Friday, August 31, 2012

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 89- The Devil is Even More Devilish...

Today was just another normal day. A Monday to be exact. It's the special sales Monday that the Bubble Kingdom has every year because of Joy's birthday. The Bubble Bouncers said happy birthday to Joy and all of a sudden everyone's busy.
Lillie: VOCALOID STUFF ON SALE? Bye o3o -runs out-
Emmi: Looks like she doesn't need a carriage.
Joy: I'm switching my symbol.

Justine: Again? Let's go to the dimension I used to live in so you can do that.
Joy: Okay. Bye!
Justine: -opens the book from episode 1- Let's go then~
And they're gone.
Lydia: I'm gonna go shopping. Anyone wanna come?

Mikachu: Me!
Makrosz: Me~
Sherry: I'll come.
Sandei: I'm coming.
Ella: Can we go kitty shopping after?
Lydia: Sure.

Noodles: We'll get some noodles too?
Lydia: Yep. Prepre are you coming?
Prepre: Sure but we're shopping for bubbles after!

Lydia: Fine with me.
Bun Bun: Wait for me~
Kasumi: I'm coming o3o;
Juice: What about me~? -runs behind the group-
Camy: Eh, I'll come too.
And they're gone.
Josh: I'm going to the quietest place in the kingdom to fix up Lillie's laptop. Bye! -waves and walks out with Lillie's laptop-
He's gone too.
Midori: I'm out to train.
Akihiko: Wait for me~~
They're gone.
Thomas: Hey, Tim, let's go train... like men!
Anthony: I'm out to get stuff. Good bye, my princess. -blows kiss to Emmi and leaves-
Justin: I'll come with you. I'm bored.
Emmi: -steps to the side in order to avoid the blown kiss-
Ruby: Oh. My. God. THE BOOK STORE'S HAVING A SALE! BYE! -runs out-
Amy: Wait for me! -runs out with Ruby-
They come back quickly.
Ruby: I bought every book there.
Elora: Wow...
Emmi: And Lillie's not back yet?
Neko: The anime store is a lot bigger than the book store.
Elora: Akuma's not awake yet. It's Joy's birthday too. -.-
Lily: I'll go wake her up. -goes upstairs-
Just a bit later...
Lily: Princess Akuma, the others want you awake.
Akuma: -transforms and attacks-
Lily: -transforms and dodges- Princess, it's just Lily, the maid!
Akuma's eyes are scary-looking. Like... scarier. (no other way to describe them)
Lily: -runs downstairs while Akuma's chasing her-
Emmi: Good morning Akuma.
Akuma: -looks at Emmi and attacks-
Emmi: -transforms and blocks with wisdom shield- Akuma! What's going on?
Akuma: Enemies!
Elora: No, Akuma, we're the Bubble Bouncers, you foolish one.
Kyra: -shoots Akuma-
Akuma: -blocks bullet and attacks Kyra-

Kyra: -takes out badass-like dual guns and shoots Akuma-
Akuma: -takes out knife and throws it at Kyra-
Kyra: -dodges-

Emmi: -shields the wall from the knife- Lure her to the arena! I don't want anything valuable getting destroyed.
Kyra: Understood. -refills guns while running down the steps to the arena-
Neko: We can't get Akuma?
Ruby: She's too close to Kyra, we might hurt Kyra instead.
Elora: We'll have to stand by and watch instead!
In the arena...
Kyra: -finds an opening and kicks Akuma to the arena wall-
Akuma: -stands up and goes devil princess mode with wings and everything-
Akuma: -takes out devil knives and charges-
Kanade: -comes down, angel princess mode, and blocks Akuma-
Pit: -shoots arrow from behind Akuma-
Yuri: -kicks Akuma-
Kirby: -kicks Akuma back-
Tsuna: -kicks Akuma down-
Miki: -lands and drugs Akuma- She should be asleep for... 2 hours.
Elora: -claps- To the dungeon, then?
When they manage to lock Akuma into the dungeon...
Kyra: So now what?
Then the rest of the bouncers come back.
Anthony: Greetings, my princess.
Lillie: Ello~ o3o

Emmi: Silence and listen!
Thomas: It's always me...

