Friday, July 29, 2011

So THIS is my cousin's house!

Someone help meh~ My cousin has me trapped in hell T-T
This isn't good.

Cousin: Hey, get in that box over there
Me: Okayy??
                                             Me: OMG
                                           Cousin: Ha! I got chu trapped!

Me: Aww, you're so mean. Let me watch tv too?
And he's trying to expand that little box he calls hell ._.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A new survey has been born!

This time it's about anime! It's obviously about your favorite anime. I have to give Lillie 100% of the credit because she made the poll and added most of the animes in it. I added, like, 2 of the answers that are anime XD
If you dunno about anime just choose "Wtf is anime?" just so that there are more answers in the survey.
Have fun!
                                                                                   Princess Emmi~

And the winners (losers) are...

Heya guys I've come here with some bad news~ Let's see which kind of Picos are the most hated...

1st Place- 
Show-offs/Braggers. Yeah. I REALLY hate these :3

2nd Place-
Pretend babies that use w's and people that think they're all that but really aren't. Yep. I hate these too x3

3rd Place-
SPAMMERS! Mute these people at all times! You have to mute these people because some people use hacks that the Ameba Pico staff can't mute so only you can mute these people from your screen!

Well that's it for now. I'll try thinking of another poll that probably lots of people will vote on :3
*Oh, yeah, and btw (by the way), if you're any of these types of pico players, you better shape up or you're not making any friends.
                                                                                  Princess Emmi~

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Miniloid on my lap!

Rin took my orange!

I was being clueless when Rin walked up to me and stole my orange! I was gonna nom it down too >:o
There were many witnesses...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

~Kagamine Rin and Len, the Kagamine Twins~

I met the Kagamine Twins :D (Ameba Pico Edition)

Ameba Pico- The New Space Shuttle!

I'm sure all of you reading this post right now have seen Pico's new space shuttle :3 Here are the pics I took.

Some Screen Thingies. I wish technology was like this irl.

3... 2... 1... BLAST OFF!

Hello Captain Joe, Emmi reporting for duty. (Not really)

What's that? Looks like some chemical stuff. I'm not sure. Probably suspicious.

That is pretty awesome :3

Why hello there! :3

I wonder why some computers have more screens than others. o.o

PST- Pico Space Travel, or, in Ameba Pigg, Pigg Space Travel.

Same PST Symbol on the wall :3

A shot of the PST symbol on the rocket :3

Thanks for welcoming me!

Disappeared rocket with some angry people with no star :/

Rocket ready to launch :3

What's going on? A meteorite? I hope not.

Suspicious chemicals here as well?? Oh noes~

Reporting for duty.

Technology should be like this irl >:O (As I said in another pic)

And finally, a friend who looks like a worker with the princess :3
 Well, that's all for this post. Until the next post, I'm gone :3

Monday, July 18, 2011


Never underestimate a grandmaster. Even though you have almost all of the spots and the grandmaster has only 8, don't underestimate them. They WILL, and I mean will, unleash their ultimate grandmaster powers on you!! Let's check a few examples I have...

When Sherry wasn't a grandmaster, she told me about a grandmaster that let her take every single corner and the grandmaster still wins. AMAZIN'! O.O

I once made the mistake of underestimating a grandmaster I played against, just because I had more chips than him. Near the end of the match, he mopped the floor wif meh ._. I went around wondering "What was my huge mistake?? T~T"

So you see my friends, never underestimate a grandmaster. As I said in the beginning of this post, grandmasters will unleash their ultimate pro power on you if you do. Underestimate a grandmaster and they'll make you pay!
I hope that teaches you reckless people out there x3
No newbies were harmed in the making of this blog post.
                                                                            Princess Emmi~

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Chipow Learned How to Sit *-*

Her other tricks are pet, lift up, and paw. she just learned how to sit :3

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

darner :3 (drawing)

I drew a puppy and named it after my friend darner :3 I hopes you likes it~

I have a new henchman..

Lol o.o;

Monday, July 11, 2011

A New Formula About Anime Called ASD

This Formula is known as the ASD, which stands for 
Anime Self-Destruct. It happens when an anime gets too old and boring. If you know any animes that commited this, contact me somehow and tell me the anime so that I can post it on the blog :3 I'll be sorry if your favorite anime is on the list.

