Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Yay! The thing works now!

Yes! The updated banner from Makrosz works now ^_^ It just took forever to load, pretty much. But now it works.
I'm still confused, though. I can't think of the next Psychotic Chronicle because I have homework AND trying to earn those gummies and gold in pico for no reason at all. Darn blog, shouldn't have made it.
At least the blog was fun to work on.
WAS fun, I said.
Jk. I'm not quitting the blog >.> Why would I do something like that? Posting is a lotta fun. I'm really sorry for not posting a lot and I'll try making more posts. In the meantime, I might try reaching 1000 posts. Nyahahahahhahahaha!!
And then after I get everything in pico that I need, I'll take over pico world. Yay!!!
                                                                                    -Princess Emmi 

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