Elora: Everyone to the meeting room.
In the meeting room....
There was tense silence for about 10 seconds... until...
Kyra: -stands up and slams the table- Listen up! This is very serious business. Akuma is acting strangely. Justin, can you use your powers to see what's wrong with Akuma?
Justin: Sure, no problem. -concentrates-
Surprisingly, it didn't take that long. 

Justin: So this is what happened.
Everyone had their focus on Justin.
Justin: When we un-possessed Neko's parents, the power floated around. The power got attracted to Akuma and it floated to Akuma. While Akuma was sleeping, she inhaled the power.
Thomas: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY COULDN'T THE POWER GO BACK TO NEKO'S PARENTS INSTEAD OF MY LOVE FOR LIFE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Neko: -stands up and punches Thomas so that his head crashes to the wall- SHUT THE FUCK UP! -sits down like nothing happened-
Justine: -heals the wall so that the cracks created were fixed- -sits down-
Thomas: ; . ; Sorry princess. -sits back down-
Sherry: So what should we do?
Another tense silence.
Justin: -concentrates- The power to remove the evil power from Akuma is in the Dark Cloud Land, an evil dark place below heaven and above the sky.
Justin: Normal clouds are bad for me and Starz, but a land of clouds isn't bad.
Bun Bun: What if the power gets attracted to Ruby?
Justin: When we un-possess Akuma, we will capture the evil power and dispose of it somehow.
Emmi: We need to see how many dragons are needed for transportation.
Tim: We're not blowing up another airplane?
Thomas: Aw...

Kasumi: -hits Thomas's head- Shush.
Elora: Dragons can carry up to 5 people to fly at the normal speed. I can fly since I'm a fairy.
Emmi: I'll fly by my magical heart.
Anthony: Can-
Emmi: Only 1 person fits.
Anthony: ._.
Prepre: I'll use a controllable bubble.
Lillie: I'll just turn into someone that can fly. Oh, yeah, Happy from Fairy Tail!
Emmi: There's 22 Bubble Bouncers and then Amy and Akihiko. 24 people. Then some of us aren't riding a dragon. 4 of us aren't flying so... 

Starz: 5 people aren't flying. I'm traveling by a magic star.
Ruby: I'm a vampire so that's 6 people out.
Lydia: Don't forget to take out Akuma so that there's really 23 starting people.
Makrosz: So 17 people need to fly on a dragon?
Ella: Lily's not going with us?
Emmi: We need someone to take care of the pets...
Joy: I'll fly on a piece of candy.
Noodles: I'll fly on an empty bowl.
Amy: 15 need to be on a dragon. We need 3 dragons.
Lillie: I'll get volunteering dragons. 
When Lillie got back, everyone was outside.
She took out the knight dragon, the ice fire dragon, and the hot leaf dragon.
(I know their names are lame. Deal with it.)
Emmi: Let's get on aboard now. Justin can be our navigator again.
So then the people without the special ability to transport themselves in the air got on a dragon.
And the Bubble Bouncers set off on their journey.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Tales of a Monster Tamer

Note- This is only practice for the ~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Fiction Press mission.
It is based off another game that I play, and here I'm enhancing the truth of what really happened.
By the way, it's in my character's point of view.
Welcome to the land of Victory Plain, a strange land where if you defeat someone in a duel, you get their underwear trophies. Anyone can marry whoever they want, and it is quite an easy process. You have combat pets with you, and at level 45, you'll be able to carry 4 pets so that you can become a strong team of 5.
A girl named Midori lives in this world, and this story will be in her view.
--Introduction end--

Hi. I'm Midori.
I am a priest in this world. Us priests heal. Ever since I joined my big cousin Kenny's guild, Epic Fail, I've been training harder.
Now I'm level 59. 
I also have a big sister named Lillie, who trained barely later than me, and another barely older cousin named Michael, who just started training a while ago, so he's weaker than the rest of us. Kenny's a warrior, Lillie's a mage, and Michael's an archer. We just call Michael "Mikey."