Star Collection: #01~04

Greetings all, back for a little more tutorial coverage. This is the first post in a little series covering all the collectable stars in Ameba Pico, from the simplest to the downright tedious. Click for more!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hershey Park and Hotel Memories :D We're back!!

 So I just wanted to tell you guys some things I remembered from mine's and Lillie's trip to the park. Here they are, good or bad :3

Epic Kidnapping?
  Last night it looked like my uncle kidnapped his own son. It happened when Lillie and I were sitting in the car waiting for everyone else while my baby cousin was sleeping. Suddenly, my uncle came! This is what happened.
Uncle: Nathan! Wake up! We are at home!
Nathan: No! No..No! No!!
Uncle: *picks Nathan up and takes Nathan away while he was still saying "No!"*
Lillie and I laughed really hard when they were gone because it looked like kidnapping. 
                                                          I wonder if any of their neighbors dialed 911..... :O

A very, very, long night...
  What I forgot was the fact that my mom, dad, Lillie, and I had to share a room. That was pretty bad, because my dad snores loud x.x
On the second night of Hershey Park, we were sleeping. I couldn't sleep... dad snored too loud. I don't even wanna describe what it sounded like xD

The Mouth-closing Contest :3 (try this with your friends/family)

  My little cousin made up a contest called the mouth-closing contest. You need to know how to talk with your mouth closed (lol)
It was harder than I thought it would be. What I didn't realize about the contest was that it was an actual contest so you had to try to make the other people (Lillie and Ryan) open their mouths. It's really fun but hard x3
                                   Have you ever won a contest like that before?

The Ultimate Scrambler Ride!
  I remember the time when Lillie and I rode the Scrambler while it was raining. It was windy and rained really hard, and the Scrambler was a fast ride. When we got on, the Scrambler started. (It's not a roller coaster!!) The rain soaked us up and then my hat blew off. Lillie kept slipping onto my arm and couldn't stay off of it. All of a sudden, her hat blew off. We were laughing so hard. Lillie's hat landed into a HUGE puddle! My hat was near it, outside of the puddle. By the time the ride was over, Lillie and I were really wet. We planned to soak the horses on the Carrosul (or however you spell that >.<;), but we had to go. 
  It was a really fun ride. I'll never forget that.

Lillie's AWESOME Coffee!
  I just wanted to say that the coffee she made at the breakfast place in the hotel was pretty nice. She added 1 big pack of sugar and 5 small packs. I didn't see how much milk she put in it. It turned out to be really sweet! I wish I haven't forgotten the sweet taste x.x
Anyways, it was sweet. I don't know how much milk she put in so you might wanna ask her if you go to Hampton Hotel in Pennsylvania and want the same coffee recipe. (I'm not sure if she would tell you any of the recipe, but ask her about the whole recipe because this might not be accurate)
The Magical Uncle~
  Lillie, Ryan, my aunt, and I went to a different elevator than my uncle did and left him behind.
Lillie: Did we leave him behind?? LOL
Emmi: Lool~ x3
Aunt: Shh, shh :3
Ryan: Teehee!
But when we got to the first floor, our uncle was there! I could have SWORN we entered our elevator before our uncle entered the other one!! It was creepy. Now we're thinking Ryan's dad/Lillie's and mine's uncle is MAGICAL.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Detailed news flash o.o (not detailed)

So I  just wanted to say we went to this Hershey's World.. got chocolate and stuff like that ^-^
Lillie and I were only allowed to bring 1 laptop ^-^;

YATTA~ (News News)

Well i guess me n emzi made it to the hotel. It took like 5-6 hours to get here. Then we went to tour some place after we ate pho. :3 Me is happy but tired.

Thats all for now~

Gooooooooooooood Night~

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 5 - The Case of the Missing Pudding part 4; The Bouncers' First Battle part 2

