen's children. Can you spare our friends and fly back to the Bubble kingdom with them?
Dragon: Okay.
Anthony: The one with the dignified voice is my princess.
Emmi: Don't listen to him.
So we're done there.
Justine: -jumps to the power source and takes it-
Justin: It's caving in on us!
Amy: -destroys cave roof-
Emmi: Get on the dragon and take the communicator with you!
So they did.
The dragon flew out of the hole Amy made while the cave destroyed itself.
Kasumi: The wind feels so good~ SUCK IT ENEMIES!
Thomas: -takes power source from Justine- Let me hold it. I'm stronger.
Justine: Fine, but don't drop it.
Thomas: I won't. Jeez. -transforms back to normal, takes off his shirt, and swings his shirt around- I'M A MAN WITH PRIDE~ A MAN WITH PRIDE, A MAN WITH PRIDE~
Amy: *Thinks- Sexy abs...*
Justin: Oi, Careful with that.
Thomas: Don't worry, I won't drop- -drops-
Bouncers: ...
Bouncers except for Thomas: YOU DROPPED IT!
Thomas: OH SHIT!
Kasumi: -jumps down to get it-
Bouncers: Kasumi!
Kasumi caught the power, then splashed in the water with it.
Dragon: -flies to Kasumi-
Kasumi: I saved it from sinking.
Justin: Lifesaver much...
Justine: Now Thomas, I'M holding it.
Thomas: Fine.
Bun Bun: Seriously Thomas, stop lacking common sense.
Thomas: It's not my fault ._.
Emmi: How come Lillie and I learned everything ourselves?
Thomas: It's in your blood.
Lillie: You lived with nobles!
Anthony: Nice try, Thomas.
Thomas: Whatever.
Amy: Thomas, am I pretty?
Thomas: Y-yes.
Thomas: B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but I was just complimenting her. Complimenting her doesn't mean I like her! Like, if I called Tim sexy that doesn't mean I love him! Well, I love him as a friend... but see my point?
Akuma: Oh. I see. As a friend...
Thomas: Y-yes. Now I'll call you beautiful as lovers.
Akuma: I see...
Bouncers except for Akuma and Thomas: Has he... did he.... HE OUTSMARTED ANOTHER BUBBLE BOUNCER!
Lydia: Tonight... WE PARTY!
Thomas: Why's it such a big deal?
Neko: It's an achievement you have accomplished. We have been waiting for this day!
Thomas: Wha- -clears throat- I mean, it's not a surprise you're proud of me.
Emmi: We are because it's your first time... but we're hoping you can help out more.
Thomas: Ugh.
Soon enough, the dragon landed in the Bubble Kingdom.
Justine: We're back~
Bouncers: Welcome back~
Emmi: Knight dragon, would you like to live here?
Dragon: Yes :3
Emmi, Lillie, and Anthony took the dragon to its new home... the Bubble Bouncer's Dragon Den.
Justine: -takes out the ball of power- Here is the power to un-possess Neko's parents. Problem is... how do we use it?
Justin: We're supposed to split the ball in half and get it in their mouth.
Joy: And how should we do that?
Justin: Hm...
Midori: Put it in their food?
Justin: But it can only be only the energy ball...
Joy: Well I have an idea for Neko's dad.
Emmi, Lillie, and Anthony came back.
Bouncers: What's that?
Joy: Have a pretty person go in a bikini and seduce Neko's dad. That person will pretend to feed him and then when his mouth is open, Kasumi will shoot the half of the energy ball into his mouth, therefore getting him un-possessed.
Bouncers: GENIUS!
Justin: But who's going in the bikini?
The Bouncers look at Emmi.
Emmi: I'm taking care of the dragons~
Lillie: Me too~
And so they're gone.
Anthony: Emmi~ Wait for me~
He's gone too.
Joy: Now what?
Justine: Is the bikini really necessary?
Justin: With this type of possession, he's perverted, so yes.
Neko: That's my dad? And I can't do it since I'm his daughter.
The Bouncers look at Ella.
Ella: Uh...
Bouncers: BEAUTY CAT. NYA~
Bouncers: LOL
Ella: Fine. As long as it's for a friend.
Justin: So Joy, any ideas for Neko's mom?
Joy: Yes. But Akuma and Amy CANNOT... under ANY circumstances... CANNOT... hear it.
Akuma: ...
Amy: Very well then.
So Joy and the remaining bouncers went into the meeting room.
Joy: Thomas will seduce her in only swimming trunks... and pretend to uh... feed... her...
Justin: It's usually the girl feeding the guy...
Thomas: And why is it me?