Right now, we're in the Epic Fail guild house.
"Guys," Kenny said. "I have to tell you something."
"What is it?" Lillie asked, putting down her staff and sitting on her special blue chair.
"You know BKsBeware?" Kenny asked, in a serious tone.
We nodded.
Kenny cleared his throat.
"Well," he said, "They are the most annoying, bratty guild of assholes I have EVER encountered in my long time of warrior training and guild developing. They're competing with every single guild, even us."
"See one, and if you're strong enough, duel them and make sure to win."

We gave him a "Yes sir."
"Now," he said again in a serious tone, "Get out and get some requests that give guild rewards. We must level up this guild and get stronger"
And right away, we all set off.

I was walking around in Twilight City. I was reading my spell book, not looking where I was going. All of a sudden....
I bumped into a group of four people just hanging out, and I dropped my book. I pick my book up and...
"Sorry." I was about to say. But I saw that mark. BKsBeware. I glared at them.
I recognized them right away. It was Wolf, Shoimu, Skeet, and Gemrock.
Note- So far, all of this is real. More of this is real. Except for the bumping into them part... and... you get the point.

"Oi," Skeet said, sounding pissed. "Watch it."
He grabbed the collar of my shirt. My feet were barely touching the ground. Why did they have to be so tall?
Wolf chuckled. "That guild, Epic Fail? Seriously? You're kidding. That's a noob guild!"
I squeezed the staff that I had in my left hand. Yes, I'm a lefty.
Shoimu started too. "Skeet, careful with the girl. I mean, we need at least level 50s in our guild. She's good enough."
"True," Skeet responded vaguely. His grip on me softened. He continued.
"I see you have noob pets. Join us, BKsBeware, and I'll give you stronger pets."
My bears, dragon, and ghost knight looked pissed.
"No thank you." I responded formally. "I'm fine with the guild I'm with now."
"Noob." Wolf laughed.
"Thank you for the compliment," I said sarcastically. "Your words really touched my heart there."
"You're welcome." Wolf said back. "I'm so nice to noobs."
"It's funny because you're only one level higher than me," I said, smiling.
He stood there with an "Uh..."
Skeet went on.
"Join us. Epic Fail is for epic fails," he said, trying hard not to laugh.
Now I was even more pissed. Skeet's so rude! First he makes lies, saying he was going to make anyone who joins BKsBeware elders, then says no elders until level 6, THEN he makes fun of my pets and probably lies about giving pets, now he makes fun of my beloved guild?
Now my right hand is moving. I mean, my left hand is more stable and controllable, but when I'm pissed off, my right hand is really the way to go. Wait...
I punched him in the cheek so hard he lost his entire grip on me and I basically pushed myself away from him. I landed hard, but where I fell is covered up good, so it didn't hurt too much.
Then, being filled with rage, I shouted at the top of my super loud dad-inherited lungs,

The rest of the heroes in Twilight City were watching, and Skeet became the laugh of the city.
The 5 of us were silent. Gemrock broke that.
"Impressive," he laughs. He grabs my arm. "Here, come with us."
10 minutes later...
This sucks. I'm in the guild house of a very hated guild. I can't escape because it seems cowardly, and even if I tried, it's 1 priest against 4 people. Actually, we're all above level 45. Make that 5 against 20. The 4 BKsBeware members talked on and on while I was just sitting there, trying to think of what to do.
"Hey," Wolf said, "I haven't heard a word from Midori since this happened. Midori, say something.
Grasping my staff again and trying not to shout at Wolf, I responded, "Why should I? I'm only trying to mind my manners."
Wolf stretched. "No reason. There's just no point of you sitting here anymore.
"Then may I take my leave?" I asked.
Wolf sat back down. "Not yet. You just got here."
"Midori," Gemrock said in a serious tone.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Marry me," he said.
"Why?" I asked again, pissed.
Note: If you marry someone in this game, you get more stable space (where you keep your combat pets) AND their character will fight with you. Only their character, not their whole team all together.
He smiled and responded, "Other than being together and fighting, there's even more stable space."
"No," I sternly said. "I'm taking my leave now."
So back at the Epic Fail guild house... I started making up nicknames for the 4 annoying ones.
Gemrock = Obitchian, based off the nearly mineral obsidian. See what I did there?
Skeet = Since his full game name is SkeetSkeet, I'll name him ShitShit.
Wolf = Let's see... Jacob! Perfect. Twilight lovers... don't hate on me.
Shiomu = Hm... can't really think of anything other than Shitomu. However, he's not as annoying. He's just trying to help his crappy guild.
I'll just keep his name for now..
All of a sudden, Kenny opened the door in which I was writing the names in.
"Oi!" he said, sounding like he's trying not to laugh. Gemrock and Shiomu are saving up vouchers just to get married!
"WHAT?" Lillie shouted. "THE GAY BOYS?"

