Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ameba Pico- The New Space Shuttle!

I'm sure all of you reading this post right now have seen Pico's new space shuttle :3 Here are the pics I took.

Some Screen Thingies. I wish technology was like this irl.

3... 2... 1... BLAST OFF!

Hello Captain Joe, Emmi reporting for duty. (Not really)

What's that? Looks like some chemical stuff. I'm not sure. Probably suspicious.

That is pretty awesome :3

Why hello there! :3

I wonder why some computers have more screens than others. o.o

PST- Pico Space Travel, or, in Ameba Pigg, Pigg Space Travel.

Same PST Symbol on the wall :3

A shot of the PST symbol on the rocket :3

Thanks for welcoming me!

Disappeared rocket with some angry people with no star :/

Rocket ready to launch :3

What's going on? A meteorite? I hope not.

Suspicious chemicals here as well?? Oh noes~

Reporting for duty.

Technology should be like this irl >:O (As I said in another pic)

And finally, a friend who looks like a worker with the princess :3
 Well, that's all for this post. Until the next post, I'm gone :3

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