Monday, October 29, 2012

Sign it please?

This blog's dying.. but I'll up it, so no problem.
But Ameba Pico's dying too.
Sign the petition if you don't want Ameba Pico to die.
There's too many memories there and I don't just want a random staff to throw it away.

Sign it please~


  1. Hai emi, you still remember me (I hope) because you kept me in the chronocles and I miss you (no homo?) but do you play minecraft? Id like to be friends. C: Sorry for the bad spelling~

    1. *VERY late response, I'm not even sure if you're gonna read this anymore

      I don't play Minecraft yet, sadly, and yes I remember you... if only we could talk outside pico.
      I just got an idea to make a chatroom for pico players everywhere :3


Here, you can say stuff about the blog and stuff. Post your opinions and tips here :3 Oh, and fans are appreciated (Jk...)