Joy: ... Thomas... do you want more pride in this group?
Thomas: Yes.
Joy: THEN DO THE GODDAMN THING! As for Justin's comment... I don't think we should do the feeding thing anymore. While Neko's mom is flirting with Thomas, Kyra will shoot the ball into her mouth.
Joy: Also, distract Akuma and Amy.
Tim: How should we distract them?
Joy: I dunno.
Josh: Just tell them that the dungeon is dangerous and no one else but Thomas, Kasumi, Kyra, and Ella can't go in.
Joy: So meeting over?
And that was the end of the meeting. They told Amy and Akuma not to go in the dungeon as well.
Ella: *all changed with a bowl of porridge* Let's do this.
Thomas: *all changed* Yeah.
Kasumi: *loads the ball*
Kyra: *loads ball*
And they went in.
Ella: Breakfast time~
Neko's Dad: -nosebleed and opens mouth-
Neko's Mom: *starts talking to Thomas*
Kasumi and Kyra: -shoots-
As expected, they didn't miss and got the power in their mouths.
Neko's Dad: Where... am I?
Neko's Mom: Hm...
Ella: Run to our closets! Now!
Kasumi: *unlocks dungeon* Go go go! And Neko, reunite with your parents.
It was a sweet reunion with Neko and her parents.
Neko: Mom. Dad. May I have permission to stay in the Bubble Kingdom? I'll visit the reunited Kitty Kingdom once in a while.
Parents: Sure!
Yes, they did have the celebration party for Thomas, but it was also for the reunion and what Justin, Justine, Kasumi, Tim, and Thomas has achieved.
Well. It's the end of this plot. Stay tuned for the next episode of the ~Psych0tic Chronicles~
Thomas: Hell yeah I am!
Wizard: Very well then.
Thomas: -charges- -stab-
Wizard: -uses riddle shield and counter attacks with a question mark-
Thomas: -shields it-
Justin: Riddle shields. Basically a wisdom shield except people who are good at riddles can break out of it.
Thomas: Ugh, cheap much.
Wizard: -attacks with question marks-
Thomas: -shields all of them while running, then stabs the riddle shield hard-
Wizard: *thinks: I-it's Thomas! He seems really strong and hand-*
Thomas: -breaks shield-
Kasumi: He broke it? He's not even good at riddles...
Justin: She lost her focus and he broke it. And I know exactly why.
Justine: Why?
Justin: Not telling.
Thomas: -knocks wizard down with his sword at her throat-
Wizard: I... I LOVE YOU!
Thomas: ...Huh?
Bouncers: EH?!?!?!?!?
Wizard: I love you. -removes hat-
Thomas: ... Amy. What are you doing here?
Thomas: One of my childhood friends, Akuma. Her name is Amy.
Amy: Who's that?
Thomas: Uh... Um...
Tim: I think-
Kasumi: That's his girlfriend. Princess Akuma.
Amy: What?!?!
Thomas: Amy.
Amy: Y-yes?
Thomas: Why are you here?
Amy: Well, when I was living in the Bubble Kingdom when we were friends, I liked you. Knowing you probably wouldn't like me back, I ran away. In a wizard tower I became a riddles wizard... and they made me stay here.
Justine: -looks at Justin and they exchange grins- Well you know what Amy. We Bubble Bouncers shall give you a royal invitation back to the Bubble Kingdom.
Amy: How can I get back?
Justin: Get on aboard. After this quest is done, you're sailing back.
Justine: -quickly summons another bed downstairs, then runs back up- Plus you can sleep on a royal quality bed.
Amy: Th-thank you.
Kasumi: Wait, what about the Oracle's rules?
Justin: I hadn't realized until now... but that was the fake Oracle.
Bouncers except for Justin and Justine: EH?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Justin: Sorry.
Emmi: You've gotten this far. You can't go back now. You HAVE to finish before Neko's parents get out of control.
The 5 Bouncers on boat: Understood!
The next day...
And so they sailed on with their new temporary crew member.
Akuma: Amy! Thomas is MINE! Stay away from him!
Amy: O-okay... I mean.. NEVER!
A boom some was in the background.
Kyra: I shot her with a bullet that would make her faint temporarily.
Justine: It's for the best...
Kasumi: So what level are we on now?
Justin: Level 7. -passes each person sunglasses- A bright light will shine and then we'll get temporarily blinded. Then people will wipe us out before we can recover.
Kasumi: ...Why did you pack sunglasses?
Justin: Just in case this would happen. -snicker-
Kasumi: You do realize we're not on vacation.
Justin: Be grateful I did now. Put them on.