"They're very gay..." Mikey said. "In two ways."
Everyone laughed. Hard.
The radio was on. Blame big cousin Judy who's just a normal girl here for visiting.
"Judy," Lillie complained. "Turn the radio off!"
I couldn't understand the song. All I heard was "just a shy guy."
I saw the music video.
"Yeah..." I said. "Shy guy my ass. He looks.... douchy."
"Exactly!" Lillie responds.
She just changed the song. Lillie, Kenny, and I groaned.
"I'm gonna go do some guild quests. See ya later," I said.
My task was to kill 60 mummies. Seriously? Well, I made it to the desert.
I set up the camp, and I went to kill some mummies.
For some reason, monsters go in groups too, which makes things harder.
I saw a group of 5 mummies come by. I stood up and got my staff ready.
But the mummies saw us a second later. They went and attacked us.
My pets except for my Ghost Knight dodged it. I dodged it too.
I dodged another attack and killed a mummy with one of my attacks.
Then a mummy came behind me and kicked me.
Ugh... it hurts.

My bears were there to back me up though. They killed the mummy.
I used my good skill, Holy Blessings. It healed my whole team and gave everyone a shield.
But the shield only lasts until you get hit again.

My crystal dragon uses its special skill- Icy Puncture, and kills the rest of the mummies.
Then more were coming. Annoyed, I attacked one. But it dodged and went after me. It killed my shield. I used an HP orb. When one of us dies they'll come back alive later. Everyone buys HP orbs. They're in great demand.
10 minutes later, I was tired. I killed 30 mummies. Now what?
More mummies came. I stood up and got ready.

Oh yes, it sucks. Sorry for crappy ending couldn't think of anything else.
By the way comment if I should continue the story or if I should make it stay as a practice session! Give your feedback... and.. stuff.. you know the drill. Thank you for visiting the blog! The views are going up!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Thank you Americans, Asians, Europeans...and more... You'll see :D

I haven't been posting, so to make up for it I'll just show you some of this blog's stats.

Country Views of all Time~ And this isn't an image, it's copy pasted.

United States
United Kingdom

You are all amazing~ Now let's take a look at the browsers.

6639 (48%)
2574 (18%)
Internet Explorer
2003 (14%)
1614 (11%)
671 (4%)
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22 (<1%)
7 (<1%)
Mobile Safari
7 (<1%)
5 (<1%)

Nice but... what's RockMelt and NS8...?
And by the way... I use Google Chrome for blogging :3
And Internet Explorer? Well, I started up Internet Explorer and... it wasn't as bad as I thought... wow...

Now for the systems.

Pageviews by Operating Systems

11371 (83%)
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Other Unix
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Nintendo DSi
5 (<1%)

I never heard of a Linux, compatible, or Other Unix. And I didn't know you can view stuff on the Nintendo DSi... wow... I'm learning a lot from this. Now I'm assuming i is Internet? Can someone tell me in the comments? Anyways, moving on~
Traffic Sources!


Well of course it's Ameba Pico direct... it's my pico's URL.
Why is it that one direct has more than the others..? Oh well.
Posts with the most pageviews~

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Nov 5, 2011
Wow... You guys REALLY liked when he ate my chocolate couch :3 It was when I had my first look, first Ameba Gold dress, and first crown... wow...

Is all for now~ Bye~

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Being Creative without drawing

I know... it sucks... But I worked hard on it! It's about my life in Ameba Pico

North is my pride, South is my social life, West is what I create (as you guys probably know), and East is... Entertainment? Well, it's basically self-explanatory.