Thomas: *having a sword fight with the old man*
Emmi: *tries to power up*
Sherry: x.x *attempts to attack*
Lillie: Idk what power I have... I have the anime symbol but idk what to do with it :/
Justine: I know what you're supposed to do.
Justine: *whispers powers to Lillie*
Lillie: :O Got it!
Thomas: O.O I missed! 
Then Thomas got attacked because he was too late to shield himself.
Thomas: Dang, you're pretty strong for an old man...
Old man: Stop making yourself sound tough, you just got this symbol today!
Lillie: Step out! I've got stage! *starts singing*
Old man: Noo!! Don't sing!! Bad!! I can't stand your singing!!!
Tim: Now to use.. GAS POWER!! *farts 40 times*
Thomas: Why does it go up by 10 now?..
Emmi: *spins wand* I have made the best power I could! *casts heart magic*
Sherry: Neko power! *scratches*
Old man: Hey!
Josh: *bounces on the old man*
Old man: *hurt a bit* Guess what?
Bouncers: Eh?
Old man: 5 minutes has passed.. but I am not defeated. 
Sherry: *shivers*
Lillie: And.. and what's that supposed to mean...?
Emmi: o.o
Thomas: e.e
Old man: I will unleash my ultimate power.. Then the pudding will be mine!!!
Lillie: Omg...
Old man: *mutters random words*
A power aura came out. Is this the end for the bouncers?
Wait, no, Justine is still here!
Justine: *heals everyone as she dodges the pedo man's attacks*
Old man: Stupid apprentice. This is why I don't want her in my house...
Justine: No,
Old man: Why not? I am your lord! Your master!!
Justine: Not anymore old man!!
Old man: What?
Justine: A few days ago you made me live with the humans.
Justine: You hate me! You are not my lord!
Old man: No!! Noo!! I'm sorry!
Justine: It's too late! Sorry won't cut it! *slaps old man*
Old man: I'll give you a spanking now... 
Lillie: No!
Tim: *farts*
All the bouncers woke up and were all glowing. Justine gave them a power-up.. kinda like in Super Mario when he grabs a star ^-^
Thomas: CHAARGE!!!
Tim: *knocks old man out with fart*
Thomas: Old man will be defeated!! Yes!!
And then the Bouncers unleashed THEIR ultimate powers. They also combined them.. very amazing light show.. I wish this was an anime.. 
Let me describe this.. it has music notes, cat ears, glowing pink hearts, gas, and a sword. Josh charged into the power and added more to it with his Rekkan skills.
Old man: Nooo!!!
They defeated him.
After Justine healed the old man, here comes the good news ^-^
Old man: Alright you guys win.. Here's your pudding back *grumbles*
Old man: But next time I'll win >:3
Emmi: Nahh, we're too powerful ~_^
Thomas: Yeah!
Old man: Well back home you nooblets go.
Thomas: Stop acting tough, you're just weak.
Old man: :O
Thomas: xP
Tim: hehe- *FARTS*
Josh: Tim.. you might wanna stop ruining the good moments with your farts. o.o
Justine: Well let's go home!
Emmi: Sherry, open the book to our castle~
Sherry: As you wish ^-^
When they got home, they celebrated with the whole village with a HUGE pudding party!
Lillie: *watching anime while eating REAL pudding* Pudding~~ I'm so glad to have you back :D                                                            

Emmi: Heehee ^-^
Tim: *farts*
Sherry: *laughs*
Justine: Home sweet home...
Josh: Yeah... 
Thomas: Now we can just chill xD
Lillie: With pudding!
Tim: *farts*
Lillie: I lost count... how about an extra $10 because of that? You now owe my $100 worth of pudding >:O
Tim: -.-;
       Problem solved. Let's see what happens on the next episode ^-^

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 4 - The Case of the Missing Pudding part 3; The Bouncers' First Battle

Both sides were getting ready. This would be a tough battle.
Sherry: Are you guys sure about this? T~T I'm kinda scared ^-^;
Lillie: I just want my pudding....
Emmi: We have to do this for Lillie's sake. We either win or lose...
Justine: I forgot to tell you guys I have healing powers ^-^
Josh: You have what??
Justine: Healing powers :D
Thomas: OMG Awesome!!
Old man: You suckers ready?
Tim: Yeah!!! *FART*
Thomas: That's a good sign.. kinda... >.<
Old man: Let's do dis! Now transform!!
Then all the Bouncers transformed.
Sherry: Emmi~ You look cute ^-^
Emmi: Ty x3
Old man: Fashion doesn't matter. The pudding matters right now!!
Justine: *shivers*
Josh: Alright charge~
Thomas: *tries to hit old man with sword but misses*
Thomas: Crap!
Lillie: Oh noes! You missed!!
Emmi: *takes out magical pink wand* I shall attack you with pink hearts!
Lillie: Yay! Go sissy!
Old man: That barely scratched me.
Thomas: e.e Don't offend princess! *tries many times to attack the old man*
Josh: Thomas, no! We need a plan!
Tim: Time out or I fart in your face, old man!
Old man: No!
Old man: *holds nose* Fine...
Sherry: x.x;
Lillie: Hmm... let's all just attack at once.
Justine: Alright, you guys go ahead but I'm a healer so I can't fight ^^; Sorry~
Thomas: That's okay, at least you can heal.
Josh: Alright, time in!
Old man: You guys have 5 minutes to defeat me or else.. I'll unleash my ultimate power...
                                                            Well this post turned out longer than expected ^-^; To be continued...