Kasumi =3= Fine. -puts them on-
When everyone was ready, the ship sailed right into level 7. A bright light shone as Justin said. Then the ambush came.
Assault person: WHAT? THEY HAD SUNGLASSES?!?!
And so, the Bouncers wiped them out easily.
Kasumi: We have deactivated 7 traps. After this we should set this cave free.... maybe as something to see while people are cruising.
Ruby: That's actually a good idea.
Justin: Level 8. Invisible people attack us.
Tim: Getting directions from you won't work out. Won't they be too fast?
Justin: Which is why I packed these. -takes out glasses that look like sunglasses but they can actually see invisible things- -passes the glasses to each person-
Justine: By the way... how come you have more than 5 packed?
Justin: In case Thomas lost his.
Thomas: Huh?
Justin: In fact, there's 24 of them packed up.
Thomas: Th-Thanks for being a friend. -cries in a corner-
Anthony: Where did your pride as a man go? Although we lost to the girls on that day. -sniff- We'll still have pride.
Thomas: You guys are right. -stands up-
Then they hear Josh and Anthony snickering.
Thomas: FUCK YOU!
Justin: Let's just go already.
They sailed into level 8.
Then they saw the invisible people.
One of the invisible people attacked Amy.
Thomas: -shields Amy and stabs the person- Amy, are you okay? -sparkle sparkle sparkle and stuff like that-
Amy: Y-yeah.
Kasumi: So romantic. -LOL-
Thomas: You know that's gonna piss off Akum-
Thomas: Fuck.
Justine: -spears someone but they dodge-
Amy: -shoots that person with a question mark-
Justine: -spears another person-
Tim: -throws the person who can't swim into the water-
Kasumi: -kills the remaining people with 2 arrows- 8 disarmed traps.
Justin: There's two more levels, with level 10 being the final.
Tim: What happens on level 9?
Justin: The cave roof collapses on us. Tim just has to super boost his way to level 10.
Tim: -goes to his position-
The plan worked. Now they're on their way to level 10.
Justin: On this final round, a mighty dragon awaits us.
Kasumi: -arms arrows- Let's get ready for this.
Justine: -picks up spear-
They arrived at level 10.
Kasumi: -shoots arrows at dragon-
The dragon eats the arrows and uses a flame that doesn't burn the ship but hurts all of the 6 people on the ship.
Justine: I feel so weak... and what sane dragon eats arrows?
Justin: Knight dragon. The strongest type of dragon.
Justine: Maybe I should summon one...
Emmi: Wait! No!
Lillie: Knight dragons lived in my mom's kingdom! Mom was the Queen of Dragons... Emmi, Anthony, and I talk to it.
Tim: So I understand Emmi and Lillie, but why Anthony?
Anthony: They taught me some stuff. Now hold the communicator up so the dragon can hear.
The following has been translated from Dragon Language to English.
Emmi: Brave Knight dragon, do you remember your Queen?
Dragon: Yes.
Lillie: We are the Queen's children. Can you spare our friends and fly back to the Bubble kingdom with them?
Dragon: Okay.
Anthony: The one with the dignified voice is my princess.
Emmi: Don't listen to him.
So we're done there.
Justine: -jumps to the power source and takes it-
Justin: It's caving in on us!
Amy: -destroys cave roof-
Emmi: Get on the dragon and take the communicator with you!
So they did.
The dragon flew out of the hole Amy made while the cave destroyed itself.
Kasumi: The wind feels so good~ SUCK IT ENEMIES!
Thomas: -takes power source from Justine- Let me hold it. I'm stronger.
Justine: Fine, but don't drop it.
Thomas: I won't. Jeez. -transforms back to normal, takes off his shirt, and swings his shirt around- I'M A MAN WITH PRIDE~ A MAN WITH PRIDE, A MAN WITH PRIDE~
Amy: *Thinks- Sexy abs...*
Justin: Oi, Careful with that.
Thomas: Don't worry, I won't drop- -drops-
Bouncers: ...
Bouncers except for Thomas: YOU DROPPED IT!
Thomas: OH SHIT!
Kasumi: -jumps down to get it-
Bouncers: Kasumi!
Kasumi caught the power, then splashed in the water with it.
Dragon: -flies to Kasumi-
Kasumi: I saved it from sinking.
Justin: Lifesaver much...
Justine: Now Thomas, I'M holding it.
Thomas: Fine.
Bun Bun: Seriously Thomas, stop lacking common sense.
Thomas: It's not my fault ._.
Emmi: How come Lillie and I learned everything ourselves?
Thomas: It's in your blood.
Lillie: You lived with nobles!
Anthony: Nice try, Thomas.