Just a notice to you

After a talk with Lillie and two friends, they have convinced me to take the ~Psych0tic Chronicles~ to another level...
I'm putting these on

At first I was wondering if I should really make an account considering this signature name of mine would be Princess Emmi.
Then I didn't care. Who cares about a username? I've seen more lame names than "Princess." plus I'll just tell them in my profile not to make fun of my name since I was trying to keep the originality of myself ^_^ 
Trying to connect the disgraceful thing with the Google account blogger uses... it's not really working.
If I can't... I'll just sign up normally.

~Princess Emmi

(Too lazy to color signature)

Looks like I was able to connect it after all. Time to get started on the book version of the ~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Wish me luck.

**Edit!... Again!
Luck, huh? Well, this environment's slightly scary for me. You know why? Well, the genres I planned on were: Humor, Fantasy... I guess that's all. Apparently, THIS is the idea of a fantasy story.

Example 1's Summary: This is the story of the stupid and mentally retarded narwhal Bessie Williams!


Example 2's Summary: In all my life, I have never wanted Death more than the day I was assigned a human boy to seduce. Only it's much more complicated than that... it always is.

Um. Let's look at humor then~

Example 1: I just read this and... the summary said something about 2 girls that are basically twins that struggle through high school together... but then both of them like a boy and in order to get him they sacrifice... everything? Okay. Looks like your average story. Has 1 chapter so far... -reads-

Example 2: I understand this one. This person was 8 years old when they wrote this and corrected all the grammar and stuff at 14 years old. It's about a grandma who wants to take over the world.
I read the first chapter... cheesy beginning but I guess it seems fine for a story.

But seriously. Nothing about transforming or whatnot. Maybe I should throw in adventure too... let's see...
No adventure genre? Is this website for real?
Oh... yes... action. Let's see..

Example 1:
James Hearts seems like a normal high schooler during the day but at night he leads a group of Vigilantes called the Royal Hearts family as the mysterious King Of hearts who has dedicated his life to stopping the Killer Spades a criminal organization but when his girlfriend becomes pregnant he must decide who he is the kind boy she fell in love with or the ruthless Vigilante leader
I shrunk it since I copy pasted it and the letters got messed up.
Hold on. If it's Romance/Crime why was it put in action? Hm.. maybe because crime IS action..

This is complicated. I wonder if I should do this after all.

Monday, August 13, 2012

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 88 (The Real 88 Due to a Mess-up in the Past)- Another Request?

Emmi: Let's get to that war-style movie now. -picks up phone and dials the number- Hello?
Jeremy Gisjake (on the phone): Hello. Princess, I'm sorry, but we must post-pone that movie. Instead, get a girl that has never worn a dress before. My friend Casey Jakis has a magazine. Have you ever heard of the Picozine?
Emmi: I have. I read those.
Jeremy Gisjake: Good. Well, the next article subject is royalty. I have already gotten a prince. Please pick a girl bouncer that has never worn a dress before. If all of the girl bouncers have worn a dress, just get a girl to. She will get whatever color dress she wants. Then, her "prince" will bring it to her. Call back when you've made your decision!
Emmi: I understand. Bye. ^ ^ -hangs up- So. Who will be the one?
Everyone looks at Lillie. Except for Emmi.

Lillie: I've worn dresses in the past.
Then all the bouncers are looking at each other... until 30 seconds later... THEIR FOCUS IS ON MIDORI~
Midori: Um...
Anthony: Before you were a ninja, you always wore shorts and a shirt~
Mikachu: We don't even know what you look like anymore~
Prepre: Show yourself :3
Midori: But... I've worn a dress before!
Bouncers: WHEN?
Midori: When... uh... um...

Emmi: -picks up phone- We've made our decision. Midori, what color?
Midori: -sighs- Green.
Emmi: -dials the number- Hello?
Jeremy Gisjake: That was quick. You've made your decision already?
Emmi: Yes. Midori's wearing the dress. It has to be green.

