Thursday, October 20, 2011

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 27 The Search for the Legendary Jewels (Jewel 7/10) Part 14

Ella: Omg Justine! What happened to Nekohebi? D:<
Justine: She.. she just left. My cat is gone T^T
Josh: She's never logging in again?
Midori: くそ! 
Thomas: Aww.. crap.
Camy: I didn't tell her good bye :c She's my sis.
Katie: Hi guys o-o
Lillie: Hi Katie!
Emmi: Quick, Katie, be a Bubble Bouncer!
Joy: o.O;;;;
Katie: Sure... xD
Emmi: Yay!
Tim: I've heard her ability was *fart*s.
Sherry: Ur loud fart blocked it.
Emmi: The ability is roses. Let's get searching now.
Katie: I know where the 7th Legendary Jewel is, if you guys are looking for that.
Justin: Perfect. Where is it?
Juicy: Yea where? :D
Bun-Bun: I bet it's not in Pico World.
Katie: That's right. It's in Pigg Ameba. >.<
Makrosz: Not Ameba Pigg again? :c
Katie: Nope.
Thomas: New area to explore! :D
By the time they got there..
Midori: くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ! 
Thomas: Stop speaking Chinese!
Midori: *bitch slaps Thomas*
Lillie: *kicks him in the nuts*
Josh: Pwned. *claps*
Sherry: RAWR!
Thomas: Oww what was that for?
Midori: I was speaking Japanese たわごと一部 
Lillie: Translation for the other half of the sentence: you piece of shi-
Makrosz: We dun need to know!
By the time they reached Pigg Ameba..
Tim: Ohh shi-*farts*
Justine: What, Tim?
Tim: Look at the sign.
Kyra: -points and reads out loud- Pigg Ameba, the world where plants rape humans that live here or are visiting here.
And then, Emmi was taken away by a plant.
Lillie: EMMI!!!
Sherry: Princess!
Prepre: *turns into a bubble to save Emmi*
Lydia: Nuuu T^T
The place where Emmi was taken was the place where the 7th Legendary Jewel was.
                                                                                To be continued...                                        

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