Friday, June 24, 2011


Introduction after the jump!

~We're recruiting~

Aw.. there's like, only 5 active ppl in the group. There should be 11 or maybe even more >_<;
Hey, hey! Yeah, you! x3 You should join if you're reading this post! (Unless ur in the group already) We're recruiting! Follow this blog and contact me on Pico OR...
Just contact me on Pico. LOL
Just.. just please join. We're a group of bouncing and fun that WANT to have fun. Join the Bubble Bouncers~
To contact us we usually hang out in the Edo Hallway, French Cafe, OR the Sunset Beach.
Please don't whine or talk in caps when attempting to join the group. It annoys us so you won't join.
You also need a fee of 500 gummies for Rekken 6 (that's the bounce action) if you don't have it already. Then you can speak to us.
IF you have Rekken 6 already, just talk to us :3
Alright, follow these steps if you're interested in joining this fun, hyper group
~Princess Emmi~
Btw, you can't be a freeloader (someone who gets some other picos to work for them when the person doesn't help) or a blackmailer (someone who constantly asks for props impolitely)
So yeah just join! xD


Hey guys I got a new dress :D It's really cute ^^ I changed my pic for it so yeah :3
I.. worked really hard for it! xD LOL!