Jeremy Gisjake: No problem. The prince has the green dress in a box and is going to arrive at your castle in 10 minutes.
Emmi: Perfect. Can't wait to meet him.
Jeremy Gisjake: That is all. Goodbye.
Emmi: Goodbye. ^ ^ -hangs up- So 10 minutes. We should be able to wait... this... long...
When Emmi turns around, she sees all the bouncers except for Midori all excited and bouncy. 
Midori: -sits in corner-
Other Bouncers: -bounces-
10 minutes later, the doorbell rings.
Lily: I'll get that. -gets the door-
A boy in a ninja suit stands by... and he looks Midori's age.
Boy: Hello. This is the Bubble Bouncers castle, isn't it?
Lily: It is.
Midori: -rushes and hand spars with the guy-
It ends with each hand next to each other.
Lily: Uh...
Midori: It was a handshake. Konnichiwa, Akihiko.

Akihiko: Hello, Midori.
Elora: He's the prince?
Midori: And my childhood friend.
Joy: So many childhood friends.
Akihiko: I'm the prince. HAHAHA! Midori~ I love you~
Midori: Gomen. I don't like you back.

Lillie: Translation: Sorry, I don't like you back.
Midori: You're only a nice friend to me.
Akihiko: -sobs-
Bun Bun: That's quite cold of you...
Midori: It's only the truth.
Akihiko: Anyways, here's the box with your dress in it.
Midori: I'm not wearing it.
Akihiko: You will~
Midori: I'm not! -zooms away-

Akihiko: -catches up with Midori and tackles her- You will. Or else I'll rape you.
Midori: -kicks and runs-
Akihiko: -tackles Midori again-
Sherry: Thomas! Pin Midori down!
Thomas: -pins Midori-
Akihiko: You're wearing this thing whether you like it or not~
Midori: I give up! I'll wear it.
Everyone, even Amy, celebrates.
Anthony: Akihiko, I'll show you to the changing room.
A while later...
Anthony: Akihiko, you look awesome! Midori's gonna love you at this rate.
Akihiko: Wha- *ahem* I mean... it's not a surprise she'll fall in love with me~ -sparkle sparkle sparkle etc-
Emmi: Speaking of Midori, she's taking quite a long time...
Ruby: -stretches- It doesn't even take that long to put a dress on.
Bouncers except for the princesses: ONLY YOU GUYS WOULD KNOW!
Justin: Someone should probably check on her. I'm not using my psychic powers to check on her... sounds perverted.

Lily: I'll go check on her.
Akihiko: No worries, maid. I will~ -zooms up the stairs-
Justine: BUT YOU'RE A... boy... too late...
Lillie: Hentai.
Akihiko: -knocks door- Hello~? Anyone there?
Midori: Go away.
Akihiko: Midori-chan~ Are you done yet?
Midori: Go away.
Akihiko: So cold. I'll open the door to see if you're done yet >:)
Midori: NO! I LOOK UGLY!
Akihiko: I'm sure you don't. -tries to open- Huh? It's locked...
Midori: Ha.
Akihiko: That won't stop me though. -takes out needle and picks the lock-  
The door unlocks, and Akihiko comes inside. He sees that Midori wrapped herself up in a blanket.
Akihiko: Your room really stands out from the rest... so Japanese-styled... I like it. Now... REMOVE THE BLANKET!
Midori: No.
Akihiko: Please~
Midori: I refuse!
Akihiko: -tackles-
Midori: -hops to dodge-
Akihiko: -turns around and trips Midori, then tackles-
Midori: Get off! If someone sees us like this-
Akihiko: You're silly, we're on the top story.
Midori: No, I mean-
Thomas: -opens door- Huh? Oh, have fun! -closes door-
Akihiko: Want to do it for real?
And so Midori removed the blanket.
Akihiko: とてもきれい... -about to faint-
Midori: You're lying.
Akihiko: I'm not! -grabs hand and they run downstairs-
When they get downstairs...
Makrosz: You look great together~
Midori: Are you sure...
Akihiko: No surprise we do. -calls Jeremy Gisjake- Hello? 
Jeremy Gisjake: Are you ready yet?
Akihiko: We are. What do we do now?
Jeremy Gisjake: Walk through THE WHOLE VILLAGE together, holding hands, and Casey Jakis and her staff will be taking pictures for the magazine.
Midori: WAIT-
Akihiko: Oh, okay. Bye. -hangs up- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Midori: Sensei.. I'm sorry... because of this, my identity will be revealed...
Akihiko: Let's go Midori. -takes out hand-
Midori: -//- Fine. -grabs hand-
Akihiko: OW! MY HAND!
Emmi: Hold it naturally.
Midori: My hands are sweaty now.
Neko: Just wash them >_>
After they walked out of the castle...
Picos started talking about the new "couple."
Midori: Why couldn't someone else do this?
Akihiko: I don't know, but I don't care~
Midori: You're training under my sensei's brother, right?
Akihiko: Yeah. 
Midori: Oh shi-... I mean... -cough- Oh dear, our senseis are going to be piss- I mean... mad.
Akihiko: Royal fail. Cute.
Midori: Silence, fool. Don't you realize how I feel right now?

