Sunday, April 15, 2012

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 63- First Day of Training... gone wrong

Emmi, Kyra, and Neko are watching over the training. Emmi is watching over Thomas and Midori.
Midori: Let's start, shall we?
Thomas: >:D Okay
Midori: Let's start with a one on one battle. That way, I can see how you're doing.
Thomas: 'Kay.
Emmi: >.> Were you even assigned to spectate?
Akuma: No, but Thomas is my boy D:

Emmi: That excuse...?
Emmi: Well fine. You can watch. Cheer Thomas on if you want =.=
Midori: -looks at Thomas-
Thomas: -looks at Midori-
Midori and Thomas: CHARGE!
Midori: -dashes at Thomas and lets him make the first move-

Thomas: -swings sword, hard, at Midori-
Midori: -jumps but taken a little back by the wind Thomas made- (He's tougher than I thought...)
Akuma: Aw FU-
Makrosz: Nope~
Midori: Interesting. Come at meh bro~
Thomas: 'Kay. -charges at Midori-

Midori: -steps back and throws kunai- Obvious move.
Thomas: FFFFFFFFFFFF My armor's dented...
Midori: Sucks. -throws another kunai-
Thomas: -shields-
Midori: -kicks his shield out of his hand- Not going easy anymore. What if your shield was knocked out of your hand? -kicks Thomas-
Thomas: -charges at Midori-
Midori: -goes behind Thomas-
Thomas: -hits Midori-
Midori: -blocks with kunai, picks up Thomas, and throws him at the wall- When forced to move somewhere by someone with that heavy armor, your armor's gonna take more damage.
Thomas: Fuck D:< -hits Midori-
Midori: -is hurt but not by a direct hit- *throws kunai*
Thomas: -blocks with sword-
Midori: -fights Thomas's sword with kunai-
Thomas: -knocks her kunai out-
Midori: -takes out another one, suddenly, and knocks out Thomas's sword-
Thomas: Shit -punches Midori-
Midori: -goes behind Thomas, takes his hands, and throws him up into the air-
Midori: Sensei's Drill Dance! -twirls and kicks Thomas higher up. It was a cloudy day so Midori used her hands on the clouds to bring Thomas up higher-
Thomas: My armor D:
When they're nearly in space....
Midori: -pushes herself up, above Thomas, and kicks him down. When she lands on Thomas, she brings Thomas down with her legs, twirling down like a drill-
Emmi: 0.o...
Thomas's armor is almost broken.
Midori and Thomas are on the ground, but Midori's drill technique is still going on. They eventually get drilled onto the ground.
They finally stop after a while.
Midori: -jumps out from hole and sees that Thomas's transformation is completely gone.- You okay down there?
Thomas: I've never experienced greater pain...

Stop the music if you want.
Midori: Can you jump up from down there?
Thomas: Of course I can't T_T

Midori: -sighs- -takes out rope- Here, take it.
Thomas: -grabs rope-
Midori: -when Thomas is out of the hole, she throws the rope up-
Thomas: -hard landing- Owwww
Thomas: Babe I'm fine T_T;;

*Thomas as the cat dude and Midori as the green maid. I don't feel like saying their names... btw I have the green maid on the blog thing, sidebar if you saw it xD*
Midori: Apparently, Thomas, you need to learn to dodge more. Now, your speed session is over for today. Go to Joshie to study.
Thomas: Kay T_T
When Thomas gets to Justine.
Justine: ...What'd Midori do to you? -healing-
Thomas: Oh she used this technique called... something like.... Sensei's Drill.. Dance?
Justine: -________________________________-;

When Justine's done...
Josh: Kay so let's start with the 6th grade fighter's book.
Thomas: -stares at book-

Josh: -____________________________________- 1st grade.

Josh: D: Kindergarten.

This might be a bit hard, but I get it. (btw those are fighter's study glasses, not normal glasses :3)

As for Tim...
Tim: -farts around the training area and gets Bun Bun-
Bun Bun: Eww it smells D:
Bun Bun: Let's say you pass because your farts help speed...
When Tim's studying with Sherry.

Sherry: T_T Don't you get it? D:
Tim: I get it now :D
Sherry: Good. You pass...
During lunchtime...
Tim: Thomas did you pass any of your tests?
Thomas: No...

Tim: I passed both of mine :D
Tim: You suck...
Thomas: Bitch how'd you pass? D:<
Tim: Not telling~ You're on your own.
Thomas: Common you're my best friend D:
Tim: If you wanna be a man and impress Akuma, you gotta do this on your own.
Thomas: It's not like you have a girl yourself!

(Clannad <3)

All bouncers look at Thomas and Tim.
Lillie: -whispers to Sandei- Oh crap Tim's gonna...
Sandei: -whispers back- Mhm...

-runs away to his room-
Thomas: Shit...
Starz: Dumbass -.-
Kasumi: Didn't you know that would make him cry?
Thomas: Nuh he's a man like I am o_o

Justin: Boys have feelings too you know. Everyone cries...
Emmi: Nice job Thomas, looks like you ruined your friendship between Tim and yourself.
Akuma: It's okay he has me :o
Neko: Ew
Kyra: No it's not. At least.. I don't think so?
Thomas: AKUMAA!!!

Akuma: O.O
Thomas: He was my best friend...

Thomas: I need him. HOW'S IT OKAY?

I'm... done eating. I'll go to my room.
Lily: x_x You're not even done yet...
She's already gone.
Thomas: FUCK THIS -runs to room-
Midori: God dammit that's 3 people gone.
Prepre: The drama D: Why can't we all be bubbly?
Neko: And bouncy?
Noodles: Yeah! That's why we're the Bubble Bouncers!
Emmi: -sigh-

Lillie: Drama sucks...
Kanade: -watching from heaven-
Kanade: Why did this happen.. OF ALL TIMES! How are they gonna work together to defeat the Scarred Skulls like this?
Pit: Princess, calm down.
Kanade: How can I?...
Pit: They could probably make up sooner or later...
Kanade: -sigh- If they don't, they're screwed.
Kanade: Watch Earth for me. I'm taking my beauty sleep.
Pit: Um.. Okay.
Kanade: -walking to her room- Ugh... the stress...
Kanade: When Akuma finally kinda joins the good side :|
Kanade: What's up with this?
Back on Earth...
The Bouncers are eating in silence.
Lillie: -watching anime-
Emmi, Kyra, and Neko are eating politely.
Makrosz: I couldn't censor that time. I was eating.
Ella:... Nice excuse xD
Lily: Princess?
Neko: Which one?
Lily: -conf- What do I call each of you?
Lillie: If you're talking to Emmi I suggest Emmi-sama. xD

Midori: That's more Japanese style and Lily isn't Japanese...
Joy: Tim isn't Japanese either o3o;
Midori: He's an exception.
Emmi: You can just call me... Princess Emmi or Emmi.
Lily: Princess Emmi... Umm. I never asked you this but I really wanted to.
Emmi: What is it?
Lily: When you fight the Scarred Skulls... umm... Can I fight with you?
Kyra, Neko, and Emmi: EHH?!?!?

Emmi: I know you're concerned about us and that you have powers but we're concerned about you as well!
Neko: You nearly DIED!
Lily: But... I'd like to help...

All the three princesses think...
Kyra: Well alright...
Neko: It'd be nice to have a helper.
Emmi: Mhm. Besides, you're one of us..
Lily: Thank you for letting me help. ^ ^
Sherry: Are you sure about this?
Lily: Yes.

To be continued...

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