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 3 - The Case of the Missing Pudding part 2

Sherry: Well I guess we're back here again ^-^;
Thomas: Well let's just go explore for Lillie's sake.. she looks desperate x.x
Lillie: *whining for pudding*
Emmi: We should look for the pedo man and see what happened with him in case he stole the pudding
Tim: *FART*
Josh: Tim this is NO farting matter! 
Tim: But...
Josh: *hands popcorn*
Tim: Yay!
Josh: But he looks desperate for popcorn like Lillie's desperate for pudding. >.<;
Justine: *facepalm*
Emmi: Omg he's not home x.x What are we gonna do?
Thomas: Keep exploring?...
Justine: Alright then...
Lillie: I just want my pudding x<
Tim: *farts 30 times*
Thomas: o_____________________________________________o
Emmi: Fail...
Lillie: $81 worth of-
Lillie: Jeez I bet I'm more upset than you are x.x I want pudding and YOU ALREADY HAVE YOUR POPCORN
Thomas: She has a point ya know...
Emmi: Omg...
Bouncers: What?
Emmi: It's the pedo man.. and he has Earth's pudding... and he's eating it...
Old man: HEY!!! MY PUDDING!
Lillie: No! Mine! I had it first! Get chur own pudding pedo man!
Old man: No!
Thomas: Yo! Pedo man! Wanna go?
Lillie: :o
Old man: Shyeah, sure thing kid!
Thomas: Whoever wins takes all the pudding back! And my friends are fighting on MY side!
Old man: Psh, fine by me.
And the Bouncers' first battle begins...
                                                                              To be continued....

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 2 - The Case of the Missing Pudding part 1

One day, Lillie went to the fridge to have some pudding for lunch when...
Lillie: Omg x.x Where'd the chocolate pudding go??? *panics*
Lillie went crazy and looked through everyone's stuff. 
Thomas: Yo! Lillie! Don't look through my magazines...
Lillie: *holds perve magazines up* >.>;
Thomas: Omg Lillie I told you not to look through them!
Sherry: Are you sure you can't make it through a DAY without pudding, Lillie?
Lillie: No...
Emmi: *sigh* I'll get you more chocolate pudding...
Lillie: Yay!! Ty sissy!
Emmi: Haha yw.
 But after Emmi looked in the shop, there was no pudding to be found. 
Emmi looked at every single shop. Days and days she looked around the world for PUDDING.
But there was no pudding to be found.
Then came the bad news from Emmi to Lillie...
Emmi: Nope..
Josh: Common Lillie I'm sure you can live a day without pudding...
Justine: Yea xD
Lillie: Umm.. okay...
Lillie: $51 worth of pudding! Fatso!!
Tim: Shut up it's natural D:
2 hours later.
Lillie: I'm not gonna make it through the day......
Thomas: I GOT IT!
Bouncers: Hmm?
Thomas: I bet some fatty stole all the pudding!
Sherry: Omg really?
Thomas: Yeah really!!
Josh: So I guess we look for the pudding now?
Lillie: YES!!!
Emmi: For the sake of Lillie, yes ^-^;
Justine: Alright let's go!
Tim: Al- *farts*
Tim: It's natural D:
And they set off.
After searching for days and days... they found 100 crates full of PUDDING.
Lillie: OMG!! Pudding!! Ima enjoy a cup of pudding right now!!
But to the Bouncers' horror, when Lillie tested the pudding, it tasted weird, kinda like plastic.
Lillie: ... T~T THIS IS A FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bouncers desperately trying all of the pudding, they all tasted the same and therefore were all fake.
Emmi: What are we gonna do now?...
Thomas: Let's explore that other realm! Sherry, do you have that book?
Sherry: Yeah ^-^ Why?
Justine: We'll be exploring the other realm!
Josh: Alright let's do this! 
Sherry re-opened the book to the same page where they met the old man... and then...
                                                                               To be continued...


