Tuesday, February 21, 2012

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 55 The Search for the 10 Legendary Holders (5/10) Made By Lillie!

Been a while since I've made a chronicle...

The Bubble Bouncers have gotten half of the holders! Amazing...

Katie: Ok, Justin. Where to next?

Lillie: Shh you have no right to tell him what to do. Justin, could you find out where the next one is?

Justin: Uh... it's in some school fair... in a cosplay cafe...

Emmi: Heh, Lillie could work there for a bit... as decoy to find the next one.

Midori: I could "cosplay" as a ninja! Make less work for Lillie. :3

Joy: The problem is... where IS it exactly?

Justin: Too many people crowding there... it's a really big school. >_<

Lillie: Should I ... sand clone my self? o.0

Joshi: It WOULD help. The more clones the better.

Neko: Ohh I know this one school that has like 5 different schools in it. Its BIG. It's in Pigg so we should check it out!

Sherry: Awesome! We should hurry and go check it out.

Lillie: -transforms into Gaara from "Naruto"- ...never imagined turning into this guy.. kinda happy...

Bubble Bouncers: -Most go to the school Neko was talking about. Some made clones to check out other big schools. Overall, all split up.-

Tim: Can I fart? D: I needa fart...BAD. I've been holding in since...2 days ago >_<;;

Lillie: No... you go evacuate the school.. with your fart.. go with Emmi! I'm busy cloning myself!

Thomas: Danielle, my love. Stay here, under this beautiful tree. I'll be done by the time of dusk, when Mother Nature will-

Danielle: Would you just go? I mean...you want to impress me right? Hurry up and go finish! I don't wanna wait! Impress me later! Gosh! -hmph-

Thomas: ...Alright sweetie. -Takes off and gets lost-

Lillie Clones: -half turns into sexy anime characters and evacuate the schools, other half search the schools.....

Lillie: -turns into Hibiki Lates from Fairy Tail and mind telepathys to every1..execpt katie- ~Guys, it's Lillie. The holder isn't in any other school i've checked in... so it must be in the school you guys are in. Found the right cosplay cafe yet? BTW you guys can talk through this too~

Emmi: ~Uh well, theres like 50 of them... We're all checking them out.~

Lillie: ~Ok well have Katie look in the bad ones. We can go look through all the bigger ones.~

Tim: ~Lillie, I evacuated the school :D~

Joshi: ~Yea but the smell is gunna stay~

Lydia: ~I think I can use butter to cover up a bit of the smell~

Joy: ~Good! Try and see if it works!~

Lillie: -turns into Abra from pokemon and teleports to where Emmi is-

Thomas: Lillie! Good cafe eh?

Sherry: We got a few people cosplaying...

Neko: -steps out in a Spade Queen costume- I am your queen! You will come inside and order something! Fufufufu~

Camy: -running around dressed as a coconut- COCOCOCOCOCONUT~!

Emmi: At lease a few of us are having fun ^ ^''

Justin: I think the holder is somewhere in here... there are alot of cosplay cafes in just this section of the school.

Lillie: -looks in a cafe and sees pocky- OHH POCKY!~ LADY I WANNA WORK HERE :D

Lady: Ah! Sure! You need a cosplay outfit tho! If you have one, come change in there. -points to a room with costumes everywhere-

Lillie: -starts changing into a maid costume-

Girl 1: Isn't that the Kool Aid Girl?

Lillie: -SHOCK- -turns around slowly-

Girl 2: UHHH Noh! She had like pigtails! And blonde! That girl has brown hair!

Girl 1: Ohh yhur rite! Haha!

Lillie: *Oh there not talking about me..*
**Note: There was this one time where I got this red puffy dress from gacha. And so I put it on with nothing else and got this ready  "OOOOOOOHHHHHH YEAAAAAAAAAAA" So I went into Ooku Hallway and ran around screaming that like some crazy person. Then this guy went up to me and was like "HEY KOOL AID GIRL SIT DOWN AND OHYEA TO URSELF!" lol ^ ^

Lillie: -finishes changing- -looks around and sees a "Len"- LEN~~~ -glomps and cuddles-

"Len": Huh? o.0 What are you doing?

Lillie: O______O NANI KURE?! You arn't Len!! Dx -pushes away- Your voice is too deep ;~;

"Len": I'm only cosplaying! D:

Lillie: But you look just like Len! OMG can you transform? :o

"Len": No... I look like alot of anime characters... Sorry for the confusion ^ ^;

Lillie: Ohh I wanna show you something! -transforms into Len, clothes dont change so it looks like Len is wearing a maid outfit- TAH DAAAAH!

"Len": O_____O Whoa!

Lillie: -looks in mirror- OMG LEN! You look so cute in that outfit -starts kissing reflection-

"Len": o_O -walks away-

Lillie: -opens eyes a bit and sees girls playing around with the holder-


Girl: Ey girl, looking sexy in that.

Lillie: Lezbo? O____O

Girl: Very...

Lillie: Uh anyways I need that holder thingie...

Girl: Why?

Lillie: I need it... please? -uses shota face-

Girl: Gyah.. fine.. GIRLS GIVE THAT TO HER

Girl 3: Noh!

Girl 2: We need it :|

Girl 1: I mean that person isn't even cute :|
Girl: -makes this face i cant even describe-

All 3 girls: OK MASTER

Girl: Give it to her and get on all fours and kiss mah feet!

Lillie: o.0 *takes holder*

Justin: Lillie got the holder o.o

Emmi: With grace?

Lillie: -walks out- None at all xD

Joy: YAY SHE GOT IT! Let's celebrate with tofu!

Lillie: And pocky!

"Len": And bananas!

Neko: Hm... not coconuts.

Camy: CO CO ...co.. D:

Neko: Im just kidding. Yes coconuts.

Camy: Coconut ^ ^

To Make the Ten Legendary Jewels work, you need these holders that match the Jewel colors.

Holder Pink
Holder Purple
Holder Blue
Holder Dark Blue
Holder Green
Holder Yellow
Holder Orange
Holder Red
Holder Teal
Holder Indigo

In Japanese now~




  1. Nice chronicle I checked the ''cool'' box for the reactions ^^

    I like how u transformed into Abra from Pokemon xD

    And how u skipped a space every line

    But asking Justin ''where to next?'' isn't really bossing him around in my opion.




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