Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Ugly Alt Will Turn Into My Clone.

As I forgot to do, in this 3rd post of the day (that's pretty amazing since the blog is more lazy now) I will be announcing what I should be doing and what you guys ALMOST forced me to do xD So look at this.

1st Place: EMMI'S.... TWIN OMG!
Why would you do this to me T_T

Hm, it might be fun to have a twin though. Problem is, I'll need a lot of luck in Chess Gacha because those dresses are hard to get.
And if I want to be unique the outfit I get for her HAS to be pink.
Thanks a lot guys xD And wish me luck for those people who voted for this..

2nd Place: Different Princess and Servant
Okay, servant is something I need. Different Princess... it's nice to be unique xD
Also, I know making a school have more votes than these. But I already made a school with a different account and therefore I don't need making a school.

3rd Place: Some other thing, pet or animal of some sort, or hotel.
....................................................................... I don't know what to say about this...

So yeah, I hope I manage to get that Chess outfit xD... Wish me luck =_= Or I can attempt something else, which won't really be any value but okay :|

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