Guess Lillie and I are off for Hershey Park tomorrow. We'll miss you guys~ <3 ^-^
/wave :3

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 1

This is another fine day in the castle.. except when...
Lillie: *eating pudding while watching anime*
Thomas: I'm soo bored x.x
Emmi: At least there aren't any evil monsters here because we have no power at all...
Sherry eventually found a book in her room. It wasn't a book the bouncers have seen before.
Emmi: Should we take a look at it?
Sherry: Whatever the princess says ^-^
Tim: I hope it's free popcorn :O
Josh: Free popcorn comes in packages, not books.
Sherry: *opens the book*
The book sucks everyone in the castle into the book. 
Everyone, eventually, were in another realm.
Emmi: Idk Dx
Thomas: Sweeet~ Somewhere to explore
Sherry: *cat ears perking up* It looks dangerous x<
Tim: *farts*
And then everyone wildly starts running around and panicing like crazy. 
Suddenly, an old man appears outta nowhere!
Old man: Calm down, young ones.
No one seemed to hear OR see him. Everyone was busy panicing like crazy people would.
Lillie: :O Hi old man!
Tim: *farts*
Josh: I knew it..
Sherry: Good day to you sir *curtseys*
Emmi: Good day to you ^-^
Old man: >.< >.> <.< That fart was pretty loud whoever did it
Tim: SHADDYAP! *farts*
Old man: Whatever. As you guys can see, the book you opened sucked you into this realm. You guys are the chosen ones!
All the bouncers in unison: The chosen~~~ Ones!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Old man: SILENCE
Bouncers: Yes sir x<
Lillie: But we were just trying to-
Old man: You guys have been chosen to eliminate all of the idiots in your world! Of course, there are other groups that have been chosen as well, but you guys are expected to be the strongest ones.
Bouncers: *listening*
Old man: Well that's all I can reveal for now.
Sherry: May we go home now?
Old man: No. You guys need your epic super-power symbols.
Lillie: What do they do? *eating pudding*
Old man: They give you special abilities. Very, very, special.
Thomas: Okay then give us our symbols!!
Old man: I wont be giving your symbols to you. My apprentice kitty Justine will. Well bye guys xD Justine will be coming shortly.
And the mysterious old man poofed.
Justine: Nya!
Thomas: Whoa! o.o;
Justine: :O Good day to you princess *curtseys*
Emmi: Good day to you too ^-^
Thomas: Okay, okay, just give us our symbols and get us outta here!
Justine: Okie~ Who wants to go first?
Justine: Hey! Princess! You can have the symbol of hearts, bubbles, or the crown.
Emmi: Umm I'll take hearts.
Justine: What about you Lillie?
Lillie: HOW'D YA KNOW MA NAME? >:o
Justine: Master told me :3
Lillie: Well who told him??
Justine: No one. He's a pedo master who stalks young people like you.
Sherry: Oh dear...
Josh: Uh oh..
Justine: Anyways.. Thomas, take the symbol of the sword :3
Thomas: A sword!! Fine by me ^-^
Justine: Hmm... Lillie. What symbol do you want?
Lillie: I'll take the symbols of anime!
Justine: ... Alright then x3
Lillie: Hellz yeah!!
Tim: Well what do I take?
Justine: *holding her nose* Well you can have the symbol of gas :D
Emmi: *cough*
Tim: e.e Fine.
Justine: Hmm.. Sherry, you can have the symbol of cats and Josh can have Rekkan.
Sherry: Alright then ^-^
Josh: Okay~
Justine: I'll send you guys back now.
Thomas: Yes!
Justine: Wait! I forgot to tell you guys something!!
Lillie: I wanna watch anime though x<
The old man reappears.
Lillie: Pedo man is back!
Old man: Shush that mouth of yours.
Emmi: Bad manners, sir.
Old man: IDC
Sherry: Don't shout at the princess >.<
Old man: WHATEVER! 
Justine: Master, calm down.
Josh: *sigh*
Old man: First of all, to transform, you have to touch your symbol and shout "BOUNCE" 10 times.
Bouncers: Cool!
Old man: >.< And second of all Justine will be living with you because I'm SICK AND TIRED OF HAVING HER IN MA HOUSE!!
Justine: -.-;
Sherry: Leave the poor girl alone, sir.
Lillie: Pedo man has a problem!
Thomas: Ughh you broke your old record...
Justine: *teleports everyone back home, leaving the pedo man to smell Tim's digusting fart*
Thomas: Well that was amusing...
Josh: I don't wanna remember what just happened back there xD
Emmi: That pedo man was disrespectful and mean.
Sherry: Don't worry princess ^-^ I don't think we have to see him again.
Justine: I didn't like him either ^-^ Lol. I bet I'll like this new place better than that other realm over there.
Lillie: $31 worth of pudding. FAIL
Emmi: *sigh*
                                                                               To be continued...

