Thursday, December 29, 2011

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 43 The Epic Battle for the Final Legendary Jewel Part 11 6th Event- Nekohebi Battle for Sherry!

Announcer: Now the next battle will be.. Ninja Animals!
Midori: Not me next?
Josh: Looks like I'm up..
Sherry: Dw Joshua ^ ^
Akuma: *still over Thomas*
Lillie: >3> The hell..
Emmi: Stop being so undignified.
James (other renkan cat): *staring at Sherry*
Sherry: o.o
James: Hey sexy.
Josh: D:<
Sherry: Umm... I'm ta-

Josh: Soo.. e.e I heard you liked Sherry.
James: Who's that?
Josh: The one you called sexy.
James: *attacks* Yeah, why?
Josh: *counterattack* She's MY girlfriend you bitch!
James: *blocks* Whoa, whoa, hey. I'm not a female dog.
Sherry: .A.
Lillie: Joshie swore o3o
Midori: *shoves Akuma's face into Thomas's face* HA! WHAT NOW?
Thomas: O.O
Akuma: :3 ^3^ ^w^
Tim: <.<
Lillie: >3>
Josh: D:<
James: Let's make a deal. Whoever wins THIS fight wins Sherry!
Josh: DEAL!
Bouncers: *GASP!*
Sherry: T_T Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!?!?!??!?!?!
Katie: I can't make a plan. Sherry's taken.
Joy: What happens if Josh loses?
Midori: If Josh loses, Sherry-chan will have to date that ugly fag.
Makrosz: Cannot mute. Still have sore throat.
Starz: .___________________.
Kasumi: Um.. and that after Sherry dates the ugly fag, what happens?
Midori: Sherry's life is screwed ass.
Sherry: D:
Josh: *Renkan 17*
James: *Renkan 6 to dodge*
Josh: *attacks with Renkan 6*
James: *kicks*
Josh: *block*
They both make an epic landing on their feet.
Josh: =3=
James: =3=
Josh: *runs towards James*
James: *kicks*
Josh: *blocks and hits*
James: *punch*
Josh: *sent flying at wall*
James: BITCH!
Sherry: D: Noo!
Camy: GO COCO!
Justin: Sherry doesn't deserve to be with James. Josh is a way better date.
Midori: I can't believe Josh accepted that deal. What will happen then?
Josh: *gets up*
James: Heh. Tough guy.
Josh: I'm not a bitch. You're the bitch around here you bitch!
James: *runs towards Josh*
Josh: *kicks*
James: *blocks and hits*
Josh: *punch*
James: *sent flying at wall*
Josh: BITCH!
Sherry: :D Yay!
Mikachu: GO PIE!
Lydia: Sherry deserves to be with Josh. James looks like a suckish date.
Kyra: I can't believe James made that deal. Josh will definitely win.
Lillie: So repetitive..
Justine: /conf It's because they're boys..
Sherry: Shush ;o Joshua's a good guy.
James: *gets up*
Josh: Tough guy, huh? >:O
They both take out their claws.
Ella: This'll get dangerous now..
Midori: *predicts what will happen* I can see it. The ending.
Justin: I too, know what will happen. :3
Emmi: :o What's gonna happen?
Justin and Midori: You'll never know unless you watch. :3
Tim: T_T;
This part combines Angel Beats and somehow Naruto. I just had to...
Josh and James dash towards each other.
Josh: *hit, hit, hit*
James: *dodges all*
Josh: *hit*
James: *block*
James: *hit*
Josh: *block and hit*
James: *block*
Josh: *hit*
James: *teleports from behind*
Josh: o.o
James: *hits*
Josh: *blocks*
James: *teleport and hit*
Josh: *block*
James: *keeps hitting faster than ever*
Josh: *dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge*
James: *hits Josh's paw so that the claws are forced to go back in and... about to hit..*
*Again with the slow motion crap
Josh: *turns around to see James* O.O
James: *closer to hitting*
Josh's clone: *headbutts James*
Josh: It worked. >:D *scratches James when he's on the ground*
James: *defeated*
Announcer: We have a winner! Josh wins! The points are now 7-0! See you in two days, since my wife just got ill!
Emmi: Wow, some free time. How worthy.
Kyra: Yay Joshua!
Sherry: Yay! Let's celebrate now! :3
Bouncers: *clapping*
Midori: Now Sherry won't have to date that fag!
Justine: Yay!
Sherry: Yay!
Akuma: ;3 *with Thomas*
Thomas: :3
Akuma: :o
Thomas: ?

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