Akihiko: -smiles- Do I look nice?
Midori: Uh... -//- You don't look half bad.
Akihiko: You're brighter than the moon.
Casey Jakis: Good, good! Keep it going!
Midori: -Screams-

Casey Jakis: Sorry. Did I scare you? I'm very sorry.
Midori: I forgot this was for a magazine...
Akihiko: Let's keep walking.
Midori: Fine.
At a restaurant...
Akihiko: You need some help with that? ;)
Midori: >_> Bitch no. I can eat this shit by myself. -covers mouth- Uh... that was her. -points at Casey Jakis-
Akihiko: So do you need help?
Midori: Bit- *ahem* I mean, I can eat this by myself, thank you very much.
Akihiko: Okay.
Midori: *ahem* Ass. *ahem*
Akihiko: What was that?
Midori: Nothing.
Then they got back to the castle.
Midori: -runs upstairs but trips- Damn dress!
Midori: ...Thank you...?
Akihiko: Give me a passionate thanks :(
Midori: Clingy bitch. No. -walks upstairs-
Akihiko: x'D
Lillie: Tsundere?
Midori: I can't be a tsundere if I don't love him. -continues walking-
Lillie: Ouch... um... -looks over- Akihiko... are you okay...?
This is what Akihiko looks like.

Lillie: I'll just leave you to mourn by yourself... -sneaks away-
Midori: -while changing back- SHUT UP AND GO CHANGE!
Akihiko: Fine. Be like that. -starts to go to the guest changing room- -gets a cliched anime-like idea and walks upstairs to Midori's room-
*Thinks to self: Looks like she forgot to lock the door HAHAHAHAHAHAHA here we go~* -opens the door-
... this wasn't what he was expecting.
Akihiko: Let me ask you something.
Midori: What's that?
Akihiko: Are you completely naked?
Midori: ...
Midori: -grabs pajamas out of nowhere, then quickly changes into them inside the blanket, then unwraps the blanket- GET THE FUCK OUT!
Akihiko: Oh no you didn't. 
They sparred without weapons inside Midori's bedroom.
It was a cold spar... and they kicked each other's legs.
Midori: -.- You have no delicacy whatsoever! I'll throw you out the window!
Akihiko: Doesn't matter since I'm a ninja.
Midori: Go home.
Akihiko: I have nowhere to live, I've been living where my sensei is. Princess Emmi gave me permission to live here. So I AM home. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Midori: WHAT THE HELL!? Anyways, can you get out? I'm going to change.
Akihiko: -mocks Midori- I refuse! 
Thomas: -opens door- Huh? Oh. Have fu-
Thomas: ...or else what?
Thomas: -grabs- FOR AKUMA! YEAH! -walks out seizing Akihiko-

Midori: -quickly changes to her normal ninja suit and runs downstairs-
When she runs downstairs she sees the Bubble Bouncers, Akihiko, Amy, Casey Jakis, and Jeremy Gisjake downstairs looking at the photos that Casey Jakis and her staff took.

Emmi: My personal favorite is this one.

Sherry: Aw... I like that one too.
Akihiko: -whistles- Look at that blushing face~
Midori: ...Um...
Anthony: Just because.
All the people mentioned: Just because.
Midori: -sits in a corner while the fate of the pictures are decided-