As you guys can see now..

I've finally started the series. It's kinda written like a play so if you guys wanna do a skit of it ask me and you can. If you're making a Youtube video of it, send me a mail on Ameba Pico of the link :3

Beelzebub Attacks! Story 1

In a faraway land named Ameba Pico, 5 friends were chatting about who ever would know what....until a disaster happened....

It all started while hanging out in the Okuu Hallway. All was peaceful and quiet while waiting for the Edo Lord to come out and walk the hallway. But, when the Edo Lord came out, monsterus "picos" stood up and cried out "PROPS PLZ"

The 5 friends sat there in shock, watching as the dreaded picos screamed in everyone's faces just for "props". Lillie stood up bravely, and opened her mouth to yell "Sit down!", but no sound came out. Why? Because just as she was about to yell, a big explosion came.


Scared, Lillie sat back down and curled up into a ball. Princess Emmi bravely used her magic wand to mute all the evil picos.
" I have silenced you! If you happen to break through the silence, I SHALL KEEL YOU." she said.

Joshie and Justine laughed at that. But this was no laughing matter. The picos broke free instantly from the spell and continued screaming "PROPS"
Sherry, who was getting really p***ed, ran around screaming "RAWR SIT DOWN"

Most of the evil picos got scared and either poofed or sat down. Sherry proudly sat down, with a huge grin on her face. But now we needed to deal with the most horrid, evil, noob picos ever known to Ameba Pico.

Lillie pulled out her sythe. Princess had sat on her other weapon, the Hibiscus flower. With no other choice in mind, Lillie bounced back and forth down the hallway with sythe in hand, screaming "BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE" , and thus scareing all but one pico.

Justine decided to use her cat powers on the remaining pico, and Joshie used RenKan moves on it.....but only taking off 2HP from it. Sherry bounced on it, Princess hit it with her wand, and Lillie poked it with her sythe....HARD.

They was a sucessful groupie, defeating the horrid and evil pico. Just as they were about to explosion came again....the Edo Lord....was acctually a clone!

Find out what happens in the next episode of "Beelzebub Attacks!" Story 2

Hehehe please leave a comment of how my story was down in the comment section below.
(And also if i should continue it ^^)

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 0

Princess Emmi (she'll be called Emmi in the stories)
Okie story starts now :3
One (normal) day in the castle of Bubble Bouncers...
Lillie: Sissy!! Buy me more pudding!
Emmi: But sis.. you already owe me $10 worth of packs of pudding >_<;
Lillie: Idc I need pudding D:<
Emmi: Alright, alright, but you'll owe me $11 worth of pudding k?
Lillie: T~T
Thomas: I'm bored o.o
Tim: *farts*
Emmi: Who farted?!? >.>;
Thomas and Lillie: *points at Tim*
Tim: >.>; 
Emmi: -.-; That's considered a disrespectful habit, especially if it's smelly and loud. ._.
Tim: Yeah yeah whatever -.-
Lillie: Tim owes me pudding now! $20 worth of pudding for farting 20 times today!!
Thomas: Lillie, you just want pudding xD
Lillie: But he really did fart 20 times today! I kept count!!
Sherry: Farting is natural o.o;
Emmi: It still smells though.
Sherry: Yeah, guess you're right Princess ^-^ Always positive and making sense.
Tim: Actually that was kinda negative. >:|
Josh: Poor Tim.
Lillie: Ima go watch anime now. 
Josh: Okay ^-^
Tim: *farts*
Emmi: *sigh*
Lillie: That's $21 worth of pudding!

                                                                             To be continued....

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tips: Ninja Quest - Rooftop

'ey everyone, back for another quick tip-tutorial post, covering a little of the infamous ninja quest in Ameba Pico. A bit of an unorthodox method is used, but only to show how easy it really is. Hit the jump-!

