Thursday, September 29, 2011

Nyehehehehe I'm Floating Without Using an Action!

Yeah, yeah, stop applauding.
Jk >.> Take a look at this.
How'd I do it? Time for guesses and answers! :3

I bet you're standing but that poofy dress is hiding your legs.
Wrong. The poofy dress doesn't look like that if I'm standing. It looks like this.

Darn it.
Oh, oh, I think you put a block on the pillow, sat on there, and removed the block!
Aye, you idiots. Blocks are interior items, not pocket items. And besides, you can't put items in the Ooku Hallway anyways.

Awe crap.

You: I probably know. I just need to comment this post >.>
Go for it! What do you think?
Click on the post title if you're on the main page, comment and guess what it is!
Reward: A piece of food, I guess. Maybe 10, I'm not completely sure yet. It mostly deserves only 1 piece because this "trick" is cheap, simple, and noobish. Kinda.
Good luck~! x3
                                                                       -Princess Emmi

1 comment:

  1. you pressed tab right when u sat and ur dress is hiding ur legs.


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