Thomas: Whatever.
Amy: Thomas, am I pretty?
Thomas: Y-yes.
Thomas: B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but I was just complimenting her. Complimenting her doesn't mean I like her! Like, if I called Tim sexy that doesn't mean I love him! Well, I love him as a friend... but see my point?
Akuma: Oh. I see. As a friend...
Thomas: Y-yes. Now I'll call you beautiful as lovers.
Akuma: I see...
Bouncers except for Akuma and Thomas: Has he... did he.... HE OUTSMARTED ANOTHER BUBBLE BOUNCER!
Lydia: Tonight... WE PARTY!
Thomas: Why's it such a big deal?
Neko: It's an achievement you have accomplished. We have been waiting for this day!
Thomas: Wha- -clears throat- I mean, it's not a surprise you're proud of me.
Emmi: We are because it's your first time... but we're hoping you can help out more.
Thomas: Ugh.
Soon enough, the dragon landed in the Bubble Kingdom.
Justine: We're back~
Bouncers: Welcome back~
Emmi: Knight dragon, would you like to live here?
Dragon: Yes :3
Emmi, Lillie, and Anthony took the dragon to its new home... the Bubble Bouncer's Dragon Den.
Justine: -takes out the ball of power- Here is the power to un-possess Neko's parents. Problem is... how do we use it?
Justin: We're supposed to split the ball in half and get it in their mouth.
Joy: And how should we do that?
Justin: Hm...
Midori: Put it in their food?
Justin: But it can only be only the energy ball...
Joy: Well I have an idea for Neko's dad.
Emmi, Lillie, and Anthony came back.
Bouncers: What's that?
Joy: Have a pretty person go in a bikini and seduce Neko's dad. That person will pretend to feed him and then when his mouth is open, Kasumi will shoot the half of the energy ball into his mouth, therefore getting him un-possessed.
Bouncers: GENIUS!
Justin: But who's going in the bikini?
The Bouncers look at Emmi.
Emmi: I'm taking care of the dragons~
Lillie: Me too~
And so they're gone.
Anthony: Emmi~ Wait for me~
He's gone too.
Joy: Now what?
Justine: Is the bikini really necessary?
Justin: With this type of possession, he's perverted, so yes.
Neko: That's my dad? And I can't do it since I'm his daughter.
The Bouncers look at Ella.
Ella: Uh...
Bouncers: BEAUTY CAT. NYA~
Bouncers: LOL
Ella: Fine. As long as it's for a friend.
Justin: So Joy, any ideas for Neko's mom?
Joy: Yes. But Akuma and Amy CANNOT... under ANY circumstances... CANNOT... hear it.
Akuma: ...
Amy: Very well then.
So Joy and the remaining bouncers went into the meeting room.
Joy: Thomas will seduce her in only swimming trunks... and pretend to uh... feed... her...
Justin: It's usually the girl feeding the guy...
Thomas: And why is it me?
Joy: ... Thomas... do you want more pride in this group?
Thomas: Yes.
Joy: THEN DO THE GODDAMN THING! As for Justin's comment... I don't think we should do the feeding thing anymore. While Neko's mom is flirting with Thomas, Kyra will shoot the ball into her mouth.
Joy: Also, distract Akuma and Amy.
Tim: How should we distract them?
Joy: I dunno.
Josh: Just tell them that the dungeon is dangerous and no one else but Thomas, Kasumi, Kyra, and Ella can't go in.
Joy: So meeting over?
And that was the end of the meeting. They told Amy and Akuma not to go in the dungeon as well.
Ella: *all changed with a bowl of porridge* Let's do this.
Thomas: *all changed* Yeah.
Kasumi: *loads the ball*
Kyra: *loads ball*
And they went in.
Ella: Breakfast time~
Neko's Dad: -nosebleed and opens mouth-
Neko's Mom: *starts talking to Thomas*
Kasumi and Kyra: -shoots-
As expected, they didn't miss and got the power in their mouths.
Neko's Dad: Where... am I?
Neko's Mom: Hm...
Ella: Run to our closets! Now!
Kasumi: *unlocks dungeon* Go go go! And Neko, reunite with your parents.
It was a sweet reunion with Neko and her parents.
Neko: Mom. Dad. May I have permission to stay in the Bubble Kingdom? I'll visit the reunited Kitty Kingdom once in a while.
Parents: Sure!
Yes, they did have the celebration party for Thomas, but it was also for the reunion and what Justin, Justine, Kasumi, Tim, and Thomas has achieved.
Well. It's the end of this plot. Stay tuned for the next episode of the ~Psych0tic Chronicles~
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