I can sparkle and shine! I'm pretty >:3

Nyahahaha! I'm so pretty I can sparkle~

Monday, July 4, 2011

To help the blog run even faster.. :D

Hey! It's Emmi again and I have minor news. It's not important but I wanna tell you guys~
I'm gonna post random made-up stories when I think of them. It's gonna be, like, a story. To you people who read this blog, you have a lot to read! 
I'm not gonna tell you what this little series will be called. x3
And btw the first story will actually be story number 0 because it's boring but it tells you how the characters will be like :3 so just enjoy it.

Everyone say Happy Birthday

Hi everyone its my friend Amanda's birthday :)
So for yall I have a task for you.

I want you all to comment below saying "Happy Birthday Mana" down below
N so don't worry your task wont be a waste.
Nya Have A Great Day Everyone
Chur Buddi,
Lil Lillie

Happy 4th of July

Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a fun time on the 4th of July! Im here being a noob and not partying with everyone. :) Though, I do wonder what EVERYONE is doing. Me is being a creeper...hehehehe Have fun without me :3 nyaaaaaa....

Cuz baby your a firework~ Common let chur colors burst~ Make em go "oh, oh, oh" as you shoot across the sky-y-y~

Hehehe peace out and have a great 4th~

I forgot to say..

Heya guys I forgot to say something in the last post xD 
Lillie and I are going to another party today and this time we can bring our laptops so that we don't get bored... and that's also a good thing because my legs ache too much to run >.<;
They hurt a lot :(
Anyways that is officially it x3
Let's see what happens in the next post :3
                                                                         -Princess Emmi

Stuff :o

Hey guys it's Emmi here ^^ As Lillie said (when she robbed my account instead of using her own) Lillie and I will be going to Hershey Park for a vacation with relatives like my little cousins and everyone else ^^  We will stay there for two days starting on Thursday. I'm really excited because it will be the first park hotel I'll stay in, but at the same time I'll miss you all~  Staying two days means I won't be on Ameba Pico on Thursday or Friday :/ We probably might be on Saturday, but I'm not sure because Hershey Park is in Pennsylvania and it will be a long trip home on Saturday... 
But anyways I'll miss you guys~ Love ya ^^
                                                                               Princess Emmi  
Hey guys!! Happy 4th of July~ ^^ It's also my rl (real life) friend's b-day. I'm so happy for her and I wish her a Happy Birthday :D
To all you people who also have your birthday on the 4th of July, Happy Birthday to you guys as well :3 
Anyways I was also going to talk about that poll I put up. I made the time limit pretty long so that I could think of more poll subjects as the days go by. It's kinda harsh, it's about hated picos. But, hey, don't blame me! I am a normal person who can get bothered by other people x3. Just like you guys :P
Well good luck deciding your answers on the poll. I kinda hope you guys dont select every answer like Lillie and I did xD. Lol :3
I really don't like those kind of picos...
But, hey, it's the 4th of July! We should be happy >:O 
I'm going to another party and this time Lillie and I can bring our laptops so that we don't get into another relative fight x3 And I'm pretty grateful for that! 
So Happy 4th of July guys! And Happy Birthday to you guys who have ur b-day on this day ^^
So that's it for today! Let's see what the next post will be about!
                                                                                 -Princess Emmi

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sweetie-licious Winners~ ,News News, Stuff :D

Alrightie its Lillie here wif some sweet announcements. First we will be declaring the sweet yummy winners.
First Place: Icecream~ Every1 looooooves icecream right? :3
Second Place: Cookies, Lollipops, cake, candy, and cupcakes.Wowz. Big tie line is big. Now THAT'S impressive. o3o
Third Place: Milkshakes and pie. lol those are good :)


7/3: Today, Emzi and my cousins came to visit. The grown ups threw a party at my other cousins house. Even though we got along well (not really), it was a pain in the a** not having enough computers to support me.
Me and Emzi will be going to Hershy Park on Thursday. We'll be staying there with Ryan and Nathan and some of the grown ups. :D
Im excited and all but ima miss you all. Not sure if I can bring my laptops tho...... and if i can....i hope they got wifi.

               Nya folks, thats all for today~
     Let's see what happens next time when I rob sissy's account for unreasonable stuffs~
                                   Love Yall~