Friday, August 3, 2012

~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Episode 83- Coming Back Part 2

Mr. Brubbel: AND THE WINNER IS....
-drum roll out of nowhere-
Mr. Brubbel: Lillie!
Boys: NOOO~
Girls: Ha! Take that!
Lillie: o3o Woo!

Mr. Brubbel: And the reason is because Lillie drew a GIRL. Don't you see that I'm straight?
Emmi: (Oh yeah... he became an otaku...)
Boy's side.
Thomas: Anthony you idiot x.x Why didn't you draw a girl...
Anthony: You sure can talk >_> And he never said we had to draw a girl.
Anthony: Well, girl or boy, I'm sure Lillie would've won either way. 
-If this were animated, wind would be blowing as he said that-
Anthony: Good match, Lillie.
Lillie: Mhm. 
Girl's side.
Mikachu: Kufufu! Their pride as men is slowly being crushed. At this rate victory is ours!
Joy: Heh. Men.

Random girl: Girl power!
Other girl: No... girls rule, boys drool!
Lydia: Those sayings are old.

Emmi: Let's add a touch of grace into it. Girls prevail, boys fail.
(Note, I didn't mean the widespread meaning. I meant the success meaning.)
Justine: Perfect.
Boy's side.
Thomas: I heard they made up a new saying. Girls prevail, boys fail.
Josh: :/ Unfair! We need a saying too.
Thomas: How about boys prevail, girls fail?
Justin: That's copying them...

Thomas: Then... Girls fail... boys... uh...
Tim: I don't think it has to rhyme. Boys are strong and girls are weak.
Thomas: Ooh...
Anthony: So strength is everything? That's saying Emmi's a failure. :|
Thomas: You're saying that because you love her.
Anthony: -near tears- Why does that matter? Look at you and Akuma!
Thomas: >o> You have nothing to do with me and Akuma.

Anthony: Well you have nothing to do with me and Emmi!
Justin: Guys-

Anthony: And if strength was everything, Thomas, you'd dominate the world.
Thomas: I'm not saying strength is everything! I'm saying that... uh... um...
Anthony: So your strength only does matter to you!
Girl's side- Short. 2 lines.

Ella: Gee... they're loud. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Girls: Hm..
Josh: Guys, we have enough enemies without you two fighting. Why does a saying matter right now? All we need is our pride that comes from the heart. I bet those girls are trying to break down our pride with this one event.
Boys: Hm.. true.. true...
Mr. Brubbel: So our next contest... strength! Whoever hits the dummy the farthest wins!

Sherry: They have Thomas... I guess this contest goes to the boys.
To make a short story... shorter... the boys got that point.
Girl's side.
Prepre: The point is now 1-2... boys to girls.
Bun Bun: All we do is hope that the next contest is to our advantage.
Mr. Brubbel: Next contest... SINGING!
Everyone's looking at each other... no one was that great at singing.
Mr. Brubbel: We'll just skip that then. The next contest is... trampoline! Whoever bounces up the highest wins!
Noodles: It goes to them again... they have Tim. He may look fit but he still weighs a lot.
Emmi: Wait no, Tim won't be able to jump high enough. The less force on the trampoline, the less you bounce up.
Bun Bun: I'm going in.
Joy: This point is ours.
Yes, the boys did send Tim in. Yes, the girls got the point.
The scoreboard now says... Boys: 1 Girls: 3
Juice: Ha. I'm sure victory is ours now. What are the events left?
Mr. Brubbel: The next event is... cooking!
Lillie: I would transform into someone... but it'd show my powers...
Lily: I'll do it.
Emmi: Lily! Since when did you enroll into this school?
Lily: I got a special permit to transfer from the faraway school to this school.
Elora: But do you know how to cook?
Lily: I do know how to cook. The chef taught me some things.

Mr. Brubbel: You must cook up some kind of dessert... because it's my birthday.
Lily: Perfect. I'll make a birthday cake.
Boy's side.
Josh: -flips strategy table- No fair, they have Lily!
Justin: -flips it back to normal- None of us bouncers men are good at cooking... are we?
Anthony: I can make scrambled eggs... nothing else.
Thomas: But scrambled eggs isn't a dessert.
All boys but Thomas:

Justin: Guys, stop, does anyone here know how to make a decent cake, maybe hopefully a 10% chance of it being better than royal quality?
Random gay pico: Hey guys!Tim: >.> Dude, why say "hi" now if we've been here for a long time?Random gay pico: Ugh, so rude.
Anthony: Um... hi? Nice to meet you...?Random gay pico: Hello Prince Anthony! My name is Bobby. I like bobby pins and pretty things. Anyways, I know how to cook.
Thomas: Seriously? Good, good, let's send you in.
 Mr. Brubbel: So the boy representative is Bobby! The girl representative is Lily! Now, start!
So they're both happily getting their ingredients. They go to their cooking stations. They put in their ingredients in the bowl. Then, that's when they saw Lily's evil side.
Lily: -speed whisking-

