Thursday, September 29, 2011

Nyehehehehe I'm Floating Without Using an Action!

Yeah, yeah, stop applauding.
Jk >.> Take a look at this.
How'd I do it? Time for guesses and answers! :3

I bet you're standing but that poofy dress is hiding your legs.
Wrong. The poofy dress doesn't look like that if I'm standing. It looks like this.

Darn it.
Oh, oh, I think you put a block on the pillow, sat on there, and removed the block!
Aye, you idiots. Blocks are interior items, not pocket items. And besides, you can't put items in the Ooku Hallway anyways.

Awe crap.

You: I probably know. I just need to comment this post >.>
Go for it! What do you think?
Click on the post title if you're on the main page, comment and guess what it is!
Reward: A piece of food, I guess. Maybe 10, I'm not completely sure yet. It mostly deserves only 1 piece because this "trick" is cheap, simple, and noobish. Kinda.
Good luck~! x3
                                                                       -Princess Emmi

T^T Whyy Pico?

I'm pretty sure many of you have seen this pop up on your pico screen before.

 Yep. The Bonus Gummies thing.
It may be a good thing that you completely fill the bar. For me, it fails.
The moment I see this come up too early for me, I get upset. Why? Because there's nothing else to do in pico world, because the point of pico is to get gummies and waste it on whatever you want.
Yes, yes, after this you can waste your gummies and not be able to earn anymore unless you have stars to get.
I can make very stupid decisions at times, and, uh, ever since I expanded my room my gummy wisdom exploded.
Boom. Just like that.
Now I am constantly playing gachas and stuff. I usually cannot get over 3k gummies. I'll have to get my gummy wisdom back.
After this, do not play Reversi. Unless you want to risk your ratings. Which I can totally understand. (sarcasm)
I'm not saying you shouldn't fill the bar. I'm just saying that after you fill it you can easily get bored unless many, many of your friends are on. And they have to be well known. If they're all just random adds, your pico is pretty much dead until reset.
This was a longer post than I thought PLUS I was planning to work on a chronicle. Silly me. >.>
Anyways I hoped you had fun wasting your time to read this. 
                                                                  -Princess Emmi