For some reason, Bobby stayed calm and made his cake.
Everyone else:

The outcome: Bobby wasn't really calm, he was just pretending to be calm. His cake came out horrible. It didn't even taste that good. Lily's cake was a masterpiece. So the girl's team got the point.
Mr. Brubbel: OMG LILY! SO GOOD! Can you bake more cakes so that at the end of the day we can have a party?
Lily: No problem sir!
Mr. Brubbel: Mmph! This stuff's so good! You could be my wife!
Lily: ^ ^; I'll consider that a compliment. -runs to school kitchen-

Joy: Poor Lily.
Emmi: But sir, aren't you married already?
Mr. Brubbel: Next event!
Emmi: ... *thinks* I'm telling his wife.

In the end... the girls won. The girls got their reward of their favorite music being played in the cafeteria for a week, free tickets to the high-class Spa, and chocolates made by Lily. At least the boys still had their cake at the end of the day.
Josh: Good game, girls, and I hope you have a nice experience at the spa.
Justin: -slaps Thomas- It was a nice competition, and if it sucked the principal would've spent his hard-earned money for nothing.
Mr. Brubbel: Hello, men!
Boys: Hello principal!
Mr. Brubbel: I hope we learned a lesson today.

Boys: What's that?
Mr. Brubbel: That girls have developed more skills than us. -cries and starts a group hug with the rest of the boys-

After the celebration, everyone went home. Then this happened.
Some delinquents went to Emmi and demanded money.
Emmi: Hmph! I refuse to give you disgraces money! -proceeds to walk away-
Delinquent 1: Wait there, little princess. I'll hurt you for money if you don't give me any.
Emmi: -kicks in the face and sticks out tongue, then runs-
The pack of delinquents caught up and took her to the delinquent hideout. 
Emmi: -kicks the delinquents away and runs-
Delinquent Boss: -grabs Emmi- Give the cash. Now.
Emmi: -kicks- No.
Delinquent Boss: Pin her down!
So Emmi's pinned to the ground.

Delinquent Boss: Money or kiss. -leans towards Emmi-
Emmi: You good-for-nothing disgrace! Earn the money yourself!
Delinquent Boss: Nice choice. -leans further-
Emmi: *thinks* This is how my reputation is thrown in the bin. Stuggling won't help at all. Oh well, I'll make the news people understand, and if I can't convince them, I'll leave this kingdom to Lillie and the other princesses then go into hiding.. Wait, who's that figure over there? He's dodging all the other delinquents. He must be here to help me out. Well, there's no time to worry about that, I'll have to brace myself... he won't be quick enough to help me.
Emmi closes her eyes and prepares herself.

Emmi: -opens her eyes- ...Anthony?
Anthony's supporting himself with his legs and arms so that he won't crush Emmi. A lot of people passing by witnessed the event INCLUDING THE NEWS PEOPLE. You know what happened.
Anthony: -pushes the delinquent away and gets up- -awkwardly bows- G-g-good afternoon P-p-princess. I hope you're o-okay.
Emmi: -gets up and dusts herself off- I'm okay. Thank-
Anthony: -quickly runs away crying, faster than usual-
Delinquent boss: -spits on the ground- Ugh.. you still have to give me money!
Emmi: -takes out water bottle out of bag and throws it at the delinquent, then runs after Anthony almost as fast as Anthony- I refuse!

Delinquent boss: OW! Ugh, delinquent troops, get her!
The delinquents fail to run after Emmi... they got too tired.
Emmi chases Anthony to find Anthony in his room with a bunch of packed bags.
Anthony: -sobbing-

My pride, GONE! Being dignified, GONE! -sobs more-
Anthony: Emmi. I'm living underwater. I have my Bubble shield button so I can breathe under there. -picks up bags- Tell the other Bouncers I said bye. -goes to door-
Emmi: Don't go. 
Anthony: -looks- Why not?
Emmi: Without you, the Royal Trio wouldn't be the Royal Trio.
Anthony: Okay. I'll stay. But how do I regain my reputation?
Emmi: All you have to do is explain to the news people exactly what happened.
Anthony: -wipes tears- Understood. -runs to news building-
Emmi: ^ ^ -announces to bouncers- Tomorrow I will be opening the mysterious message I got! Today we'll all take a break and do whatever we want. EXCEPT cheat on our girlfriends. -death stare at Thomas-
Thomas: Yes m-ma'am. 
Akuma: Wow.. someone can death stare as good as me. Impressive.
Elora: It's not as perfect as yours though. Yours is scarier since you're uglier :)
Akuma: Shut up! -roundhouse kicks Elora- 
Elora: -blocks kick and counter kicks-
Akuma: -dodges and punches-
Elora: -about to kick Akuma's fist-
But they kick and punch Emmi's wisdom shield instead.
Kyra: -raises gun- Stop.
The twins sigh and go to their rooms.

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